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1、惠东县多祝中学中考英语复习第一轮 第三节 七年级(下)Modules14姓名: 班级: 座号: 自主学习复查表未掌握单词短语未掌握知识点一 重点单词1.drive 2.postcard 3.restaurant 4. street 5.festival 6.dragon 7.lantern 8.tradition 9.decorate 10.sweet 11.round 12.Christmas 13.revise 14.daughter 15.foreign 16.cycle 17.chalk 18.holiday 19.expensive 20.autumn 21.machine 22.c

2、limate fortable 24.difficult 25.weak 二重点短语1.等候 2.长城 3.拍照 4.此时,现在 5.春节 6.为做.准备 7.学习舞龙 8.扫地板 9.一年到头 10.吃野餐 11.期待 12.去观光 13.游览 14.在未来 15.紫禁城 16.端午节 17.躺在沙滩上 18.中国文化 19.每周工作三天 20.做繁重工作 三重点句型。1.Hi, Mum, can you hear me? 你好,妈妈,你能听得到我的声音吗?【用法】(1)hear表示听的“结果”。常见的词组:hear of 听说;hear from收到.的来信;hear about 听说.的

3、事,获知 常见的句型:hear sb/sth, hear sb do sth听见某人做某事;hear sb doing sth听见某人在做某事 ( 2 )listen 表示听的“过程”。若表示“听某人说话”应加to,即listen to sb【举例】We listened carefully but heard nothing.我们仔细地听,但什么也没听见。【拓展】 强调动作 强调结果listen to 倾听 hear 听说 look at 看 see看见 look for寻找 find找到2.Tony is talking on his cell phone. 托尼正在手机上通话。【用法】在

4、手机上的介词为on,不能用in。【拓展】on TV在电视上;on the radio广播中;on the computer在电脑上;on the Internet在网上【现在进行时】概念:表示说话时正在发生的动作,常与now,look,listen等连用。结构: am/is/are+v.-ing一般疑问句:把助动词be 提到句子前面。否定句:在助动词后加not。【举例】(1)Are you listening to me? -你在听我说话吗?-Yes, I am.-是的,我在听。(2)He isnt listening to me.他没有在听我说话。3.Hes at work. 他在工作。【用

5、法】“at work在工作”=“be working”.【举例】Tom is at work.汤姆在工作。=He is working.【拓展】at home在家; at school在上学; at table在吃饭【举例】They are at table now=They are having a meal now.他们在吃饭。4.He is a fat man with a long white beard and wears a red suit.他是一个留着长长的白胡子并穿着红外套的胖男人。【用法】wear表示“穿戴”,强调状态。【举例】She wears a black coat

6、every day.她每天穿着一件黑色的外套。【拓展】put on 也表示“穿戴”,强调“动作”。【举例】Put on your coat quickly.快点穿衣服。5.Im going to take the plane to Beijing. 我打算坐飞机去北京。【用法】take the plane乘飞机。take在这里表示“坐”,使用,搭乘(交通工具或选择路径)。 如果要表示“搭乘去某地”,常用“take+交通工具+to+地点名词”。【举例】(1)I want to take a planeto Shanghai tomorrow.我想搭乘飞机去上海。(2)She often take

7、s the bus to her hometown.她常乘公共汽车回她的家乡。【拓展】take the plane = fly to=go to .by plane乘飞机去.take the bus to.=go to .by bus乘公共汽车去take the train to=go toby train乘火车去【举例】He often does some reading.他常常看书。6.Were going to do some sightseeing. 我们打算去游览。【用法】“do +v-ing”一般表示日常活动,在v-ing前还可以用some,the ones 等修饰词。【举例】Mo

8、ther sometimes does some washing. 妈有时洗衣服。【拓展】do some reading 看书; do some washing 洗衣服; do some cooking 做饭, do some writing 写东西 do some cleaning 打扫 ; do some listening 听录音 do some shopping 这种结构用于否定句或疑问句时,some不能改为 any.【举例】(1) I dont want to do some reading this moring. 今天上午我不想看书(2)Would you like to do

9、some shopping with me? 你今天上午想跟我去购物吗?7.Why do you go sightseeing ? 你为什么要去观光?【用法】go sightseeing 去观光【举例】She will go sightseeing in Guangzhou. 她将到广州观光。【拓展】go+ 运动或娱乐的v-ing 形式,为一种固定句型。go shopping 去购物; go swimming 去游泳 ; go skating 去滑冰; go boating 去划船 ; go fishing 去钓鱼; go hunting 去打猎; go cycling 去骑自行车8.Teac

10、hers wont write on a blackboard with chalk. 老师将不用粉笔在黑板上写字。【用法】(1)with介词,表示用工具,意为“用/ 以 /靠.”。【举例】She saw this happening with her own eyes yesterday. 昨天她亲眼目睹这件事发生。【拓展】with表示伴随“与.一道,和,同,跟,”,如:She often goes there with you.她常和你一道去那。with表示属性“具有,带有”,如:Shanghai is a city with a long history.上海是一座有悠久历史饿城市。wi

11、th表示关系“关于,对于”,如:Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?with表示同时,“与.同时”,如:With these words,she left. 丢下这几句话,她便走了。【用法】(2)chalk (不可数名词),粉笔【举例】Please get me some chalk.请给我一些粉笔。四巩固练习( )1.My family the football match now.A.is watching B.watch C.are watching D.watches( )2.Every spring our school is a school trip

12、to the nature(自然). A.on B.in C.to D.for( )3.They often a good time on Sundays.A.have B.has. C.enjoy D.are( )4.Three girls in Class 1 are on the playground, are in the reading room.A.Other B.The other C.Others D.The others( )5.Dont cry!The others in Class 2 a meeting.A.are having B.have C.has D.is ha

13、ving( )6.We often buy some presents our mothers on Mothers Day.A.for B.to C.in D.with( )7. .I have to go now .A.Any way B.Anyway C.Someway D.Some way( )8.Please your shoes.A.put on B.wear C.wearing D.get dressed( )9.He is on the ground.A.lying B.lieing C.lie D.lies( )10- ? -She is visiting her grandfather.A.What does she do B.What is she doing C.What can she do



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