北京语言大学21秋《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业三答案参考17

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1、北京语言大学21秋英汉 汉英翻译在线作业三答案参考1. I feel _ to say that I can not believe what he said.A.wantedB.observedC.obligedD.wandered参考答案:D2. I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)terribly3. Our teacher was _ by th

2、e funny story.A.nakedB.yieldedC.amusedD.expanded参考答案:C4. This tree is _ for its beautiful flowers.A.hookedB.stemmedC.cultivatedD.parceled参考答案:C5. Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.comes for参考答案:C6. Th

3、e _ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.A.manualB.annualC.amountD.alike参考答案:B7. A: Have you been here long? B: _.A.No, not veryB.Not too muchC.Yes, only littleD.Yes, only yesterday参考答案:A8. It was three years ago that I first met Lisa, when she_at a computer company.Ahas woIt w

4、as three years ago that I first met Lisa, when she_at a computer company.Ahas workedBhas been workingCwas workingDis working正确答案:C9. More than one teacher _ told him it is important that he learn English well if he _ abroad.A.had, will goB.has, wants to goC.has, want to goD.have, shall go参考答案:B10. S

5、hell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. canShell cook if she_time.A. hasB. doesC. can参考答案:A11. A UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relA UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.A、multipliedB、spanned

6、C、arrestedD、suspended正确答案:D12. He checked carefully to _ the possible errors in his design.A.eliminateB.exceedC.enlargeD.vibrate参考答案:A13. A: Was it in 2003 _ Yang Liwei succeeded _ being launched into space? B: Quite right.A.when, onB.that, onC.when, inD.that, in参考答案:D14. Would you mind keeping a(n)

7、 _ on our house for us while we are away? A. hand B. look CWould you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house for us while we are away?A. handB. lookC. eyeD. viewC15. Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about _ compliments to his political leaders.A.payingB.having paidC.to payD.to have

8、paid参考答案:C16. Whats the price of that _ of potatoes?A.begB.pigC.pintD.sack参考答案:D17. The machine needs a complete _ since it has been in use for over ten years.A.amendingB.fittingC.mendingD.renovating参考答案:C18. 我认为她是对的。 According to my opinion, she is right.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A19. Dr. Smith is _ in his r

9、esearch and does not know anything about politics.A.shutB.typedC.defeatedD.absorbed参考答案:D20. Hello, could 1 speak to Mr David Manning, please? Speaking.l am David Manning. A.- Hello, could 1 speak to Mr David Manning, please?-Speaking.l am David Manning.A. RightB. Wrong参考答案B21. The room is in a terr

10、ible mess; it _ cleaned.A.cant have beenB.shouldnt have beenC.mustnt have beenD.wouldnt have been参考答案:A22. If you want to stop for a moment, just press the _ button on your tape recorder.A.toiletB.thumbC.violinD.pause参考答案:D23. What is the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or

11、even simply hang out for a while?A.senseB.matterC.caseD.opinion参考答案:A24. The twins look alike but they are different in _.A.characteristicB.appearanceC.characterD.nature参考答案:C25. 句法上下文是指( )。A、在一个句子的范围内该单位周围的一些语言单位B、该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境C、该词词组或句子所属的句法结构D、该单位周围具体的词汇单位、词和固定词组的总合参考答案:C26. Can you _ the man wh

12、o robbed you for your watch?A.illustrateB.exhibitC.damageD.identify参考答案:D27. Through which _ did you get the information?A.canalB.channelC.placeD.way参考答案:B28. Without a proper education, people could _ all kinds of crimes.A.conductB.stoopC.commitD.sweat参考答案:C29. 就英汉语言特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是( )。A、英语主从结构多,汉

13、语并列结构多。B、英语被动态多,汉语被动式少。C、英语抽象名词多,汉语抽象名词少。D、英语成语多,汉语成语少。参考答案:D30. You _ in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.A.dont have to do itB.neednt have done itC.wouldnt do itD.mustnt have done it参考答案:B31. This dictionary is very useful. It has _ many problems about words and idioms for me.A.looked upB.kept upC.cleared offD.cleared up参考答案:D32. When you take a picture, you should _ carefully to get a sharp picture.A.focusB.objectC.preserveD.fix参考答案:A33. Eventually , your body will demand that the debt be repaid.A、OtherwiseB、HoweverC、NeverthelessD、Ultimately参考答案:34.


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