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1、PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 3教学案例内容:一、以旧带新巩固旧知二、激趣导入感知文本(Reading for fun)1. Warmingup Lets chant. 2. Everyday EnglishT: I love weekend very much .Do you like weekend? What do you do on the weekend? What did you do last weekend?3. Guide the students to ask some questions about the teachers last weekend.T: Well,

2、 do you want to know my last weekend?T: I have a good friend , I spent my last weekend with him .Do you want to know what happened to us ? Lets read the text on Page 33.三、阅读文本获取信息(Reading for information)Step Two : In-reading1. Look and listenT: Look at the pictures and the key words . Listen to the

3、 tape. Guess what happened last weekend?The teacher shows the pictures of the text and the key words on the screen.Key words on the screen: 2. Guess and matchGuide the students to match the past form and the present form of the key words .3. Read and answerGuide the students to finish the following

4、tasks.Task 1Read passage 1 and answer (Extensive reading)How did I go to Mikes home ?What did I do at Mikes home?Task 2Read passage 2 and answer (Extensive reading)What did Mike and I do in the park?What happened?Task 3Read passage 3 and answer (Extensive reading)Who helped me get the kite?How did h

5、e get the kite?Task 4Read the whole text and number the sentences(Intensive reading)Number the sentences:Task 5Read the whole text again and fill in the blanks.(Intensive reading)Fill in the blanks.四、复述操练学习语言(Reading for learning)五、灵活运用体验交流(Reading for communication)评析:本节课是阅读教学,“复习以旧带新,导感知文本,读获取信息,练

6、学习语言,用体验交流” 五步阅读教学模式在课堂中的运用,使我们看到了学生们在英语阅读中的具大潜能。加强小学生阅读能力的培养,应该从初学英语开始,以多样化的教学手段来激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,调动他们学习积极性、主动性;以问题导读,引领学生由略读走向精读,渗透学习策略;以丰富的语言材料,增强他们的阅读能力,培养学生良好的学习习惯,也为今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 当然也有不足之处:小学生的阅读能力毕竟是十分有限的。因为他们语言的储存量小,词汇量不够。所以直接影响到他们对阅读的兴趣与信心。因此此环节中我们要通过设置有针对性的任务,从最简单的学生粗略浏览一遍就可以找到答案的任务开始,逐步增加难度,学生在完成教师精心设置的任务过程中,从粗略地阅读逐步进展到精细地读,直至全文读懂、读透,最后学生的感觉是凭自己的能力找到各种信息和答案。学生对于有成功感的阅读,兴趣不会是表面、浅层次的,而是内在的、能持续发展的。


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