高中英语 Unit5 First aid单元测试3 人教版必修5

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料必修五 Unit 5First aid单元测试3笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. Wenchuan Earthquake almost _ the whole city. After the earthquake, the whole city lay in ruins. A. injuredB. hurtC. damagedD. destroyed2. This _ dictionary has many functions. It can be used as a calculator, a calendar as well as a music player. A

2、. electronicB. electricC. electricalD. electricity3. He is not used to keeping some medicine at home, so when he falls ill, he cant _ any. A. keep his hand inB. throw his hand in C. put his hands onD. turn his hand to 4. On his retirement, Mr Yang was _ with a complete edition of Shakespeares plays

3、in honour of his researches on his works. A. awarded B. givenC. presentedD. offered 5. To win the competition, our company hopes to _ those small firms by lowering our prices. A. leave outB. squeeze outC. act outD. squeeze in 6. His four-year-old son _ when he knocked over the kettle full of boiling

4、 water onto his legs. A. burnedB. was burningC. got burningD. got burned7. My parents encouraged me to be a doctor, but I didnt _. A. wantB. want toC. want itD. want that 8. To her teachers surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than _. A. expectB. expectedC. expectingD. expects9. _, he says

5、 he wont come to our party. A. Unless not invited B. Unless invited C. Unless invitingD. Unless not inviting 10. It is known to us all that _, the situation will get worse and worse. A. if not carefully dealt withB. if carefully dealt with C. if dealt not with carefullyD. not if carefully dealt with

6、 11. in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost 12. You havent been to Beijing, have you? _ . How I wish to go there. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent C. No, I have D. No, I havent 13. Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking afte

7、r my cat? Not at all. . A. Ill no time B. Id rather not C. Id like it D. Id be happy to14. There is no _ that Class 4 will beat Class 7, do you think so? Yes, Classs 4 has more excellent players. A. doubt B. need C. necessity D. possibility 15. Can you tell me the name of the factory _ you visited l

8、ast week? A. what B. where C. / D. when . 用所给单词的正确形式完成短文burn nerve affect symptom injury layerThe depth of 1 from a burn is described as first, second, or third degree. First-degree burns are red, moist, swollen, and painful and are the most shallow(浅的). They 2 only the top layer of skin(表皮). The 3

9、area whitens(变白)when lightly touched but does not develop blisters(水泡). Second-degree burns are red, swollen and painful. They develop blisters that may ooze(慢慢流出)a clear fluid. The burned area may blanch(变白) when touched. Second-degree burns extend into the middle layer of skin(真皮). Third-degree bu

10、rns involve all three 4 of skin(表皮,真皮,脂肪层). Third-degree burns usually are not painful because the 5 have been destroyed. The skin becomes leathery and may be white, black, or bright red. The burned area does not blanch when touched, and hairs can easily be pulled from their roots without pain. No b

11、listers develop. The appearance and 6 of deep burns can worsen during the first hours or even days after the burn.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 根据所给的汉语提示及重点词语,将下列句子翻译成英语1. 皮肤是我们身体的一个重要部分,也是我们身体最大的器官,它可以保护我们抵御疾病、毒物和有害的光线。(protect against ) 2. 急救处理有助于阻止伤者的状况恶化。(prevent from ) 3. 对于轻度烫伤,用凉水反复冷却伤口可以减轻疼痛。(over and

12、 over again) 4. 如果绷带绑在不正确的位置,它就有可能粘到烫伤的地方。(in place) 5. 毫无疑问,如果我们有急救知识,当有紧急情况出现时,我们就可以起作用。(make a difference) . 完形填空It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an 1 , he needs medical care 2 a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to 3 things. First, when a person stops 4 , open his or her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do your best to 5 his or her breathing at once, using a mouth-to-mouth way. Third, if a person is 6 badly, try at once to stop the


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