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1、七年级下册仁爱英语 n 8 单元测试卷满分0分,考试时间100分钟题号听力部分笔试部分总得分得分听力部分 (15分). 听句子,选择对旳图画(5分)( ). ( )2.()3.( ).( )5. 听句子,填空,每空填一词(5分)1. Ding the Sprng Fesivl,nee eopl make dulingsad lionand ragon acs.OnMothersDay,peole their mothey ging presnts an cas3. Peple ry opck up apple omwter it their .4. Peo mae colorful eggs

2、t e festival.Octber ltis ay. t s a vryporttlday. 听短文,判断正()误(F)(5分)( ) 1. Ths is a weather eport for te next 24 hors.( ) 2.Biji b sunny and he lwesttperatre is 3.( ) . Is good wether fo skating i Hrb.( ) 4 here ar three ciieswther rports.( ) 5. Xa , th highest emeratue is0.笔试部分(8分). 词汇(15分) 根据句意及首字母提

3、示补全单词(分)1.In fall, frmsar busy wih theh .2. t was rinnga night. The grd s stl w . Im afrad its ging to ran.Youhav t takn a with u.4. Mary, dont hre an here, your hds ibe ty.5. Te stuents t is hgh. leaseendhimtthe hospital ina hry.B) 根据汉语提示完毕句字(10分)1. I spring, the weather get am,an ay ting (苏醒)in Mh

4、.2.Is col in wine. W ca (堆雪人) i itr3 Kumin is (春城). 4. Treae many (名胜) inBeijin The ratWal s the bes oe. 5. Peopl wathhe display (灯笼) ad (猜灯谜) .单选(15分)( ). he ather n Bjin i bter an . A. it isKuning B thati Kuning Cthof Knming( ) 2 The nwppe itll be nny tomrro. A. tels ays C.wits( ) 3. Ho lo dd t yu

5、 o th work ? . sen B.ta C. gv( ) 4.Is thre in tdays epae ? A. omthing neB. anythngn C. new anythin( ) 5.Tis umer,t angs willsnd a hlida. A. wo onths Btwo-onths C.tw-moh ( ) 6. Whic estivals t membert grea poet (诗人) Qu n? A. Dragon Bot Festval. B. MidatmnFesival.C.The Spring stivl.( ) 7 m it tomorw.

6、afraid ; wi rain B. afraid ; wl rainyC. r; wil rin( ) 8. ouood luckinhe eyear ! The same to you. A.Hope B. Wan C.Wish( ) Whe Igot up inthmrng,I thre were aywes in mystckigs. A fnded B. und C. fund ( ) 1Wha do you prpare My Day? prpae soe spcil food A. f ; / B. wh ; or C. for; for( ) 1 On Hallwen,chi

7、ren ften trage clotes to ay rik ontr. A. ress upin . rssedup in C rs inup ( ) 1hich s , the blene or tgreenone ? Ao B well C etter( ) 13.Tht im sn h mrning. .ea Enlih B. to read Englis C.reding English( )1. We e goig to uba four holiday. raly ool. A. litens . lien C.sounds( ) 5 astudt, we hould stud

8、 hrd. A. e B As . o. 从栏中选出与A栏相相应旳答语 (5分)(A)( )1Wats the eaer likeinsummer?( ).hch seasondo you like t?( ).Whatsthe west peue?()4What shul I akewitme?( )5.Whenis ChristsDay?( )6.Whre di yu o yeday?( )7.How i yo o toBeijing ast week?( )8Wen didoutravel in Egand?( ).Hw was youtrp?( )10Howlong re u tee?

9、(B)A: wn wmmng.B:Byplane.:n sumerholidas.D: ws verywoneul.E:Fr theedasF:I snny and hot.G:pring.H:Its 10.I: You shold taka car, air o gases,some mone ad so .J: Ison cem 25t. 综合填空(分)从方框中选择一种对旳旳词并用其合适旳形式填空,每个词只能用一次。fr, go, be, say, by, loo, thre, top,fin, aongJac orkd n an ffcei a smality. ne dyhisboss

10、(老板) 1 tim,“Jack, Iwa u togo t Ldon,and to seMr. BrowHi office isnethe atin.”Jackwen to London 2 tan. He left th statio a hougt,“Thoffce in from te sation. l 4 son.”But fte a our was stil ooking or it. S h 5 and asked ald woa. She said, “Jusg 6 tissret, turnltat te end, nd its te 7 buidin on th riht”Jckend found itSom ds later, Jk 8 to te samcityag, e ased someoe the way.wasthsameoldwoman! Se 9 vry surprised(吃



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