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1、精品文档建筑装饰工程施工合同Construction & Decoration Work Contract工程名称 :Project name :工程地址 :Project location :发包方 (甲方):Owner (Party A) :(Hereinafter referred to as Party A)承包方 (乙方):Contractor (Party B):(hereinafter called Party B)精品文档 依照中华人民共和国合同法 、建筑装饰装修管理规定 、住宅室内装饰装修管理办法 、建 筑安装工程承包合同条例 和国家工商行政管理局、 建设部颁发的 建筑工程施

2、工合同示范文本(GB-91-0201)及有关法律、法规规定,就本项装修工程有关事项,经双方协商达成如下协议, 以昭信守:In accordance with the PRC Contract Law, Administration Rules of Decoration of Civil Engineering, Administration Rules For Indoor Home Decoration, Construction Installation Engineering Contract Regulations and Construction & Project Works C

3、ontract Standard Form(GB-91-0201) issued by the National Commerce & Administration Board & Construction Department, and relevant laws, regulations and rules, the parties reach the following agreement in witness thereof for this project.第一条 工程概况 Outline of Contract Work1 、 工程名称 :Project name:2、工程地址 :

4、Project location:3、承包方式:总承包(包工包料,包质量,包安全,包工期)Means of Contract: General Contract (Supply of materials & labor, Quality control, Safety control and schedule control).4、承包内容:包括所有的拆除及改造工程,以附件工程报价单为准。Including: All remove and modification works. Please refer to attached .第二条 合同工期 Construction Period 本合同

5、的工期自 年 月 日开工至 年 月 日竣工。This construction Period is from commencement date of , to completion date of第三条 装修审批和资质 Approval and Qualification of Decoration1 、除本合同另有规定外,乙方同意依法办理与装修有关的所有审批、登记及验收手续。上述审 批手续包括但不限于公安消防部门的审批。Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Party B agrees to complete all the approv

6、al, registration and check & accept formalities (the “ ApprovalFormalities r”el)ated to the Decoration Projects as required by law. The Approval Formalities include but not limited to the approval or registration with the authority in charge of public security and fire protection.2、乙方在此向甲方保证,其具备必要的装

7、修资质和其他资质。本合同项下甲方发包给乙方的所 有装修工程均没有超出乙方资质证书规定的范围。 如果乙方不具备法律要求的相应资质, 由乙方 承担由此给甲方带来的所有损失。精品文档Party B hereby warra nts to Party A that it has the n ecessary qualificati on for decorati on project as well as other qualificati ons and all the Projects con sig ned to Party B by Party A un der this Agreeme nt

8、 are within the bus in ess scope as in dicated in the qualificati on certificate(s) of Party B. If Party B does not have the qualification(s) as required by Law, Party B shall bear all the losses incurred by Party A thereof.第四条 工程价款及付款方式Contract Amount & Payment Terms1、本工程合同价款为 人民币:0000000 元整。Total

9、Con tract Amou nt: RMB 0000000 元2、付款方式:Payme nt terms:(1) 100%合同价款,人民币:000000元整,在乙方如期完成全部的装修施工工程并经甲 方根据第八条验收合格后,甲方将于收到乙方正式发票后 30天内按实际完成的工作量及投 标单价予以结算支付。100% of Con tract Amou nt: RMB 20,890.30 shall be checked and 即 proved accordi ng toArticle 8 by the Party A after all decoration work has been comp

10、leted in time. Then payme nt shall be released by Party A accordi ng to actual B&Q with in 30 days after the formal receipt has bee n issued to party A.(2) 由于设计变更及甲方要求修改等而引起的工程量较大的增减时,须由乙方编制增减工 程预算书,经甲方审核确认后,在相应的工程进度款付款时予以结算支付。When design drawings or the Party A required modification cause big chang

11、e in B&Q,Party B should first prepare for the additi onal budget of B&Q. Payme nt program can be adjusted after the Party A s checking and approval.3、乙方向甲方提供正式税务发票前,甲方没有付款义务。Party A will not pay before Party B provides formal taxation invoice to Party A.第五条 工程质量要求Requirements of Project Quality1、乙方严

12、格按照经甲方确认的施工图纸进行施工,随时接受甲方代表或委派人员的检查检验, 为检查检验提供便利条件。同时施工严格按照国家规范进行,施工满足设计要求,质量达到工程建设强制性标准、其他技术标准以及本合同的规定。否则,甲方有权要求乙方拆除重建,由此产 生的一切费用和损失,包括工期延误的损失,由乙方承担。甲方代表系指甲方指定的履行合同的 负责人。Party B will carry the con tract works as the draw ings con firmed by Party A. Party B will at any mome nt receive checks from rep

13、rese ntative or desig nated pers onnel of Party A and make the checks convenient. Works should carry out to the Nati onal required sta ndard and desig n required. Project quality should meet compulsory sta ndards, other tech ni cal con struct ion sta ndard for project con struct ion and the regulati

14、 ons in this Con tract. Otherwise Party A is en titled to require Party B to disma ntle and rec on struct the project. Party B shall be resp on sible for all the expe nses and loss (including delay of construction period) incurred thereof. The representative of Party A is the精品文档responsible person d

15、esignated by Party A for carrying out the Contract.2、工程以包工包料的方式进行,材料按甲方指定采购,并应当符合国家标准及环保要求(包括但不限于以下 :人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量-GB18580-2001;容积型木器涂料中有害物质限量 GB18581-2001; 内墙涂料中有害物质限量 GB18582-2001; 胶 粘剂中有害物质限量 GB18583-2001; 木家具中有害物质限量 GB18584-2001; 壁纸中有害物质限 量GB18585-2001;聚氯乙烯卷材地板有害物质限量 GB18586-2001;混凝土外加剂中释放氨的限量

16、GB18588-2001) ,有质量检验合格证明和有中文标识的产品名称、规格、型号、生产厂厂名、厂 址等,并符合国家环保要求。 禁止使用国家明令淘汰的建筑装修装饰材料和设备。 主要饰面材料 要经过甲方或甲方指定的监理公司核定后方可使用。乙方提供的材料、设备如不符合质量要求, 或规格有差异,应禁止使用。如已使用,甲方有权要求乙方拆除重建,由此产生的一切费用和损 失,包括工期延误的损失,均由乙方承担。The Project will be conducted in the way that all the materials will be provided by Party B. The materials shall be those named by


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