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1、营销英语复习指导一、翻译 Chapter 1l We describe marketing management as carrying out tasks to achieve desired exchanges with target markets.我们将营销管理描述为:通过执行任务来达到我们与目标市场进行交换的目的。l There are five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities:the production,product,selling,marketi

2、ng,and societal marketing concepts.各组织进行营销活动可供选择的五种观念是:生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念和社会营销观念。l The production concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable. Therefore,management should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. This concept is one o

3、f the oldest philosophies that guides that guides sellers.生产观念认为消费者喜爱买得到且买得起的商品,因此,管理者着重在提高生产和分销的效率,这一观念是指导卖者的最古老的哲学之一。l Another major concept guiding sellers,the product concept,holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality,performance,and innovative features.另一种指导销售者的主要观念产品观

4、念认为顾客喜爱具有最好的质量、性能和创新特色的产品。l Many organizations follow the selling concept,which holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organizations products undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.许多组织信奉推销观念,推销观念认为如果不进行大规模的推销及促销活动,顾客将不会购买足够多该组织的产品。l Most firms practice the selling concept wh

5、en they have overcapacity. Their aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the market wants.大多数公司存在生产能力过剩时会采用推销观念。他们的目标是将其生产的产品销售出去,而不是生产市场需要的产品。l The marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the

6、 desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.市场营销观念认为达到组织的目标依赖于发现目标市场的需求并不能比其他竞争者更加快捷有效地提供目标市场期待的满足感。l The societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs,wants,and interests of target markets. It should then deliver superior value to

7、customers in a way that maintains or improves the consumers and the societys well-being.社会营销观念认为一个组织应该确定目标市场的需求和兴趣,然后应以一种方式向顾客提供最大价值,这种方式必须保持或改进消费者及整个社会的福利水平。 Chapter 2l The buying behavior of ultimate consumers can be examined using a five-part model:the buying-decision process,information,social a

8、nd group forces,psychological forces,and situational factors.最终消费者的购买行为可以通过五部分模型来评价:购买决策过程、信息、社会和团体力量、心理力量环境因素。l Psychological forces that impact buying decisions are motivation,perception,learning,personality,and attitude. All behavior is motivated by some aroused need. Perception is the way we int

9、erpret the world around us and is subject to three types of selectivity:attention,distortion,and retention.影响购买决策的心理力量有动机、知觉、学习、个性和态度。一切行为都由某种引致性的需求引起。知觉使人们解释身边事物的方式,它与以下三类选择有关:注意、曲解和保留。l Situational influences deal with when,where,how,and why consumers buy,and the consumers personal condition at th

10、e time of purchase.环境影响指的是消费者何时、何地、如何、为何购买以及在购买时消费者的个人状况。l Impulse buying,or purchasing with little or no advance planning,is a form of low-involvement decision making.冲动型购买或事先无计划的购买是低相关程度决策的一种形式。l Like the criteria consumers use to choose products and brands,their patronage motives will vary depend

11、ing on the purchases situation.与消费者用以选择产品和品牌的标准相同,消费者的惠顾型动机根据购买情形的不同各异。l Postpurchase cognitive dissonance occurs when each of the alternatives seriously considered by the consumer has both attractive and unattractive features.当消费者慎重考虑过的可选方案同时具有吸引人或不吸引人的两方面特性时,易发生购后认知不协调。l The business market consis

12、ts of organizations that buy goods and services to produce other goods and services,to resell to other business users or consumers,or to conduct the organizations operations.组织市场由各种组织构成,它们购买商品和服务以生产其他商品和服务,或者转卖给别的企业用户或消费者,或者维持组织的运作。l The buying-decision process in business markets may involve as man

13、y as five stages:need recognition,identification of alternatives,evaluation of alternatives,purchase decision,and postpurchase behavior.组织市场的购买决策过程也恰好涉及到五个步骤:需求认知、鉴定选择、评价选择、购买决策和购后行为。l The creativity and effectiveness of each companys marketing strategy will ultimately determine the winner with resp

14、ect to sales,profits,and customer lovalty.每个公司营销战略的创意和有效性将最终决定谁在销售、利润和顾客忠诚度方面是赢家。 Chapter 3l A broad group of products,intended for essentially similar uses and having similar physical characteristics,constitutes a product line.通常,具有类似用途和具有相似物理性质的一大类产品构成一条产品线。l Thus management needs to engage in pos

15、itioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firms other products.因此,管理者需要进行定位,即塑造与竞争品牌和竞争对手的其他品牌相关的自我品牌形象。l Regardless of which positioning strategy is used,the needs of the target market always must be considered.不管采用何种定位策略,目标市场的需

16、求总是必须加以考虑的。l If a new product lacks competition and is particularly appealing to consumers,a firm can charge a fairly high price and achieve strong profit.如果一种新产品的竞争对手并不多并且特别吸引消费者,公司可将价格定的相当高,从而获得高额利润。l The product life-cycle concept has been criticized as lacking empirical support and being too general to be adapted to be useful in specific cases.产品生命周期的概念也受到一些批评,因为它缺乏经验支持,并且太过笼统而无法用于具体的案


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