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1、实用教师的英文自我介绍4篇 教师的英文自我介绍 篇1 good onig,my amis X,it s eally great hoo o have ths oporunityfora interview, ould ie o awr wateveru maaise, and ho i canmae od prfrance tody, eetuallenrol ni primarschool am a thrd year astermjin atomato at hanghaJiao To Uniery, P. R hia.Whtemedusintretin Industrial Engine

2、erng, I m writing t aly for accetance into you Ph.D. grat progaIn 199, I entrdth NanjngUnversiy of Since & Tchnology(NUT) - wiel onsiderdon the Chnaset engineering shols. Drg the foowing undgradutestu, y caemic rec ktdistingihed aog t wle epartment. I was anted irst Clss ize every emester, and my oe

3、all GPA(89.10) rank No mn113stdent. 99,I gt heriviege toenrthe grduategrm aved othe admsoest. I eletedthehagi Jao TngUniversit t cine mstudyor s bet retation on Cmbinator Otimizaio adNetwrk Schedulin re ysearch tee lies. t he peid of yraduate tud, y orllPA oiwill intrdue mself brief, am rsold,bor in

4、X rovince ,nd am curruenly xm majoi.in the ps 4eas,i spend mst ofytme tdy, have passed CT4/ wi a ase. and i ave acired bsic noegf pakaig nd pulishngboh inteoy ad in pctice. bids, i have ated. i wl v atience oal ofthe clren, and m hrd wor wille iproed fyouenrol me 教师的英文自我介绍篇 It s my great hono t have

5、 tioppotntyt introuc mysef nd I hpe Icould make good pfomnceoday, evntaly bec a meber yourschoolNw leme introdue myselfplase Im a grut sude fromXXXX Myamis XXX,Xyeas old., borin X. GuagDonroviceMy majoris English,n Iill graduate thisJune I he pst3 ea,I spet mst my tmenEnglish studyigand rctise.I hav

6、 a good mand of bothspokeadrten Englh n ps CET- with a ease ild i use of Offic 0X, xel.y raduate col trann cmbined ith y at teacheshould ualifymefrthis particulajob. lthuhapsI not thebest ag th cadates,butwith m so knowlege backund andfull thsiam or edcatin, Iam sreIwill atisfy you ell. sacolege ude

7、, contad on udyngdern teachng technlogy. I have aquire enoghesetial and funmenal nolde of Eglih teahngn the t thre yrs. Snc Septmber 0X, great intrst, I have ben doing student cadre oalmot ah emester nrmed good team-work spirits. It also kilypried me crciagunct nlyze interpernalrelationship Mytecer

8、a classate dscribe me a eliablen consideate persn.Ohe amymjr tudy, I haveater graskilln coputer operation One monthas adettac inteMarc f 0X, nt oly did i otan enough irst had experice nm ld buaso graduall alzedthat he career ae hose is sacred andsigiicant. Theefore, I am detrined t becom diligent, h

9、arorking, an respibe ducatorLst but notlas,I will be ully omeand m cnidnt to wk efficenlyandmeticulously undepressreas a cmpeent teamembr I ecome the opportuy to pak wth enior managee further regardng my ualificatio for theposition. Thnk yu for youatttin! 教师的英文自我介绍篇 我叫*今年2岁 我的生日是8月1日 我的家乡是中国的首都北京。我毕

10、业于北京语言大学对外汉语专业。06年年毕业之后在泰国KACAAURI育侨学校担任3年级和年级的中文教师工作。狮子座的我热情,开朗,心胸宽阔、有爱心,并且忠诚,但是,因为我还差一天就是处女座,所以我也有很多处女座的特点,比如,做事情认真踏实细致,讲原则等等。同样,我也有缺点,判断事情有些主观,脾气有些急躁。我的爱好是读书,看电影,上网冲浪,还有女孩子都喜欢的逛街。 m s *, Ir on Agus ,I am twetive ears old.My hometw i Bejng, the cpitl of China. gadutd from eiig Languge andCulure Un

11、eritym mjor is ac Chineseas ecd langageAte graduaon in 202X, I wored s a Cne tech of Gr nd4 in KANCHABABUR uqoshol in Til. a gri of leo cnstellton,m ntuiatic,ouong,pe mindednd kindheaed nd ithful 教师的英文自我介绍 篇4 一个人身上环绕着很多东西,有爱好、经历、特长等等,但是在自我介绍时,我们不可能所以的要点都介绍清楚,因为,我们不能耽搁别人的时间,有时候,你愿意说,别人还不一定愿意听下去呢,所以,在

12、进行自我介绍时,应该把握好尺度,你知道把握吗不知道也没事,上看看吧,下面是的收集的自我介绍的内容,欢迎大家前来了解、查询。 My namis *, I brn o Augut 21, wenty-five yearsoldMy hmtown iseing, te ita Chia I gruaed from eijig Languge an utur Unvrty.my ajor is thing Chnse a ascond anguage. Agadaion in202X, I woked as a Cinese teher o rade 3 ad KANCHABUI io scool inThailand.sa il ofleo constelation,I a thsiasic,uging,open ied andkidheartedand fhf.第 1 页 共 1 页


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