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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题1.问题1选项A.The man is busy.B.The man has trouble breathing.C.The man is out of town on business.D.The man is hiding himself from the woman.【答案】A【解析】W: I dont see much of you these days, where have you been?M: I am working on a big project. I dont even have time t

2、o breath.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【解析】推断题。男士说:I dont even have time to breath(我甚至没时间呼吸),由此推测他很忙。2. 单选题9.问题1选项A.Quit smoking.B.Go jogging every morning.C.Work out in the gym.D.Go on a diet.【答案】C【解析】W: Why dont you try smoking one cigarette less each day, as well as going jogging eve

3、ry morning?M: Good idea, but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better choice. Im sure trainers at the gym would be able to give me more professional advice.W: That sounds good. There is one near my company. I am its regular member.M: Really? I will go in to have a look

4、.Q: What is the man most likely to do?【解析】细节题。男士说:but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better choice(但我不想在街上慢跑,跑步机可能是更好的选择),后来决定去健身房找专业人士咨询。3. 单选题问题1选项A.Its benefits.B.lts effects.C.lts disadvantages.D.lts usefulness.问题2选项A.lt helps to simplify the task.B.lt makes the

5、 clinical information systems more complex.C.It is more difficult without clinical information system.D.lt is simpler to carry the task out.问题3选项A.They are forced to be brief.B.They save doctors time.C.They tend to be long but meaningless.D.They are welcomed by doctors.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C【解析】第1题:对于临

6、床信息系统,对话中的描述是“Complex clinical information systems make simple tasks difficult to carry out(复杂的临床信息系统使得简单的任务难以执行)”,这是在说它的缺点,所以C选项正确。第2题:这个女性提到医生对于这个软件的抱怨“Complex clinical information systems make simple tasks difficult to carry out(复杂的临床信息系统使得简单的任务难以执行)”,说明这个软件其实使得临床信息系统更加复杂了,因此B选项正确。第3题:最后一句说到“Thes

7、e notes are often excessively long and lacking meaning(计算机生成的临床记录一般都很长而且毫无意义)”,因此C选项符合文意。4. 单选题 A decade ago, most patients were informed over the phone or in person by the doctors. But in the past few years, hospitals and medical practices have urged patients to sign up for portals, which allow the

8、m rapid, round-the-clock access to their records. Lab tests are now released directly to patients. The push for portals has been fueled by several factors: the widespread embrace of technology, incentive payments to medical practices and hospitals that were part of 2009 federal legislation to encour

9、age “meaningful use” of electronic records, and a 2014 federal rule giving patients direct access to their results. Policymakers have long regarded electronic medical records as a way to foster patient engagement and improve patient safety. Are portals delivering on their promise to engage patients?

10、 Or are these results too often a source of confusion and alarm for patients and the cause of more work for doctors because information is provided without adequate-or sometimes any-guidance? Although what patients see online and how quickly they see it differssometimes even within the same hospital

11、 system-most portals contain lab tests, imaging studies, pathology reports and less frequently, doctors notes. It is not uncommon for a test result to be posted before the doctor has seen it. Katharine Treadway, an internist, knows what its like to obtain shocking news from an electronic medical rec

12、ord. The experience, she said, has influenced the way she practices. More than a decade ago-long before most patients had portals-Treadway, with her husbands permission, pulled up the results of his MRI scan on a hospital computer while waiting to see the specialist treating his sudden, unbearable a

13、rm pain. “It showed a massive tumor and widespread metastatic disease,” Treadway recalled. She never suspected that her 59-year-old husband had cancer, let alone a highly aggressive and usually fatal form of advanced lymphoma. Treadway, whose husband has been cancer-free for more than a decade, said

14、 she remembered intently checking the name and date of birth, certain she had the wrong patient, then rebooting the computer several times “like I was going to get a different answer.”1. What is the trend mentioned at the beginning of the passage?2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a contr

15、ibuting factor for the increasing use of portals?3. What concerns the author in respect to the increasing use of portals?4. Which of the following statements is true about Dr. Treadways husband?5. The author cites Katharine Treadways experience to( ).问题1选项A.More lab tests are ordered through portals.B.More hospitals provide rapid, round-the-clock services.C.More medical consultations are conducted over the phone.D.More patients are encouraged to use portals for their medical inform


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