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1、2011年厦门市初中毕业及高中阶段各类学校招生考试英语参考答案1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CACAB11-15 ABCBC16-20 CABBA21-25 CACAB26-30 ABCCB 31-35 ABCAB36-40 CABAB41-45 CABCA46-50 ACBBC51-55 BAABC56-60 CCABB61-65 CBAAA66-70 CCABB71-75 BCCAB76. Tom77. dinner78. 30179. 7:3080. dog81. Talk82. notes83. list84. Do85. result86. places87. will88. vis

2、iting 89. great90. weather 91. best注意:76-91单词填空题可能存在多种答案,尽量放宽对非关键性错误的扣分,如大小写错误等。92. When were you born93. How much is94. I can play the guitar95. I want to be an actor96. get up / wake up97. got to98. been late注意:92-98题允许多种答案,对不影响交际功能的应尽量减少对非关键性错误的扣分。XI. 段落编写的评分参考l 5+2+1模式5分:包含5个单词的句子基本正确(但所有句子的意义完全

3、不相关的则酌情扣分);2分:段落具有一个较清晰的中心大意;1分:语段有良好的过渡与衔接。XII. 短文写作的评分参考l 综合评分参考第一档(10-12分):能够清楚地表述自己的观点和想法;语言准确、流畅、丰富,富有个性和说服力;基本无语法错误;第二档 (7 - 9分):能够清楚地表述自己的观点和想法;行文比较自然,但语言表达较平淡,个性化和说服力较一般,且存在少量语法错误;第三档 (4 - 6分):观点表述不够鲜明,比较缺乏说服力;同时各种语言用法错误较多;第四档 (1 - 3分):内容比较空洞或不切题,词汇和句式用法错误很多。l 辅助评分参考1. 根据难易度,为下述三个写作要点的赋分大致如下

4、所示,剩下2-3分为良好篇章结构及过渡与衔接的加分。内容要求:1. 你想教什么学科,为什么? (2分) 2. 你将如何开展课堂教学?例如:如何进行讲解或组织课堂活动等; (4-5分) 3. 课后你会如何与学生相处和互动?(3分)2. 如果某个写作要点有特别好的表现,可考虑适当额外加分;3. 遣词造句及语法错误应在以意义为中心的语篇内容总体写作表现确定基本评分档次后再进行适当的减分,而且,同类型错误尽量合并处理。2011年厦门市初中毕业及高中阶段各类学校招生考试英语听力试题录音稿I. Listen and choose the right pictures. (听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两

5、遍)1. I often have an apple after dinner.2. My favorite subject is Chinese.3. Bob was born in 1995, and his birthday is July 20th.4. This is my uncle. He is a policeman.5. Look, the volunteers are helping clean the city park.II. Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the quest

6、ions you hear. (听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍)6.W: Theres a notebook on the desk. Do you know whose it is, Jack?M: Let me see Oh, its Lilys. Heres her name.Q: Whose notebook is it?7. W: How do you get to school? M: I ride my bike. Its very convenient, and its faster than on foot.Q: How does the boy go

7、to school?8. W: What can I do for you?M: I want to have a look at new style shoes.W: Which color would you prefer, red or white?M: I prefer white.Q: What color does the man like?9. M: Excuse me, is there a library around here?W: Yes. Its between the bank and the supermarket.Q: Where is the man going

8、?10. M: What does David look like?W: Hes tall. Hes heavy. And he has curly hair.Q: What does David look like?11. W: Did you see all the animals?M: I didnt see any pandas. Did you see any?W: Yeah, the panda is across from the lion, and a tiger is behind them.Q: What are they talking about?12. M: What

9、 club do you want to join?W: I want to join the English club. I need more practice of my spoken English.Q: What does the woman want to improve on English?13. M: The skirt looks nice, and its cheap. Why dont you take it?W: Yeah, its not so expensive. But its out of style. It doesnt look cool.Q: Why d

10、oesnt the woman want to buy the skirt?14. M: Hey, Jenny. What are you doing?W: Hi, Bob. Im watching TV. What about you?M: Im doing the dishes. My parents went out for a concert this evening.Q: Who is doing the dishes?15. W: What do you do when you have free time?M: I often go to movies in my spare t

11、ime.W: What kind of movies are you interested in?M: Thrillers and comedies.Q: What does the man like to do in his spare time?III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to questions 16-20. (听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答16 20小题。听两遍)Text AM: Mrs Jones? This is Mr White.W: Oh,

12、 hello, Mr White. Whats it?M: Its about Peter. Theres nothing to worry about, but Peter had a little accident.W: An accident? Is he hurt? Wheres he?M: One of his legs was hurt when he was playing basketball with his classmates. Its painful, of course, but nothing serious.W: Has the doctor seen him?M

13、: Yes. He is in King Hospital now.W: Ill drive there at once. Thank you. See you.Text BDear Mom,Ive been thinking about you lately. It seems like it has been more than 2 weeks. Ive been studying hard. I really want to make you proud of me. How is everything at home? Is Dad feeling better? The last t

14、ime I spoke with him, he had a bad cold. He sounded terrible. I sent him a card last week. And I hope he feels better now. Ill have a test tomorrow, so Id better hit the books. Take care and know that I love you. Your Daughter, KarenIV. Listen to a dialogue and a passage, then fill in the blanks wit

15、h the right words. 听一篇对话和一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成7685小题,每空一词。听三遍)Text AW: Hello! Whos speaking?M: Hello! This is Tom. I want to speak to Linda.W: This is her.M: Hi, Linda. Im just calling to invite you to have dinner tomorrow evening.W: Really? What time and where?M: 7:30 p.m. at West Lake French restaurant. Ive booked a room already. Room 301.W: Oh, sounds great. Thank you.M: Ill be at you


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