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1、对于考研英语重难点的长难句的学习,在熟练掌握常见的语法知识的基础上,考研语法侧重在具备充分语境的情况下,有意义地去解析完形填空、阅读理解、翻译等各类题型中出现的长句、难句和某些罕见的语法现象。比较结构【难句】1. Keep in mind, though, its much more important to be able to show your manager how you contributed to the companys results (such as incremental revenue or reduced cost) than just a difference in

2、 pay between you and someone else. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)【结构分析】 本句使用了morethan的比较结构。以副词though所充当的分词结构切入,本句为祈使句,keep后的宾语由省略了that的名词性从句充当。在此从句中,使用了it作形式主语,不定式结构to be able to show your manager作真正主语的形式,show后是双宾语结构,than并列了比较的两端,为(show your manager) how you contributed to the companys results和just a

3、difference in pay between you and someone else。【参考译文】 尽管如此,要记住向你的上司展示你对公司业绩的贡献(比如,提高收入降低成本)要比仅仅展示你和其他人的工资差别更为重要。【难句】2. Its much better for the manager to offer a pay increase, beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you, than for you to get the same pay increase by having to ask f

4、or it. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)【结构分析】 本句的比较结构与例(40)同,主干为Its much better for the manager tothan for you to注意两个逗号之间的分词结构beaming with pride over his or her good judgment in hiring you作前文Its much better for the manager to offer a pay increase的目的状语。【参考译文】 上司为你加薪为他或她录用你的判断而自豪高兴,要比自己为获得同样的加薪而要求更好。【难句】3

5、. Womens control over the number of children they have is an unqualified goodas is the average persons enjoyment, in rich countries, of ten more years of life than they had in 1960. (The Economist Jun. 5, 2006)【结构分析】 本句主句为Womens control over the number of children they have is an unqualified good,其中

6、they have为省略了关系代词的定语从句,修饰先行词children,破折号部分as is the average persons enjoyment为as引导的定语从句,修饰先行词an unqualified good,注意这里good作名词用;句末的比较结构of ten more years of life than they had in 1960使用了than加从句,整体作从句中表语the average persons enjoyment的后置定语。【结构分析】 女人拥有一种绝对的优势,那就是对自己生孩子的数量的掌控。在发达国家,对普通人而言,能比六十年代的人多享受十年的生活也同

7、样是种绝对优势。【难句】4. Moreover, most participants could find an angry face just as quickly when it was mixed in a group of eight photographs as when it was part of a group of four. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)【结构分析】 本句的比较结构清晰,使用了asas形式,比较的两端为when it was mixed in a group of eight photographs和 when it was part of a group of four。【参考译文】 另外,不管这些图片是八张一组还是四张一组,参与者都能同样迅速地辨别出愤怒的表情。


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