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1、六年级下册英语试卷,,免费下载篇一:新人教版六年级英语下册期中测试题六年级英语下册期中测试题 一、 听力部分 I、按照对话答复以下征询题,选择正确答案。(5) ()1、 A,at hB,i Hanzhou C,nBijg () 、A,Thehae the sme irthay B,YangMiwasborn oCistsay.C,Li Ynws 1 years od()3、,Its excitin,It a wondeflC, Itsinteresting .( ) 、A , Pein B,AtZhuoudian.,In ShanHai( )、A, onyourright , acros th

2、e road C, o ou ft I、推断对错。(%)()1、I e t vist Hananwith my as. ()、Bingx wasnin Beijig. ()、Dinaursner te eat. ()4、e studensdug sohols wth ades () 、eshoud mke our couty reeer III 听写 (0%) School om aPetr met at te Peter tod om his s .He toBijingwt his.T od Peerwek he s inerstingnimals i the museum T ere d

3、insuars, utwe can se today 二、 笔试部分。(10) I 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ()1、A with B themC aths D the ( )2、A eitingB intrsng C eeven D gin()3、A wre B lern C er Dner ( )4、A layd B enjoy C paintedD cald( )5、 ystdy crinlyC,mputerD wonderl ( )6、A bornB str C oty D ry()、 tldBnl goD topc ( )8、Aanim ran C plan D plan ( )

4、9、aB hveC tat D ()1、Alt wasC grassD ance II、写出单词的过去式(0%)g seeat isamsendbuy lern uyrte II、用适当的方式填空(1) 1、etall (建筑物)ar justove there 2、e of thebus athe(十二)sp,anthen tur right 3、 donwat toplay fooll Wha aot (ply)basktball 、Th fos(wrie)Bg Xin (rie)usot ofboks 、M mum (ell)me ineresting stoies veevenn .

5、6、ae(do)lt nit、My bother (notgo)t choo etrda Becauseh(be)il.8、Ping Ma (get) aterfrom te riv . 、The(use) padsto (d)l inthegrund.1、xcusemeWhers te (邮局) I、选择(20) ()1、 Myne bike i e sme . as er A s er C with her D wih hr ()、Kate wasborn Decebe.A at on C in D o ()3、W uualy wo E csa eek, ulast weekweonlyo

6、ne . A have,have had,hd Chave,had D had,have()4、 Teywanted t ma heromelandmo autful. mo beautiful betifuler Dbeautifuet ()5、The to Beiinet yr.A will o B ant t go C went o ()6、 wee oubon OnSeember 12t. Ahere when Cwich D what ()7、 on Tree latiay.A wnt plnt tres B topant C goto plaed Dre goingto lnt(

7、)8、Stop,please . Lets go on with ourlesson . A talk to tak C talkn D tke()9、Theihs s mae d. to fro C ofDwth ()10、 id ou ay oe anuageat shol AlarnBerne to larnD learing五、变句型(10)、Tere rw talulisar theak(对划线部分提征询) 、hy were in hnhai ast Friay(否认句)3、Ihad someooe or lunch today.(一般疑征询句) 4、M fathe livs i H

8、ghou (用 in198改写) 5、 sw a nice booi that bok sho esterda(对划线 部分提征询) Bil Gats wasorn i October,15 i Washig DC. Heas a veryleer boy .His faourt ubjcs at schoo 1 siencend mahs . Whn someody2 wha hwtedt be, he aays3ascnst Wen he ws eas od , Bl4 o lay wt 5.A that tim , puters were vr larg Onc he was intes

9、td 7a very old omput,Head me o is feds 8 tsfime dog unual thin th it A ls thywore out (出) sftar (软件) prgrmme (程序)witthe9 mcine Bill sold itfor 4,20 dollars we he was 0 17ears od 七、阅读 ( F)(5)On y Mr an Ms rown we on tin. Thecndcorameto sethir tickets. Ms Bn took her ticket ou er baad ave t tth condct

10、or. BtMr Brown coudtfin his icket. Hea a litlwri Agirl picked p atiket on he flor, se howe it a ave it to hm. He taked t girlfor elp.()、Mr Browandhisie wre o a train . ()、Ms oont fhr tikt ()3、heckt was o the loor. ()、h girl didnt gv th tickeoMr Brown ()5、Ther a eryknd .八、写作() 用简单的五句话介绍一下本人理想中的社区。仿照课

11、文即可。可 以用上tee 句型和表示方位的短语。y neighbohood听力稿及答案 一、 1、:”HLi an wher ere o yesterd” B: “I wa n eijing ,at abou y YngMing .” :“I as i Hngzhou“ : whe was ng mn2、Toms bihday s on Januay he irst ,192. etr wa bornn nuaythfirs ,19. Q: ich senteneis righ 、Hw was yu hliday Per asit wodfulYes,itwas. Q:w was eter holiday 4、hre dd o g ,Lis wento se Pkingan wih mymum Zoukouian. Q:hatd Lisa o .A.How can Iget to the library B.go staighalogthi adthe liray is n yr lef.:here is the liabray BABC 二、断对错( )1、 wetovisitHaian ty mother. ()2、Beijinwa onin Fuzhou. ()3、Dinosaurs ner atmeat.


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