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1、Module 5CartoonsUnit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon. 课题Module 5Cartoons第一课时Unit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon. 课型New教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, cant help doing sth. , laugh, lesson2. 掌握以下句型: Its time to watch a cartoon. Why dont we watch Spiderman? He keeps

2、fighting bad people. I cant help laughing when I watch them. 能力目标能听懂和阅读关于介绍卡通片的语言材料, 能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人对卡通片的观点; 能编写关于卡通片的对话。情感目标学会倾听他人对卡通片的看法; 养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质; 认识到动画片的悠久和灿烂。教学重点能够综合运用一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时。 教学难点能够询问并回答有关卡通故事和相关人物的信息。课前预习Preview the new words教学方法Situational approach; Listening and speaking

3、approach; Communicative approach教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1Warm up1. Let students watch a short cartoon and ask these questions: Whats this cartoon? Do you know the characters of this cartoon? 2. Have students look at the pictures and answer the questions. Do you know the two cartoons? Whats the name

4、s of the cartoons? 1. Watch the cartoon and answer these questions: The cartoon is Tom and Jerry. Tom and Jerry. 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 让学生观赏影片, 进行课前热身, 以轻松的方式导入新课, 创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学习兴趣。然后让学生看图片回答问题, 引导学生进入本节课将要学习的内容。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 2Pre-task1. Show some pictures to

5、get the students to say out the new words. 2. Let students read the new words togehter. 3. Check the new words. 1. Look at the pictures to say out the new words. 2. Read the new words together. 检查学生对词汇的掌握程度, 训练学生的表达能力, 通过图片、句子学单词。Step 3Listening(Act. 2)1. First let students listen to the conversatio

6、n and then find out Bettys and Tonys answers to the questions in Activity 1. 2. Guide the students to listen again and work in pairs and check. (Activity 2). 3. Ask the students to check if they like the same cartoons as their partner. 1. First listen to the conversation. Then ask and answer the que

7、stions in Activity 1. 2. Listen again and work in pairs and check. (Activity 2). 3. Ask and answer. 通过听对话两遍, 让学生深化对对话的理解。Step 4Listening(Act. 3)Tell students that Daming and Tony are talking about something about cartoons. Please listen to the tape and choose the answer. Damings favourite cartoon is

8、 _. A. SupermanB. Tom and JerryTony likes _better. A. SupermanB. SpidermanThey both like _. A. SupermanB. Tom and JerryListen to the tape and choose the answer. ABB带着问题听课文, 可以让学生有目的地听录音, 并学会综合所获的信息作答。Step 5Reading(Act. 3)1. Let students read the dialogue in Act. 3 in pairs and answer the questions.

9、What are Tony and Daming talking about? What does Daming think is better? Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? What lessons can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry? 2. Check the answers. Read and answer the questions: They are talking about cartoons. He thinks Superman is better. Because Tom and Jerry are

10、 very funny. They fight a lot, but they really love each other. Correct the answers. 小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习, 让学生充分地在实践中运用语言, 并培养团结合作精神。Step 6Practice(Act. 3)1. Organize the students to read the conversation with the video. 2. Ask students to read the conversation in groups. 3. Let several pairs of stude

11、nts role-play the conversation in front of the class. 1. Read the conversation with the video. 2. Practice reading in groups. 3. Role-play it. 在听力练习和小组对话口语练习的基础上, 进行角色对话表演 , 开展有实际意义的交际运用活动。互相纠正错误, 培养团结合作精神。续表教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 7Languagepoints1. Organize students to read the conversation again and

12、find the language points. Let them discuss in groups and solve their problems. 2. Ask three little teachers to help the students solve their problems. 1. Read the conversation again and find the language points. 2. Discuss in groups and solve problems. 小组合作探究, 共同完成学习任务, 培养他们自主学习的能力。Step 8Exercises1.

13、 Ask students to complete the passage(Activity 4). 2. Ask Ss to retell the dialogue. 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (Activity 4). 2. Retell the dialogue. 通过活动4习题巩固本课所学内容, 加深印象。Step 9Speakingpractice1. Pronunciation and speaking: Have students make dialogues like this: (Act. 5)W

14、hat cartoons do you like watching? I like watching. . . Why do you like it? Because. . . 2. Let students listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. (Act. 6)Then listen again and repeat. 3. Encourage them to work in pairs. Then ask and answer the questions. (Act. 7)1. Pronunciation and spea

15、king: Work in pairs and make dialogues like this: (Act. 5)What cartoons do you like watching? I like watching. . . Why do you like it? Because. . . 2. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. (Act. 6)Then listen again and repeat. 3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. (Act. 7)通过做口头表达练习训练学生说的能力, 能加深学生对课文内容的理解, 适量的口头练习, 让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。Step 10Summar


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