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1、江苏省苏州常熟市2020学年七年级英语2月奖学金测试题 (满分100分 时间60分钟)一、单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. See, my dream is to buy iPad. Oh, you can ask your parents to buy for you. A. a; it B. an; it C. a; one D. an; one2. _ is the total number of your score? Ninety-four.A. How B. How many C. What D. How much3. How much does an iPhon

2、e 7 ? More than 5,000 yuan. I dont think it is a good idea to spend so much on a phone. A. buyB. spend C. cost D. take4. How the young people look at the party! They are dancing . A. happily; happilyB. happy; happyC. happily; happyD. happy; happily 5. The jacket my brown trousers very well, and it m

3、e well. A. match; fits B. fits; matches C. matches; fits D. fit; matches6. RT-Supermarket at 9 a.m. and it for 10 hours every weekend.A. opens; opens B. opens; is open C. is open; opens D. open; is open7. - Can your little brother_ English? - YesHe often_ goodbye to me in English. Asay;speaks Btell;

4、says Cspeak;says Dtalk;speaks8. - Here are three mangoes. Do you want ? - No, thats enough. A. other two B. two another C. more two D. two more9She doesnt know_ Awhat she can do it Bwhat to do it Chow to do Dhow to do it 10. I have a pair of new shoes. One is on the bed. But I cant find _. A. the ot

5、her B. other C. others D. another11. Andy, _ do you think of the film Zootopia (疯狂动物城)? _, but I think the music is wonderful. A. how; Great B. what; Great C. how; Not bad D. what; Not bad12. Kitty _ dancing for an hour on Saturdays. Look! She _ to music.A. practises; dances B. practises; is dancing

6、C. is practising; is dancing D. is practising; dances13. The iPhone 7 is not _and I dont have _ to buy itA. cheap enough; enough money B. expensive enough; money enoughC. enough cheap; enough money D. enough expensive; money enough14. Look! The young girl is dressing up _ an old man _ a black coat.

7、A. as; as B. in; as C. as; in D. in; in15. Mrs Green is _ fat because she eats _ sweet food. A. too much; too muchB. too much; much too C. much too; much tooD. much too; too much16. - Sorry, sir. I made a mistake again. -_. Practise more and you will do better. A. Never mind B. Im not sure C. Youre

8、welcome D. Dont mention it17. Its 8 p.m. My family _ TV in the sitting room. A. watch B. watches C. are watching D. is watching18. How old is Mary? _. We had a special party for her_birthday yesterday. A. Twenty; twentythB. Twenty; the twentieth C. Twenties; twentiethD. Twenty; twentieth19. _importa

9、nt news we have today! A. What anB. WhatC. HowD. How an20. Could you tell me _ it is from the nearest shop to our school? About five minutes walk. A. how longB. how farC. How manyD. How far二. 完型填空(共10小题海小题1分,满分10分)I love travelling very much and I often travel on my holidays. Of all my trips, I thin

10、k the trip 21 Xian is the most unforgettable(难忘的). Its Sunday afternoon. In a 22 , I see an American girl. She has trouble(麻烦) in buying something 23 she cant speak Chinese. I just know a little 24 . But I still want to help 25 . Then I say, May I help you? She looks very 26 . She tells me that she

11、wants to 27 a hat. I tell the shop assistant to 28 her some hats. The girl picks one. But its difficult for me to help them when they talk about the price. Suddenly, I have a good 29 . I ask the shop assistant to find a calculator(计算器). Finally, the girl buys the hat and after that I 30 the American

12、 girls friend. Its really a nice trip !( )21. A. on B. for C. to D. at( )22. A. shop B. library C. cinema D. bank( )23. A. so B. because C. if D. but( )24. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French( )25. A. them B. him C. her D. me( )26. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. hungry( )27. A. bring B. make C.

13、 sell D. buy( )28. A. tell B. show C. pick D. meet( )29. A. story B. hat C. idea D. job( )30. A. have B. get C. see D. become三、阅读理解(共10小题海小题2分,满分20分)AClub OneOpen hour: 5:00p.m.6:30p.m.Day:MondayFridayActivities:Beijing opera(京剧),playing thelute(琵琶)Age:8 to 12Telephone:88830401Club TwoOpen hour:5:30p.m.6:30p.m.Day:Thursday and FridayActivities:Making cards, drawing pictures Age:12 to 13Telephone:88930501Club Three


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