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1、 八(上) Unit 8 课时练习二 如皋市实验初中 2013-12-20Unit 8 Reading II 语言点讲义设计:李 俊 审核:周宏娟I.Words:1. fear :People screamed in fear 句意_ 词义_词性_ be in fear 害怕地 e.g. Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other .(害怕地)2. shake: The earth started to shake. 句意_ 词义_词性_过去式_ e.g. the bottle well before use.

2、 使用之前摇匀瓶子。 At first, I felt a slight shake. shak词义_词性_ 短语:shake hands with sb释义: We often (握手)when we meet our friends. shake ones head释义: e.g. She her head. 她摇了摇头。3. direction : People were running in all directions, while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. 句意_ 词义_词性_ in the direction of

3、 往的方向 朝四面八方_ e.g. He drove his car Beijing. 他把车子开向北京。 When the police arrived, the crowed went away . 警察赶到时, 人群便向四面八方散开了.4. A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still a live.句意_moment: 词义_词性_ 常用短语:at the moment, 此刻,正在那时 for a moment 片刻; 一会儿 at any moment

4、任何时刻 wait a moment 等一会儿e.g. I didnt know who he was .(当时) I will be back _, Please wait_.我一会儿就回来,请稍等。mind: 短语: change ones mind 改变主意 make up ones mind to do sth下定决心做某事= decide to do sth我爸爸已下定决心戒烟. My father to give up smoking.动词: “介意,反对 ” 常用结构: Would / Do you mind + 形容词性物主代词+ doing sth ?e.g.我把窗户关上你介

5、意吗? ?Never mind. 没关系,不要紧. -I am sorry, I came in a hurry and forgot your book.- . (没关系)You can bring it here tomorrow.calm: 词义_词性_ He looked calm when he told us the bad news句意_词义_词性_ 短语: calm down calm sb down e.g. I (平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music. The mother _her excited child _. 母亲

6、使她激动地孩子平静下来。since: Some people screamed because they were very frightened.Since everyone is here, lets begin our class.since 词义_词性_ because词义_词性_ 用法比较:since表示_because表示_A.间接或附带的原因,往往是众所周知的原因; B.主要原因、有必然的因果关系用since或because 填空:Mike was very hungry he hadnt eaten breakfast. were young , we shouldnt be

7、too afraid of making mistakes.II. Phrases: 1. I tried my best to run out to, but I could not.句意_尽某人的最大努力干某事 _近义词组: _We should (尽全力) to stay in safe places when the earthquake comes.2. “Im trapped.” I said to myself. 句意_被困住_e.g. Five workers (被困) in the mine for 10 hours last month.III. Sentences: 1.

8、 I was sleeping when the earthquake started.释义: When 当时候 表示在某一时刻,译为:“就在那时,突然”这时,主句通常用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。e.g. I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.翻译: 当天开始下雨时,我和朋友们在操场上打篮球. 表示“在某一段时间里”whilePeople were running in all directions, while pieces of glass and bricks were fa

9、lling down While 当时候, 常表示两延续性动作同时进行翻译:当我妈妈在做晚饭的时候,我在卧室里做作业. while有时还可表示对比译为而; but表转折。My brother likes sports, (而) I like music.He is short (但是) he can run fast.Exercises for Reading设计:李 俊 审核:周宏娟Class _ No. _Name _Marks_一、根据句意和所给中英文提示填空。1.He can feel shaking (穿过) his body.2.Dont run in all (方向 ) when

10、 there is a fire.3.Jim was still (live) when the earthquake ended.4.We should (move quickly from side to side, up and down,ect.)the bottle well before use.5.The girl _(gave a loud high cry) when she saw a snake in front of her.6. A small boy was _(受困) in a building for 8 hours last week.7. Will you please wait for a .(片刻)8. I felt a _(轻微的) shake through my body at the beginning of the earthquake.9. Dont _(吼)! I can hear you.10. The real noise like _(炸弹) came below the ground.11. I told myself to come down I was alive.12. Its very (q


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