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1、英语阅读精选测试题带答案2023英语阅读精选测试题带答案2023he link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrights clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated d

2、uring the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events-until, it appears, we begin to dream.练习题:Choose correct answers to the question:1.By saying that “dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat,&; (Lines

3、 4-5, Para. 1) the researchers mean that _.A.we can think logically in the dreams tooB.dreams can be brought under conscious controlC.dreams represent our unconscious desires and fearsD.dreams can help us keep our mood paratively stable2.What did Cartwright find in her clinic?A.Most bad dreams were

4、followed by happier ones.B.Divorced couples usually have more bad dreams.C.Ones dreaming process is related to his emotion.D.People having negative feelings dream more often.3.Cartwright believed with much practice,we can learn to _.A.control what dreams to dreamB.sleep well without any dreamsC.wake

5、 up in time to stop the bad dreamsD.identify what is upsetting about the dreams4.The author points out that a person who has constant bad dreams should _A.learn to control his dreamsB.consult a doctorC.sleep and dream on itD.get rid of anxiety first5.The author most probably thinks that controlling

6、dreams is _.A.a good practiceB.a new discoveryC.helpful for everyoneD.not essential for everyone参考答案1.D 词义理解题。在第1段第4句中,逗号后面的regulating moods是对emotional thermostat的功能进展解释说明,因此可以推断出选项D正确。2.C 事实细节题。最具干扰的是选项A,因为其陈述与第2段第2句的陈述有点相似,但是,此长句说的是大多数人上半夜做噩梦,之后都会做好梦,而不是像选项A中所说大多数噩梦之后是好梦。而且,根据本段第1 句,很明显,选项C是这一句的近义

7、交换。3 C 推理判断题。此题考査对代词的.理解。在第3段的最后一句中,代词it应指上文说到的控制噩梦,及时醒来等做法,因此只有选项C涉及了其中一个做法。选项A太泛了,选项B和D在文中并无提及。4.B 事实细节题。此题考察根据构词法猜想词义的才能。解题关键是推断最后一段第3句中therapist的意义,在考纲词汇表中,therapy是“治疗”的意思,因此,therapist应该是专门负责某种治疗的医生,由此可见,选项B是对原文seek help from a therapist的近义交换。5.D 观点态度题。根据最后一句可以推断作者认为如无必要,梦还是不要控制的好。做梦会让你早上感觉舒适一些,因此此题应选D。第 页 共 页


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