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1、2022年考博英语-大连工业大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The( )of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100% efficiency.问题1选项A.conversionB.conventionC.conversationD.version【答案】A【解析】形近词辨析题。A选项conversion“转化,变换”;B选项convention“约定,习俗”;C选项conversation“交谈,会话”;D选项version“版本”。句意:把

2、电能转换成热能是一个很容易以100%的效率进行的过程。选项A符合句意。2. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English.中国发展已经取得了巨大的成就,但我们清楚地认识到,中国还是最大的发展中国家,人均国内生产总值(per capita GDP)在世界排名不高,科技水平与发达国家有较大差距。经济正在进行提质增效,但仍然存在着很多制约发展的体制和机制(systemic and institutional) 障碍。中国要实现更大更好的发展,到21世纪中叶进入中等发达国家行列,关键是坚持走改革创新之路,进一步解放思想,把人民群众的创造潜能充分激发

3、出来,使整个社会充满生机活力,形成支撑发展源源不断的动力。【答案】China has made great achievements in its development. But we are fully aware that China is still the largest developing country. Its per capita GDP is not high in the world ranking, and its level of science and technology lags far behind that of developed countries.

4、The economy is improving in quality and efficiency, but there are still systemic and institutional obstacles to development. To achieve greater and better development and join the ranks of medium-developed countries by the middle of the 21st century, the key for China is to stay on the path of refor

5、m and innovation, further emancipate the mind, fully unleash the creative potential of the people, invigorate the whole society, and create a steady stream of driving force for development.3. 单选题Remember to ask for a ( )of quality for these goods; otherwise they will not offer any maintenance.问题1选项A

6、.warrantyB.promiseC.certificateD.receipt【答案】A【解析】名词辨析题。A选项warranty“保证,担保”;B选项promise“许诺,允诺”;C选项certificate“证书”;D选项receipt“收据”。句意:记住要对这些货物要求质量保证;否则他们将不提供任何维修。选项A符合语境。4. 单选题This diploma is important, which( )that you have completed high school.问题1选项A.amplifiesB.certifiesC.clarifiesD.magnifies【答案】B【解析】

7、动词辨析。A选项amplify“放大,扩大”;B选项certify“证明”;C选项clarify“澄清,阐明”;D选项magnify“赞美,夸大”。句意:这个文凭很重要,它能证明你已经完成高中学业。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题The train came to a/an ( ) stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.问题1选项A.hastyB.incidentalC.swiftD.abrupt【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项hasty“草率的,匆忙的”;B选项incidental“偶然的”;C选项swift“迅速的,敏捷的”;

8、D选项abrupt“突然的”。句意:火车突然停了下来,许多乘客从座位上摔了下来。选项D更符合语境。6. 单选题The doctor told the students that a(n) ( ) disease was one that could be passed from one person to another.问题1选项A.effectiveB.infectiousC.coherentD.inherent【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项effective“有效的,起作用的”;B选项infectious“传染的”;C选项coherent“连贯的,一致的”;D选项inherent

9、“固有的,内在的”。句意:医生告诉学生传染病是一种可以从一个人传染给另一个人的疾病。infectious disease意为“传染病”,所以选项B正确。7. 单选题She didnt openly attack the plan, but her opposition was ( )in her failure to say anything in support of it.问题1选项A.explicitB.implicitC.internalD.immoral【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项explicit“明确的,清楚的”;B选项implicit“含蓄的,暗示的”;C选项inter

10、nal“内部的”;D选项immoral“不道德的”。句意:她没有公开抨击这个计划,但她没有说任何支持这个计划的话,这就暗示了她的反对。选项B符合句意。8. 单选题It makes me( )when people dont listen, and then ask silly questions.问题1选项A.furiousB.generousC.mysteriousD.suspicious【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项 furious“生气的,狂怒的”;B选项generous“慷慨的”;C选项mysterious“神秘的”;D选项suspicious“可疑的”。句意:别人不听,然后问

11、些愚蠢的问题,这让我很生气。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题There are several possible explanation for the greater job( )in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United State.问题1选项A.sensitivityB.creativityC.stabilityD.security【答案】C【解析】形近词辨析题。A选项sensitivity“敏感性”;B选项creativity“创造性”;C选项stability“稳定性”;D选项security“安全性”。句意:

12、日本工作的稳定性和美国工作的流动性形成对比,对此有几种可能的解释。根据下文的关键词“mobility”可知,选项C正确。10. 单选题As a lawyer( )for his good judgment and eloquence, he is often invited to those grand banquets and meets those distinguished people from all circles.问题1选项A.notoriousB.notableC.nastyD.notified【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项notorious“声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的”;

13、B选项notable“显著的,著名的”;C选项nasty“极差的,恶意的”;D选项notified“通知”。句意:作为一个以良好的判断力和口才著称的律师,他经常被邀请参加那些盛大的宴会,会见来自各界的杰出人士。选项B符合句意。11. 单选题Reporters and photographers alike took great( )at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.问题1选项A.annoyanceB.offenceC.resentmentD.irritation【答案】D【解析】名词辨析题。A选项annoyance“烦

14、恼”;B选项offence“冒犯”;C选项resentment“愤恨,怨恨”;D选项irritation“恼怒,生气”。句意:记者和摄影师都对演员在采访中的粗鲁行为感到非常恼火。选项D更符合语境。12. 单选题Many of the most flexible examples of tool use in animals come from primates (the order that includes humans, apes and monkeys). For example, many wild primates use objects to threaten outsiders. But there are many examples of tool use by other mammals, as well as by birds and other types of animals.Tools are used by many species in the capture or preparation of food. Chimpanzees use sticks and poles to bring out ants and termites from their hiding places. Among the m



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