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1、mysql 数据库英文文献及翻译MySQL architecture is best understood in the context of its history. Thus, the twoare discussed in the same chapter.MySQL HistoryMySQL historygoes backto1979 when Monty Widenius,workingfora smallcompanycalledTcX, created a reporting tool written in BASIC that ran on a 4 Mhzcomputer w

2、ith 16 KBRAM. Over time,thetoolwas rewritteninC and portedtorunonUnix.Itwas stilljusta low-level storage engine with a reporting front end. The tool was known by the nameof Unireg.Working under the adverse conditions of little computational resources, and perhapsbuilding on his God-given talent,Mont

3、y developed a habit and ability to write veryefficient codenaturally. He also developed,or perhapswas giftedfrom the start,withan unusually acute vision of what needed to be done to the code to make it useful infuture development without knowing in advance much detail about what that futuredevelopme

4、nt would be.In addition to the above, with TcX being a very small company and Monty being one ofthe owners, he had a lot of say in what happened to his code. While there are perhapsa good number of programmers out there with Montys talent and ability, for a numberof reasons, few get to carry their c

5、ode around for more than 20 years. Monty did.Montys work, talents, and ownership of the code provided a foundation upon whichthe Miracle of MySQL could be built.Some time in the 1990s,TcX customersbegan topushforan SQL interfaceto theirdata.Several possibilities were considered. One was to load it i

6、nto a commercialdatabase.Monty was not satisfied with the speed. He tried borrowing mSQL code for theSQL part and integrating it with his low-level storage engine. That did not workwell,either. Then came the classic move ofa talented,driven programmer:“I ve hadenough of thosetoolsthatsomebody elsewr

7、ote that dont work!I m writingmy own!”Thus in May of 1996 MySQL version 1.0 was released to a limited group, followed bya publicreleaseinOctober1996 ofversion 3.11.1.The initialpublicreleaseprovidedonly a binary distribution for Solaris. A month later, the source and the Linux binarywere released.In

8、 thenexttwo years,MySQLwas portedto a number of other operating systemsas thefeatureset graduallyincreased. MySQLwas originallyreleasedundera speciallicensethatallowedcommercialuse tothose who were notredistributingitwiththeirsoftware.Special licenses were available for sale to those who wanted to b

9、undle it with theirproduct. Additionally, commercial support was also being sold. This provided TcX withsome revenue to justify the further development of MySQL,although the purpose of itsoriginal creation had already been fulfilled.During this period MySQL progressed to version 3.22. It supported a

10、 decent subset oftheSQL language,had an optimizera lotmore sophisticatedthanone would expectcouldpossiblybe writtenby one person,was extremelyfast,and was verystable.NumerousAPIswere contributed, so one could write a client in pretty much any existing programminglanguage. However, it still lacked su

11、pport for transactions,subqueries, foreign keys,storedprocedures,and views.The lockinghappenedonlyat a tablelevel,which in somecases could slow it down to a grinding halt. Some programmers unable to get around itslimitations still considered it a toy, while others were more than happy to dump theirO

12、racle or SQL Server in favor of MySQL, and deal with the limitations in their code inexchange for improvement in performance and licensing cost savings.Around1999 2000 a separatecompany named MySQLAB was established.Ithired severaldevelopersand establisheda partnershipwithSleepycattoprovide an SQL i

13、nterfaceforthe Berkeley DB data files. Since Berkeley DB had transaction capabilities,this wouldgive MySQL support for transactions, which it previously lacked.After some changes inthe code in preparation for integrating Berkeley DB,version 3.23 was released.Although the MySQL developers could never work out all the quirks of the Berkeley DBinterface and the Berkeley DB tables were never stable, the effort was not wasted.Asa result, MySQL source became equipped with hooks


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