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1、Lesson 1 : How are you ?一、教学目标:1.能听说读写How are you ? Fine,thanks. 2.说出并且听懂Nice to meet you.二、教学重难点:1、How are you? Fine, thanks.以及How are you 的其他回答方式。 2、You can call me. 三、教具、学具:Mr.Wood的图片,收音机 四、教学过程: Warming up 1、Greeting T:Hello, boysandgirls. S:Hello, Miss Yun. T: Whats your name? S: My name is T:

2、Lets learn English! 2、Sing a song“How are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫 New concepts先教单词fine. 教师先把nine写在黑板上让学生拼读,然后出示fine让学生试读,反复带读fine一词并检查学生的发音。2.教师指着自己对学生说:Im fine,today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。 3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:Hello,How are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:Fine, thanks或 I请预览后下载!m fine,

3、thanks.4. 教师再和另一位学生重复刚才的会话.5. 让一个学生向老师打招呼并问候,如:S: Hello, Miss Yun. How are you?T: Fine ,thanks.教师接着问候学生How are you启发学生回答,同时教Im fine, thanks. Very well. Thank you.6. 教师把very well.写在黑板上.解释very well意思是身体非常好. 7. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音. 8. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如 T: Morning ,boys and girls. Ss: Morning, Miss Yun.

4、How are you? T: Fine, thanks . How are you? Ss : Very well, thank you. 9. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习. 10.听会话录音N1,模仿语音语调. 11.出示Mr. wood的图片,向学生自我介绍“Hello! Im your new teacher! You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说You can call me,先生用Mr.女士用Miss。让学生用这个句型自我介绍。 12.让学生听会话录音N2两次,第二次跟读,模仿语音语调。 13

5、三人一组作对话,上教室前面表演。 14.Do Activity book 请预览后下载! Homework 课下以小组为单位编一个对话,用上“How are you ? Fine, thanks./Very well,thank you. Nice to meet you!”五、板书设计:Lesson 1: How are you?nine fineHow are you?Im fine, thanks.Very well, thank you.六、习题(听音,填空) Hello, Danny! ? ,.请预览后下载!Lesson 2:Is this your pencil?一、教学目标:1:

6、掌握单词blackboard chalk 2:了解名词所有格形式:Stevens _3:听懂,会回答一般疑问句 Is this your_?二、教学重点:1:单词 blackboard chalk2: 名词所有格形式:Stevens _三、教学难点:1:一般疑问句 Is this your_?2:this is these are 四、教具使用:图片、录音机五、教学过程:一、 greeting 1、 Teacher: How are you ?Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?Teacher : Fine ,thanks.二、 Review1、 练

7、习介绍自己的同学。3名学生在教师的指令下在教室内前进,教师说停时,学生介绍离自己最近的同学。如:This is _. She is a girl . She is my friend.请预览后下载!2、 问答练习Teacher : Whats his/her name?Students: His / Her name is_.学生之间互相练习。3、 Whats this?三、 new concept1、 Whats this?A、 教师将图片贴到黑板上并将单词写在图片下面带领学生朗读。B、 在四个单词前面加上This is a 或者This is ,让学生找出句型的不同,向学生简要介绍可数名词

8、和不可数名词的区别。C、 练习句型This is a_.并且将表示名词单数的句型发展到用These are 表示的复数形式。要求学生注意到名词单复数的变化。2、 Dannys pencilA、 将黑板上的句子:This is a blackboard.变成一般疑问句Is this a blackboard? 让学生猜想句子的意思,然后讲解。 B、 学生自己试读第1、2幅图,并试着翻译。教师领读。C、 学生自己试读第3幅图,找出与图1的不同之处,进行讲解和练习。This is _s pencilIs this _s pencil?3、 作业:活动手册 1、2、3六、板书:Is this a bl

9、ackboard? This is chalk.This is a school. This is a chair.请预览后下载!These are pencils. This is Stevens pencil.Lesson 3: Where Are They?一、教学目标1复习 Where is ?句型。方位词和人称、物主代词2学习重点单词 classroom,gym,library3.在具体的语境中,理解动词-ing形式的意思。二、教学重、难点1教学重点:词汇classroom,library,gym以及方位词。2教学难点:代词和物主代词的使用三、教具、学具。1实物:钢笔、铅笔、书、纸2

10、卡片:classroom,gym,library,Jenny,Danny,Steven.四、教学过程(一)问候(二)复习并引入新课1用歌曲复习Where is ?句型以及方位词。T:(用两只老虎的调唱)This is a pencil,2 Where is it?2(边唱边把铅笔放在桌子上)S:Its on the desk.T:( 把钢笔放在书下面,接着唱) This is a pen.2 Where is it? 2S:Under the book.然后用橡皮、铅笔盒练习in the pencil case用纸和黑板练习 on the blackboard 后边两组练习全班一起唱边问,找个

11、学生回答。(三)教授新概念classroom,gym,library1T:(叫一名同学起立,继续唱问全班)He is .2Where is he? 2全班:在教师里T:Yes,(唱),He is in the classroom(边说边把教师的卡片贴到黑板上)Say it ,please.3.T:Where is Steven? Do you know?(出示体育馆的图片)T:yes,he is in the gym.Say it ,please. Gym(贴卡片)T:The boys ask,and the girls answer.(指着图)B:Where is steven?G:He i

12、s in the gym.(变换卡片上的人物来练习)4搭配练习请预览后下载!在黑板上贴出卡片 book,blackboard,ball用Where is it 的句型让学生连线理解动词+ing的句子T:指着book卡片说,Lets go to the全班:libraryT:Yes,very good.指着 ball,Lets go to the全班:gym.T:(指着blackboard) I want to write on the blackboard.全班:Lets go to the classroom.T:(拿出伍德老师的卡片)Look!Mr Wood is in the class

13、roomHe is writing on the blackboard.(板书 writing)利用卡片和动作展示动词drawing,reading,playing putting并板书。练习:1.听录音(第五课第一部分)连线classroom Jenny drawing Danny readinggym kim playing steven puttinglibrary Mr.wood writing2.拓展练习:(准备一张张贴画)谈论这幅图画,可以用上的下句型和词汇。where is ?He/she/it is ingfly,jump,swim,run,draw,write结束课堂教学:听

14、录音,唱歌曲(第5课第2部分)家庭作业:活动手册第1题,第3题五、板书:Lesson 3: Where Are They?classroomlibrarygymbookblackboardballwritingreadingplaying请预览后下载!Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There?一、教学目标:能听、说、读、写四会单词:forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty, ninety并能灵活运用。 灵活运用下列句型:How many books are there on my desk ?/ There are eight books . 二、重点难点:how many 是固定短语。意思是“多少”,用于对可数名词数量的提问。there be 句型 意思是“有”,表示在某地存在(有)某物/某人。单数的 物



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