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1、励志话题五分钟英语演讲稿五篇励志话题五分钟英语演讲稿篇一With the develpment f science and technlgy, change has penetrated int every aspect f ur daily life. T illustrate that, Id like t make a cmparisn f these tw seemingly insignificant things: milkman and mailman, whse differences indicate ur changing way f living with the tim

2、es.Hme milk delivery has almst gne etinct in China nw, als gne with it are the milkmen, wh nce delivered bttled fresh milk dr-t-dr. n the ther hand, mailmans business r the curier service has thrived as nline shpping gains ppularity. Hwever, in retrspect, I find smething has been lst in this transit

3、in, smething Shakespeare called as “the milk f human kindness”.When I was a kid, milk wasnt fr sale everywhere. Fr the families wh need it, they depended n the milkmen t take it frm the lcal dairy farms t their huses. In ur neighbrhd, there was such a milkman, whse arrival was much anticipated by th

4、e children and always brught us laughter and jy. He knew the name f every kid and culd easily see thrugh ur tricks. If we didnt behave, he wuld side with ur parents and threaten t rb us f the nutritius drink. The entire neighbrhd was acquainted with him; saw him as a member f the cmmunity just like

5、the many residents r street vendrs. There was a bnd between all f us fr it was nt nly the cmmdities that been transacted, but als a sense f caring and dependability. And that small b fied nt ur dr, ther than being a drp-ff pint fr milk; it was a cmmunicatin junctin between the peple as we tk the ini

6、tiative t reach ut t thers.Fast frward t tday, milk is ubiquitus with n dedicated delivery system. But the cnvenience level f ur live has gne up a ntch. Almst everything is fr sale nline, which spares us all the travelling and talking. With a few ready clicks, shpping is dne. The rest is left fr ths

7、e speed delivery cmpanies. Usually its a grumpy mailman, wh reaches us thrugh cell phne, urging everyne t pick up their parcels as sn as pssible. And the minute the receipt is signed, we rush back t unpack while the curier dashes t the net destinatin. There is barely a cnversatin carried ut, nr d we

8、 feel the need t talk t such a stranger, wh changes frm time t time frequently. It seems that peple are always in a hurry nw, thugh we have mre cnveniences, still we run shrt f time t stp and stare, t speak and share.Call me an ld-timer, but I think the persnal tuch represented by the milkman is wha

9、t has been missing in the mdern sciety. William Wrdswrth nce wrte that “Getting and spending, we lay waste ur pwers.” Mdern technlgy may have multiplied ur pssessins r gave us mre cnveniences, but we run the risk f reducing ur values if we lay waste ur pwer f interpersnal relatinships.励志话题五分钟英语演讲稿篇二

10、Hnrable judges, ladies and gentlemen,The fairytale f Aladdin has always been my childhd favrite. I was mesmerized by hw Aladdin used his three magic wishes. As a small girl, I dreamed f having the magic wishes t g wherever I wanted t g and see whatever I wanted t see. As yu can prbably guess, I have

11、nt fund my genie in the lamp yet, hwever, I have fund smething just as eciting and it has made marvelus changes in nt nly my life, but the lives f all human-beings. It is called technlgy.I still remember hw my father tld me abut his childhd back in thse days when China was nt as pen and develped as

12、it is nw. Children wuld run fr kilmeters t schl, make tys with wd by themselves, and the biggest dream f a child was hlding tw jars f sugar, ne white, the ther brwn in each arm and having the chice f eating whichever he wanted. Just lk at what we have nw. Magnificent technlgical advancement has pene

13、d up a whle new wrld t us.Hwever, just as urre cnvenient, prblems arise frm this new life style. We seem t be caged in the mdern technlgy; we are thinking alike as a result f using the same search engine, we are getting lazy as mst f ur wrk can be dne by machines, and we are alienating peple arund u

14、s fr we are mre cmfrtable talking n phnes and typing in frnt f a cmputer.If I was given the chance t make my magic wishes nw, I wuld wish we culd g back in time and live fr three days withut advanced technlgy. I wnder what we wuld d in thse three days. Here is what I imagine:n the first day, peple w

15、uld be feeling s uncmfrtable with the new situatin that they wuld prbably be cnfused and just nt knw what t d. The wrld wuld be in a mess fr the whle day.n the secnd day, as life ges n, peple wuld have t find alternative ways t deal with their daily rituals: students wuld have t g t libraries fr inf

16、rmatin they wanted instead f searching n Ggle; bys wuld have t epress their affectin t girls in persn instead f sending an annying tt message; and the yung peple f tday wuld have the chance t eperience the childhd f their parents. n this particular day, we culd recver all we had lst in the mdees the third day. After the previus tw days, we we t realize that we shuld have paid mre attentin t ur studies and wrk as we actually have s much crea


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