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1、吉林省磐石市松山中学学年七年级英语unit7SectionB1a 2a 学案(无答案)课 题 主备人 班级 七时间 Unit 7 年SectionB1a2a学习1.掌握数字10 31。目标2.学会购物。重点难点1.数字1031。2. 购物用语。学习过程【导学指导】温故知新小组复习掌握服装的单词 ; 会询问价格进行购物 . 自主互助学习小组预习思考如何表达21-29 及 31-39 这些数字 , 它们有什么律? 学习任务 :一、读写、记忆数字10-31, 并默写。1. 听录音并跟读,熟读 1a 中的数字。2. 个人自读,记忆数字。3. 小组互相检查读、写情况。4. 写出下列数字并展示。10 11

2、121314 15 _161718 19 20 21 2830 31 二、听力训练并运用 How much.? 句型及其 Ilike/dont like句型 , 询问价格及表达喜好 .1. 听录音完成1c。2. 再听一遍录音, 完成 1d, 并在小组内核对答案。 【课堂练习】一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. The yellow shoes are twenty d. 2. How mis thishat? Four dollars.3. Thank you.Youre w.4. My socks are not white. They are g. 二、用英语写出下列数字。1. How

3、 old is your father? He is (31) years old. 2. Howmuch is this hat? Its (15) dollars.13. They have (22) balls.4. (10)and (19) is (29). 【检测过关】 ( 教师寄语 :Never do things by halves)一、 单项选择。()1.- Thank you. -.A. Hi B.Thanks C.Nice to meet you. D. You re welcome ( ) 2. Howmuch are the black socks?A. Its 10

4、yuan B. Its 10 yuansC. Theyre 10 yuan D. Theyre 10 yuans. ( )3. are theshoes? Thyere green.A. What B. where C. How D. What color ( ) 4. Can I help you?A. Yes, please B.No,I cant.C.Sorry D. Youre welcome. ( )5.Katedoesn t pears.A. has B. like C.eats D. likes ( )6.Peter and Jim hamburgers?A. Does, lik

5、e B.Do, like C. Does, likes D. Do, likes( )7.- .-Yes, please . I want a T-shirt for my daughter.A . What do you like? B. Do you like a T-shirt?C. Can I help you? D. Can you help me? ( ) 8. The socks are verycheap. Ill them.A. give B. bring C.like D.take( ) 9. The women_red is my mother.A. at B. in C

6、. with D. of( )10. We can clothesthis shop.A. buy; to B. buy, from C. sell, from D. buy,for二、根据上下文补全对话。A: Can I you?B: Yes,. Id like a pair of shoes.A: color do you like?B: Sorry. Wehave any red shoes. Look at these blackshoes. They very nice.A: OK. I like black,too. are they?B Four dollars.A: OK. Ill them.B: you are.A: Thank you.2B: Youre .审阅人 : 时 :3456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839


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