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1、模板粘贴黑体 38磅毕 业 论 文学生姓名学 号院 (系)专 业题 目 栏目标题宋体 16磅 粗体;内容中文楷体 16磅指导教师宋体 10.5磅 (姓 名) (专业技术职称/学位)2008年5月Times New Roman 18磅 粗体 居中Gender Equality in Education: An Analysis of Gender Differences in College English Education Times New Roman 15磅 居中ByTimes New Roman 14磅 粗体 居中Zhang Jiaxuan A Thesis Submitted toD

2、epartment of Foreign Languages and LiteratureIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsTimes New Roman 14磅 居中For the Degree of B.A. in EnglishAt NJNU Taizhou CollegeUnder the Supervision of Prof. Times New Roman 14磅 居中May 20082宋体9磅 居中淮阴师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)Times New Roman 15磅 粗体 居中AcknowledgementsTimes Ne

3、w Roman 14磅This thesis involves much generous assistance from my teachers, friends and parents. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to . . . . . . . .Times New Roman 14磅 标题粗体 顶格Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of second language acquisition and many current motivation theories. .

4、. . . . . .Key words college English education gender differences Times New Roman 14磅 标题粗体 顶格teaching by gender gender equality摘 要 本文是以第二语言习得研究的理论为基础,并综合当前诸多的动机理论研究成果,从语言学、生理学、心理学、社会学和教育学的角度分析了我国高校英语教育的性别差异现象及其原因和影响,揭示了性别平等在我国教育中的缺失。. . . . . . . . . . . .宋体12磅 标题粗体 顶格关键词 高校英语教育,性别差异,因性施教,性别平等Times

5、New Roman 16磅 粗体 居中Contents1. Introduction12. Literature Review23. Analysis of Gender Differences in College English Education in China33.1 The phenomena of gender differences33.1.1 Female students are more than male students in English department33.1.2 Female students get higher achievement than ma

6、le students in English learning53.2 Analysis of the factors in gender differences6. . . . .6. Conclusion12Works Cited13Times New Roman 14磅; 大章节标题粗体 顶格; 小节标题依次缩进2个字母位置;设置与文本链接Times New Roman 15磅 标题粗体 顶格1. Introduction内容Times New Roman 12磅 Gender equality means men and women having the same rights and

7、 obligations, and everyone having the same opportunities in society. Gender equality is about justice and about sharing responsibilities, both in the family and society. If gender prevents us from seeing the individuals strengths and weaknesses, this can lead to discrimination and limited opportunit

8、ies for the individual. Officially, the Chinese government is committed to the principle of equality between the sexes. . . . 标题行距固定值22磅 段前段后1行2. Literature Review引文出处:作者+页码Belonging to physiological and social factors, gender is one of important factors that influence the effects in college English

9、 learning. M. Mider finds that females language ability is superior to male in almost all cultural backgrounds (Zhou 87). 每节开头缩进5个字母位置 段前段后0行引文来源两处Chinese scholars, like Yang Chaomei, Zhang Bin and Du Cuiqin, whose data analysis and quantitative study also have confirmed that among English majors, f

10、emale students do much better than male students. So, we can obviously find gender differences in English learning (Yang 59; Zhang 127). 3. Analysis of Gender Differences in College English Education in ChinaForeign language learning is a very complex process. As early as in 1920s, some scholars hel

11、d that there could be gender differences in early language development (Han 101). Today, some Western scholars find that female students have showed superior language ability to male students. And they believe that there are many reasons for such gender differences.3.1 The phenomena of gender differ

12、encesGender has always been an important issue in the investigation of academic achievement. . . .Times New Roman 18磅 粗体 居中Works CitedAnderson, M. L. “Changing the curriculum in higher education.” Signs 12 (1987): 222-45.Times New Roman 12磅 行距固定值22磅; 首行顶格 回行缩进5个字母位置Bacon, S. “The relationship betwee

13、n gender, comprehension, processing strategies, and cognitive and affective response in second-language listening.” Modern Language Journal 76 (1992): 160-78. . . . .Gass, S., and E. Varonis. “Sex differences in NNS/NNS interactions.” In Day, R (ed.). Talking to learn: conversation in second languag

14、e acquisition. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 1986. 327-51.Han Yawen. “Exploration of Sex Distinction in Language Acquisition.” Journal of Nanjing Industry University 5 (2004): 101-4.Oxford, R., and M. Nyikos. “Variables affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students” Modern L

15、anguage Journal 73 (1989): 291-300. . .Shi Jinghuan. Coming into the Sex World of Textbook and Teaching. Beijing: Education and Science Press, 2004. . .Zhou Yan. “Probe into Gender Differences of University Students English Achievement.” Journal of Anhui University of Technology (Social Sciences) 3 (2005): 87-8.各条目不加编号 以第一个词的首字母顺序排列


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