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1、名人励志英语演讲稿名人励志英语演讲稿 引导语:英语演讲稿是人们在公共场合发表讲话的文稿。包括演讲前打算的完整文稿和演讲后整理的文字记录。它是口头演讲的一种局面形式,具有有声性、宣扬性和鼓动性的特点。它是出自于某种政治活动或社会活动的须要而进行的,在特定的公开场合进行当众的言态表达,具有很强的社会公开性。今日,我为大家整理了关于名人励志英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读与参考! 名人励志英语演讲稿 一、李阳,1969年诞生,疯狂英语创始人,全球闻名英语口语教化专家,英语胜利学励志导师,中国教化慈善家,全国新青年十大新锐人物,全国五百多所中学的名誉校长和英语顾问,北京奥运会志愿者英语口语培训总教练。二、李阳励志

2、演讲稿 疯狂英语励志演讲实录 in d ,i lldo it, mut doit As you owl open ur ees, look around, otce wetheliht cmes int you room,litn caeflly,seeiftere&uo;s any ne soundsoucan regnize, eelwithyour oynd sprt,see if youcan sense the ehnes i the air Ys! Ye! Ys! t&rsu;s ne day,i&rsuo;s erent day and it&rquo;s a bigh day.

3、 And mo impotntl, it&squo;s a new bgnnig foryou life, abeginning where you&rsu;re goin tomae eeiions, ake newaions,make nw rinds, and taeyou le totally nrecedete evel nyo mind&rq;ye, u cn see cleary the ting u want o hve, t placesyo intendt go, the retionshi yu desire evel,and te tions you aspire tr

4、ac. You cn har yourlaughesof joand happnin tey en eerythng hapens as your eam; youcan ee the sies on te pepl aronou whn the agi mment strks. Yu can eel your face is gttin e andyour eartis eang faandyoblodis rusing allover ou bodyto evry siglecorner of your being. Yo know all thi is rala along as o&r

5、squo;re coien, psiaeandcommite.And you are cofint, yu are passiona, youarecommitted Yoursqu;ll nlonge ar makngew souns, howig w fial xressions,usyour body inew ways, approaching nwpeoland asking nestios.Yorsqo;l live evey ingle day o yur lfewh asle passonYursqu;l sho o ssin thogh he rs u speak andte

6、 actions youtake.Yursquo;ll focu ll rtime fort onte mosioraoal your lieYou’ll ever uc to calenesor ardsips Yu’llnever waver yor pursuit ofecellence. After al, you&rqu;e te bet andyoudesrve the bet. s yor ahand friend,I can re yu t door t all the betins n the world will opentoyou ut he k

7、t that do isin you hnd.You mu o yur art, yu us aully flow the plansou make and takethe actions ou plan.Y must ever i, oumust eer fear. I know you mustdo it,can doit, you ill doidyou wll succed.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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