2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels课时作业15 北师大版必修3

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1、课时作业15.单句语法填空1You will benefit_those books one day.2Good ways of doing things mean saving time, and_it is important for us to find them.3Our new house is very convenient_me as I can get to the office in five minutes.4He broke the law, and now he must face the_(consequence) of his actions.5The socall

2、ed gentleman was arrested_doing such a thing.6It is good for your health to work_every day.7Do what you are told and dont argue_me.8Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or_it is convenient to you.答案与解析1from句意:早晚你会从那些书中受益的。benefit from.“从得到好处/受益”。2thereforetherefore“因此;所以”,为表

3、示承接关系的副词。3for句意:我们的新居很便利,从家到办公室只需5分钟。4consequences句意:他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为带来的后果。要用复数形式。5for句意:这位所谓的绅士因为做那样的事而被捕了。arrest sb.for doing sth.“因而逮捕某人”,for表示原因。6out句意:每天锻炼对你的健康有好处。work out在此意为“锻炼身体”,符合句意。7with与某人争辩用argue with sb.。8whenevrer句意:请打电话给我的秘书安排今天下午的会议,或者在任何你方便的时候。whenever“无论何时”。关系副词在后句中充当状语,根据语境可知是

4、指时间。.选词填空feed up, work out, plenty of, allow sb. to do sth., thanks to, because of, by bike, be convenient for1I still couldnt_the problem though I tried hard.2I live near to my school, so it_me to go to school on foot.3The sports meeting was put off_the weather.4Im tired of buses, how about going t

5、here_?5Please_me_introduce Mrs. Green to you.6_his help, we finished the work ahead of time.7There are _eggs in the market.8She was_with her donothing sons.答案1work out2.is convenient for3because of 4.by bike5allow; to 6.Thanks to7plenty of 8.fed up.阅读理解AIn Vietnam, TetTrungThu (tettrungthoo), or the

6、 MidAutumn Festival, is one of the most popular family holidays.It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special day.In a Vietnamese folk story,parents were working so hard to prepare for the harvest that they left the

7、children playing by themselves.To make up for the lost time, parents would use the MidAutumn Festival as a chance to show their love and thanks for their children.As a result, the MidAutumn Festival is also called the Childrens Festival.In the United States, this tradition continues in many Vietname

8、se American families.TetTrungThu activities are often centered on children and education.Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can take part in a lantern parade at dawn.Lanterns mean brightness,while the parade means success in school.Vietnamese markets sell a variety of lanterns, but

9、 the most popular childrens lantern is the star lantern.Other childrens activities include arts and crafts (手工艺) in which children make face masks and lanterns.Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for grownups and take part in contests for prizes and scholarships.Unicorn (麒麟) dancers

10、are also very popular at TetTrungThu festivities.Like the Chinese,Vietnamese parents tell their children folk stories and serve mooncakes and other special treats under the bright moon.A favorite folk story is about a carp (鲤鱼) that wanted to become a dragon.The carp worked and worked and finally ch

11、anged itself into a dragon.Parents use this story to encourage their children to work hard so that they can become whatever they want to be.1The TetTrungThu Festival is held _Ain China and other Asian countriesBin VietnameseAmerican familiesCall over the world, except Vietnam Dacross the United Stat

12、es2In both Vietnam and China, on MidAutumn Festival people would _Aeat mooncakes Bbuy lanterns for childrenCtake part in contests Dbuy a carp3What is the focus of the MidAutumn Festival in Vietnam?AFamily gettogethers.BChildren and education.CRelaxation and fun in the middle of the year.DParents hav

13、ing more time with their children.答案与解析本文介绍越南的TetTrungThu Festival节日情况。越南的中秋节主要是关注孩子和教育。1B从文中第三段可以知道在美国的越南家庭也会过TetTrungThu Festival,所以答案选B项。2A买灯笼、鲤鱼、参加比赛只是越南过中秋的习俗,这几项中只有吃月饼是中国和越南过节时都会做的事情。3B越南的中秋节主要是关注孩子和教育,所以答案选B项。BAt the grocers (食品杂货店) I noticed a small boy hungrily eyeing up a basket of freshly

14、 picked green peas. I couldnt help overhearing the conversation between the storekeeper Miller and the boy. “Hello, Mr. Miller. Just admiring the peas. They sure look good.” “Would you like to take some home?” asked Miller. “No, Sir. Got nothing to pay for them with.” “Well, what have you to trade m

15、e for some of those peas?” “All I got is my prize marble (弹珠) here.” “Is that right? Let me see it,” said Miller. “Here it is. Shes a dandy (上等品)” “I can see that. Only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red.Do you have a red one like this at home?” the storekeeper asked. “Not exactly (精确地) but almost.” “Tell you what. Take this bag of peas home with you and next trip this


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