2017版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 11 The Media教学案 北师大版必修4

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1、Unit 11 The Media.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1*(2015陕西,阅读D)They took a more reasonable _(方法),conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives.2*(2014浙江,4)Joe is proud and _(固执的),never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to _(责怪)3This is a _(经典的) example of what

2、happens in a debt crisis.4He talked to me because he wants his editors to _(要求,请求) so much more of him.5(2014福建,完形)And I realized he had been doing what music teachers always stress: concentrate on the music and _(假装)the others arent there.6(2015广东,阅读D) This suggests that British _(态度)towards accent

3、 have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.7There is _(证据) that Beijing Man used fire to cook food.8Another doubt _(发生,出现)in his mind,however,as this one disappeared.9(2015湖北,阅读E)It is an _(尝试)to deal with a set of weighty topics. 10.They not only slow down your computer,but they also create

4、_(视觉的) trouble.答案1.approach2.stubborn;blame3.classic4.demand5.pretend6attitudes7.evidence8.arose9.attempt10.visual二、用所给词的适当形式填空1(2015湖南,阅读C) The inspection at the light station was often _(announcement) in advance.2(2014湖北,完成句子) You _(interrupt)the meeting to tell me that; you could have come to tel

5、l me afterwards.3(2013湖北,阅读E)The authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their _(conclude)4(2015陕西,七选五)There is the _(believe)that,if you arrive at an appointment late,you will be considered important.5(2015陕西,书面表达)If you are interested,please send an _ (apply)email at your earlies

6、t convenience to Ms Chen at .6Scientists _(analysis) samples of leaves taken from the area.7He has made an important _(contribute) to the companys success.8He was charged with murder but found _(innocence) later.9(2015广东,阅读C)Another _(argue)against television is that it replaces reading as a form of

7、 entertainment.10They couldnt prevent us _(defence) the rights of students.11He takes great _ in proving others wrong.When he did it,he felt _But I dont think what he does is _(delight) 12.Teachers are _ in our country.Students _ their teachers and listen to them in school in _ ways.(respect)13*The

8、_ were discussing the topic how more _ should be _ facing the high rate of _(employ)14*The _ was determined to _ the newlydesigned car on the _ page of Hefei Evening.(advertise)答案1.announced2.shouldnt have interrupted3.conclusions4.belief5.application6.analysed7.contribution8.innocent9.argument 10de

9、fending11.delight;delighted;delightful12.respectable;respect;respectful13.employers;employees;employed;unemployment14.advertiser;advertise;advertisement/ad三、开心词场Our teacher often demands that we read English articles to know about the international incidents and improve our English,and I am in favou

10、r of him,so I attempt to read 21st Century in detail,which is published in Beijing and consists of several sections,such as state affairs,sports,entertainment,stories,etc.As long as I go ahead with it,I must stand out in English learning.【联想积累】“方法”用法种种(1)做某事的方法the approach to doing sththe way to do/

11、of doing sththe means of doing sththe method of doing sth(2)用这种方法in this wayby this meanswith this method由blame所想到的accuse vt.控告,指控 charge vt. 使充电;使承担;指责forgive vt.原谅 pardon vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 excuse vt. 原谅 “忙于(做)某事”短语小结be busy (in)doing sth be busy with sthbe occupied with sth be engaged in (doing)sthbe e

12、mployed in (doing) sth识记与广告有关的词汇account service 客户服务advertising agency 广告代理商advertising campaign 广告活动 advertising department 广告部airport advertising 机场广告 词汇拓展encouragement n鼓励encourage vt.鼓励encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的encouraged adj.受鼓舞的application n申请(书);应用applicant n申请人apply vt.申请innocent adj.天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪

13、的innocence n清白无罪interrupt vt.& vi.打断某人的讲话或动作;打扰interruption n打断environmental adj.自然环境的environmentally adv.环境地environment n环境.重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1*in favour _ 赞同,支持2as long _ 只要3be used _ 习惯于4be linked _ 与相关联5comment _ 发表意见6owe._.把归功于7*help _ 帮忙做事,摆脱困境8_ detail 详细地答案1.of2.as3.to4.with/to5.on6.to7.out8.i

14、n二、短语填空stand for;consist of;stand out;go ahead with;participate in;look forward to;be made up of;come down to1Four points _ as being more important than the rest.2We encourage students to _ fully _ the college.3The audience mainly _ young people when a pop concert takes place anywhere in the world.4We _ a peaceful settlement of the international dispute.5Please _


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