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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Dialogue: Hello!二、教学目标:1. 能掌握以下“两会”内容:单词: hello, Mr, hi I, am, this is my brother, name,句型:Whats your name? I am. / My name is .2. 能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3. 能掌握AG七个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点: 单词、对话的理解和掌握。四、 教学难点:1. Gg的正确发音2. 字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别

2、 3. 对话中语言点的掌握:Im . My name is. What is your name? / My name is .五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues 1、 Leading-in: 教师自我介绍:Hello, class. Im Miss Huang. Im your new teacher. Nice to meet you. OK. Lets begin our English lesson. Please open your books and turn to page 2. 2、 Teac

3、hing of the first and second dialogues: Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting others in English “ Hello, xxx.” and “ Hi, xxx.” (Ask them to pay more attention to the peoples gesture)3、 Teaching of the thi

4、rd dialogue: Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will people shake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the first time), so as to introduce three language focuses:传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除! Intr

5、oduce oneself: “Im xxx. / My names xxx.” Introduce others: “This is xxx.” 4、 Reading of the dialogues: First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they read aloud.5、 Practice of the new language focuses: The teacher ask

6、s one student his/her name. The student answers and then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher. T: Hello, what is your name? S: Im xxx /My name is xxx. This is xxx. T: Hello, xxx and xxx. S: Hello, Miss Huang. (二)、Teaching of the first seven letters: AG 1. Students sing ABC song together.

7、 2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how to write the seven letters correctly one by one. 3. Ask them to compare the small letters “b” and “d”, capital letters “ E” and “F” ang not to mix them.六 Homework: 1.抄写AG七个大小写字母, 准备明天听写; 2. 读所学对话三遍。 传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Module 1 Greet

8、ings!Unit 1 Hello!一、 教学内容:Unit 1 Dialogue: Hello!二、 教学目标:1.能掌握以下“两会”内容:单词:miss, class, your, what, whats=what is, teacher, nice , meet, you, too.句型:Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3能正确听说读写字母AG三、教学重点: 单词、对话的理解和掌握。五、 教学难点: 对话中语言点的掌握:Whats your name?Nice to meet you.六、 教学过程

9、:(一) Warming-up:1 利用下载的字母游戏,复习AG七个字母的大小写,然后听写。2 复习所学句型:Hello, xxx/ Hi, xxx Im xxx/ My name is xxx This is xxx. 3. 播放金太阳,让学生听对话。然后全班齐读对话,再抽查个别同学进行对话练习.(二)Teaching of the dialogues: 1. Teaching of the forth dialogueAsk the students to look at the first picture in page 3 and guess who the women is so a

10、s to introduce the sentence “I m your new teacher.” 2. Teaching of the fifth dialogue:Take myself as an example. Im a new teacher too, so I dont know the students name. I will ask several student what their names are, and I will also say “Nice to meet you” to each of them. And ask them when will peo

11、ple say this sentence to others ( when they first meet each other) 3. Reading of the dialogues:传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除! First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they read aloud. 4. Practice of the new language foc

12、uses: T: Hello, what is your name? S: Im xxx /My name is xxx. T: Nice to meet you, xxx. S: Nice to meet you too.(三)Exercise: 活动手册P2, P3, P5六:Homework: 1、背诵Unit1 对话 2、课课精练P2 第六、七题传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Work with language二、教学目标:4. 能掌握以下习惯用语:Hello./ Hi,

13、 Im xxx What is your name? My name is xxx/ Im xxx. This is xxx Nice to meet you.5. 能相互致以简单的问候;能简单交流个人信息。三、教学重点: 日常用语的交际运用。 能正确听说读写字母AG七、 教学难点:1. Gg的正确发音2. 字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别八、 教学过程:(一)、 Warming up:1. Sing a song (将学生的名字放入歌中进行演唱,一达到滚动复习已学知识的目的。)2 老师与多名学生自由对话:T: Hi, xxxS1: Hi, Miss Huang.T: This is xxxSs: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you to3. Teaching of rhyme: Play VCD Kingsun. Students listen to the chant carefully. Next, students read after the model, and then student


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