印象英美 mooc答案

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《印象英美 mooc答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《印象英美 mooc答案(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、使用说明:包含了大部分答案 也有缺漏的,如果要使用,建议用下载后使用查找,因为内 容较多(大家加油1.01. English is an official language of more than sovereign states.C.753. In number of native speakers and language learners, English is the language in theworld.A. first2. The most native speakers of English live in .B. the United States1.1Todays En

2、glish speakers would find it easy to understand Old English. 错误English belongs to the branch of the Indo-European language family.C. GermanicOld English was mainly derived from the dialects of .Anglo-SaxonsThe origin of the words like “sky”, “egg”, “window” are from countries.C.ScandinavianAfter the

3、 Norman Conquest in 1066, languages were used side by side in England.B.three“The Canterbury Tales” was written by .A. Geoffery ChaucerProto-Indo-European language is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages, such as Greek, German, Spanish, French and Italian.正确The history of English c

4、an be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and modern English.正确English script and alphabetic system were from Greek錯误1.2In 1588, England defeated the famous fleet Armada from .C.SpainIn 1604,the first English dictionary was published by .B. Samuel JohnsonThe sudden vowel shift in

5、 the history of English helped to shape English.C. Early ModernWhich country does the loan word lychee come from?B.ChineseWhich country does the loan word yoghurt come from?A. TurkishWhich country does the loan word violin come from?B. ItalianWhich country does the loan word alcohol come from?C.Arab

6、icWhich country does the loan word shampoo come from?D.Hindi1.3Sonnet refers to a poem of lines.C. 14Which of the following is not a comedy of William Shakespeare?Othello“To be, or not to be, thats a question.” is taken from of WilliamShakespeare.Hamlet1William Shakespeare is a great writer in the l

7、anguage.B. English2. Shakespeare was born in a small town in .A. England3. Shakespeare wrote 154 and some verses in his lifetime.B. sonnets4. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous of ShakespeareA. tragediesAs you like it is a .B. comedyShakespeare wrote 40 plays in his lifetime.错误2. Romeo and J

8、uliet is one of the four most famous tragedies of Shakespeare. 错误3. Ben Johnson described Shakespeare as “ He belonged to all time”. 正确1.4RP, or Received Pronunciation, is widely used as standard English in todays Britain. 错误American English was thought to be a classless sort of English正确The words “

9、hamburger”, “seminar”, “dumb” and “poker” are from the language of black people.错误An American Dictionary of the English Language edited by Noah Webster was the first American dictionary.正确_American English is represented by VOA and British English is represented by BBC. 正确The word “ballet” is pronou

10、nced as /bslei/ in BrE and as / bslei / in AmE.错误In American English, double letters were reduced to single ones, like the l in “traveller” and g in “waggon”正确A New York person will usethe word a “lift” instead of an “elevator”.错误1. For something that has occurred in the recent past, BrE tends to us

11、e the simple tense while AmE shows the preference for the present perfect tense.错误2. For the meaning of 在周末, British people prefer to use at the weekend while American people will prefer on the weekend.正确3. For the meaning of 全家在看电视, British English will use The family is watching TV. and American E

12、nglish will prefer The family are watching TV.错误4. The word 颜色 is spelt in British English as color.错误5. The word 组织 is splet in American English as organize.正确6. The word 中心 is spelt in British English as centre.正确7. The word 许可证 is splet in American English as licence.错误8.In British English, 糖果 is

13、 expressed as candies.错误9. The American expression of 玉米 is corn.正确1.5Many words from Hindi flew back to English, such as “bungalow”, “coolie”, “cashmere”, “ pajamas” and “yoga”.正确2. Now, English is used as the first language and official language in Singapore.错误3. In 1985, the Peoples Republic of C

14、hina made English the main foreign language in education.错误4. Since there are many misuse and mistakes of English in Chinglish, we should avoid the use of Chinglish as much as possible.错误2.1The United Kingdom is an independent and single country. 错误Britain is made up of four parts. 正确The flags of En

15、gland, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be found in the flag of the UK.错误 is the official name of Britain.A. The United Kingdom2. The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Britain and B. Great; Northern Ireland3. There are parts in Great Britain and parts in Britain.A. three; four4. British Isles include two large islands: and Ireland island.C. Great Britain5. The capital of the Republic of Ireland is .D. Dublin2.2The Pennies is known as t


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