三年级英语上册 Unit 7 Food and Drink教案 广东版

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1、三年级英语上册 Unit 7 Food and Drink教案 广东版一、Teaching objectives: 1. Ss are able to talk about food and expressing likes and dislikes2. Key words: cake, noodles, ice cream, bread, rice, milk Alphabet words: sun, tiger, uncle, violinOther words: park, do, like, juice, ant, go 3. Language structures: A: What

2、do you like, Tony? B: I like juice. What do you like, Jenny? C: I like cake. Yum! I dont like Lets go!4. Can read and write letters “Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv”. 5. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv”.二、Teaching key points: 1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. B

3、e able to read and use the new language structures.3. Can read and write letters “Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv”.三、Teaching difficult points: 1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. 知道I like/ dont like后面名词的形式。四、Teaching aids: VCD, masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods: Three periodsPeriod One一、Teachi

4、ng contents: 1. Vocabulary. 2. Target.二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Sing a song: If you are happy.T: Im very happy to have a class for you today. Are you happy today? Now, Lets sing a song “ If you are happy”.Step Two: Presentation. (Vocabulary)1. T: Do you like the song? Do you like

5、 the cake? Look, here is the cake. Read after me. Cake.2. cake- /ei/ /ei/ /ei/, cake, cake, cake! T: I like the cake, and I like the bread, too. 3. bread-/e/ /e/ /e/, bread, bread, bread!T: Now, I say ei-ei-ei, you say cake, cake, cake! I say e-e-e , you say bread, bread, bread!4. ice cream-(老师用手势作为

6、音阶,让学生读单词越读越大声。)T: I like cake, I like bread, but I like this one best! Yes, its an ice cream. 5. salad-(老师用手势作为音阶,让学生读单词越读越大声。)T: After eating the ice cream, I want to eat this one to make me healthy. What is it? Yes, its salad.6. soda- o/au/-so, a/a/ da, sadaT: I like salad. But I dont like this o

7、ne. Yes, its soda. 7. cheese-ee /i:/ cheeseT: I dont like this one either. What is it ? Look, its cheese.Step Three: Practice.1. Guess: What is it?T: I like cake, bread, ice cream and salad, but I dont like soda and cheese. What about you? Do you like this one? 出示单词图片的剪影,让孩子们猜一猜是什么单词.【设计意图】通过猜单词图片的剪

8、影,让孩子们在游戏中带着兴奋感和成功感进一步熟悉单词。2. MatchT: Can you match them? Look , No. 1 match ?【设计意图】 把原单词图片和单词图片的剪影连线,再次考考孩子们对单词的熟悉程度。3. Game找规律T: You are so clever! Now, I will give you some picture. Please tell me whats the missing picture.【设计意图】让孩子们在找规律中发现单词,运用单词,熟悉单词。4. Lets singT: We have heard the song 两只老虎,

9、lets see can the tigers eat the food? I like ice cream, I like ice cream, bread and cake, bread and cake. I dont like soda, I dont like cheese, I dont like, I dont like!【设计意图】通过把新学的单词融入到孩子们耳熟能详的二个两只老虎里面,让孩子们在熟悉的旋律中进一步掌握和巩固单词的读音。Step Four: Extension.1. Survey: What do you like?T: Oh, I think the tige

10、rs likes eating the food here. What about you and your partner? Now, answer the question and then ask your partner. 【设计意图】 通过调查运用新句型What do you like? I like进行交际。2. Oral reportT: Now please tell me what do you like,What does your partner like?【设计意图】 进一步熟练运用新句型3. Fill in the blanks.T: Boys and girls,

11、in this class we have learnt some words about the food. Now lets see if you can remember the words. Please take out your paper.【设计意图】 让孩子们不单会听、说、读单词,还会拼写单词。Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework:(1) Ask your father

12、 and mother: What do you like?(2) Read and spell the words. Copy the words twice.三、Layout:Unit 7 Food and drink A: What do you like? B: I like _. cake noodles ice creamI dont like _. bread rice milk Yum!Period Two一、Teaching contents: 1. Conversation;2. Practice 1 & 2 ;3. Activity 1二、Teaching procedu

13、re: Step One: Warming-up.1.Greeting: Hello. How are you? Nice to meet you. 2.Sing the song: I like . T: Can you sing. Ss: Yes, I can. T: OK! Lets sing.Step Two: Presentation.1.Lead in.2.Watch the screen and listen to the conversation.3.Finish the table: What do Tony, Jenny and Gogo like?4.Learn the

14、conversation picture by picture.5.Ss read after the tape and try to imitate its intonation.6.Ss practice the conversation in groups of four.Step Three: Practice1.Practice 1: Listen and number.2. Practice 2: Listen, circle and answer.Step Four: Step Three: Practice1.Make a survey, use the sentence pa

15、tterns:What do you like? I like .Step Five: Homework.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Tell your parents what you like and ask them what they like.三、Layout: Unit 7 Food and drink A: What do you like? B: I like (juice).I dont like (ants). Lets go!Period Three一、Teaching contents: 1. Alphabet; 2. Activity 2二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1.


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