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2、r a possibleoping. I mstog an helthy, andal be twentyars ofae in ptembenxt erpresent I masuent ithe colleg of Xb Ishall dua from the clege thicming July, fnishin theeqiremens in threear, I havehad no busnesepeience, utm llegecord has be good. A cpy oy antceents is enlse foryr rference.r.Chen, Preent

3、 fh ollege fXXwillgld to tell you more abot my chaactr ad bility, I shall begd oaat n tim oran inei.英文求职信篇 r Sir or Mam, awitng to appy for th poiion of uiness mger u advertedn yesterdays China Daily. To briefly ntroducmslf, Ima gaduaesudent ofekingUniversitmaoing bsness dminitration, and epect rdua

4、ti thisue. Not onlyhe xcellent academc prfmance n all coures, I also psss the ch eerienceof assising mageentstffof sevea rnwnedintenaton mpanes, schas PMG and Microof. Myieracte pesaskilsndteaork priare alsoppoprt forthis pot. rrher nformio,plase efr to myattcheume. I wod e rteful i you cd arang n i

5、nterviw a yo earliet convnience.Yours sincrely, LiMin英文求职信 篇3 Aril1,xx Ro 212 Bilding 3 Tnghua Unerity,Beijn100084 Ms.a: wasreferredto you by Mr Zhng, arter wih your Beiing offic, who nrmed e hat the Shnhai ficof yorcompyis acively seknt hre quaiy indviduals yuruditor Proram.I hvemor than toars ofac

6、untig experice,incudingintnngasauditor lat yar wt heBejin ofceof CCC.Iwil b receiin m MBA hsayfom Tsiga Univerty.I am cofdenttht my cmbaton of acticwrk expeiene and sod duconal xpeienehas preprd efomakngan immedite contrbtinto yourcman. I ndesndth lev ofpofeionsm ad communicatioeird or long-er succe

7、s in thefl. y bgound d pressional ppoach t usineswil prvi yu ofcwt a high poductveutr uon omeon of yourdevelopmnt pogr. I wil bnthe Shnghi ar t e ofApil 16 asecallme at1360012691 to arrange a covenien timewhewe ma mee furthedicu my backround ltion to yr s ok foward to meeting youte.incerl, XX 编辑:ate

8、英文求职信 篇4DearSir/adam, My name isxxx and I wl graduatefom XHa Uivrsty in tye o xx My majo secretayin Englh eparen. t y great lasre tohve thisopotuntyto imprve o mulunersadin.uringte treeyeare sdy,I ried my be tlea al kindsof knge,an weih te hardwok of m teacers ad mysl; I avematereglish lisning,spaki

9、ng,tingnd eading skils. oreover,I ha ood command of Business Enlsh and th asi thery,pulc reatonshi of eretayMenwile, r to enlarge my knowlde, I always ead omnepersangazie abuusness andtade,nd I used to dom rpresentatve of businss y sprtime. t heme me, I leant copute llsduingmy summevacion,and no Im

10、alr with Offi 20xx.I is my threeear college iftha mkeme formmylie attitudeAlo m thee-ya collegelife that maes me richin knowlege,and t alsomy three-yer cllege lifht maes e for myle aitue. Honsty, rust, iligence is pinciple o to a man Asaollege grauate,Ibieve“were theei awill, theria wy”, nd I wil tr

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12、xxxxxx. atfr-ye ardtudy,have pssese th quality tobqufied gaduae. four-year ard workig rmsm wit sold speialzed knledge. o, i ha mstredth bic englihskills: listening, saking, rading, riting ndransion; and lo haeknowledge computer. morever, xtnicomputertuding andngsh ring has boadend my mind, andvthe owrto be capb of elevant rk. with oodsery of pecialzed knowldge, ialso evelopd mysel


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