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1、A. 表达观点对比类写作套语v 总起: Diffeen people ol iferent opinin. Opiiosaedved. Peopl hae taen/aoptd dffrent attd twars Peope hav diferet opnios o ti probm. People tak diffen s o hs questo.v 体现观点一: o the hldte oinothat of them re in favorof he idea tha People who ar for/aginst t ideathink v 体现不同观点之间的衔接:v Hower,

2、othem hoadffeenview./ ofthmoldtheopsite pinion v Peopleho ar agnt it do tinks.v wevr, ach con aswo ie. v Dferenfrom thse.,people think .v On the othrd,pople object that.1. 近来,越来越多的学生在校外租房而不肯住大寝室。请根据下面提示,一分为二地用英语写一篇短文,说说两者各自的好处与害处,并表白自己的观点。1. 学习时间; 2. 安全; 3. 自由性; 4. 与同窗交往; 5. 学习效果。Nowdays, ome suetsw

3、old ot like to lv in adom. ntea, hey rentous otsi theschool. Thereradantges for bot. Livig n a orm cnineas friship and cooperaionetwe casmates. nd of caset i safer. A do imorelk a ociet,chenabes stdens toarno dapt t each otr, thuspearing fr t soialife lter. s r tinghousestlivealon, is bette for stdy

4、 as ou ca fe free i your own rom wihou beingtrupteby othe. s aresul, you ca avmoe time nddvoeyursl to studyig wholeheatdy. But here my apersome afeyproblems as ou ie outside of the scholnyhw,as uden,Iprefe iing in dorm2. 近年来,禽流感频发,某些国家在疫区捕杀所有鸟类。对此,你们班开展了主题班会,讨论成果如下:赞成捕杀者觉得反对捕杀者觉得你的态度1.避免病毒扩散、威胁人类健康.

5、捕杀鸟类,不公平,太残忍?2疫区扩大,不易治愈2尽快找到疫苗注意:参照词汇:禽流感bird flu;家禽poulty;病毒viru;疫苗vaccine解析:参照例文(下划线的为文章的亮点)As its wellkno thatbrdl hs sreadthh mny ountries Peole haaen soemeasurementsto revent t.ehnk is necssary to kill ll he poutyandbrds. Atpesentitis nlygo way to evt th dealy virusrm sadig ad amig peles halt T

6、h ore te vrsspread ,th mre diffcultitis to cnquer it.Hwever, oters hnk t i und awullyruel o doso j fr the benefit ohuman in. Findnvaccnes qickly s posible is he mot iotan thik. fa Im conere, tcing a killing brdssot ecessry. I may use e birds t ie o. Aso, bdsae fiends usumaneings.3.观点理由一方面选择专业可以学习自己感

7、爱好的东西;2.便于将来从事自己爱慕的工作。2一方面选择大学.学习环境对人的成长很重要;.名牌大学的毕业生在求职时常会受到青睐。3你的见解(内容由考生自己拟定)注意:1.开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;内容可合适发挥,注意行文连贯。Eery student wi be face with he uesin afte he aes hecllege entrane exmnaos: Shold we hooe agod mao or a oo univrsit first? ne psble esn:ver studt wil b ced it the us when h passs thecll

8、ege entrancexaminations: houd we oose a goo aoor a good uniersity i? Some studesprefe toonsider majors irs sthatthey cn arnhat thy arnerted in. It wilao mke pssible for temto takehei fvorie jobsin h future.Hover, hose who tinkirentlbelee tat the evronent is mportantto on deepmnt and that gaduatesfro

9、mlading universitis a often mre likel toind agodobIn my opinion, the est hoice is a good ajor aa gd nvesit If we cannot btan both, the irst thing tocse s a goomjor, becaue no mattr whee sdy,wn stilahieve a ot in crtan fed if e ry our bst.4. 近来,学校组织高三学生开展了一场讨论。讨论的主题是:周末要不要上课呢?请根据下表提供的信息,写一篇短文,客观的简介一下

10、讨论的状况,并且简朴地体现自己的观点。开头已给出,不记入总词数。30%00%要上课高考6月举办,要抓紧时间复习不要上课休息好,提高效率其中一天学习,一天休息学习和休息兼顾Recntl, th stdentsofSeo in our shol have ha dusion out whher we hld have clsss onweekend. Recty,the studetsof eno 3 i our chool hve ha adiscussin abot wew should have clae on weens.30 f themtinkthey shod have lasss

11、o weekends ecase h ColegeEntrace Examiation tis yeill e held n Jue, andsudets hould ake ull use of free time o rview wttey hav ler.Another30ae ainst he ea of having lse on weekendshey believe tudnts shoud hve good est wekendsotht thy an sudy mor effctely duringthe wkdays.T other 0% f the suents dnt

12、agre with either o theidea ave. I thei pinio, stud n et are t iportant for stuents They uggs ne ayo he eedhod b ed to t drin te otherday heyhve a re.5.目前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“ilm r bok, which doou efer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:1、看电影:省时、有趣、易懂 、读原著:细节更多、语言优美2、 我的见解及理由:文章题目和开头已给出(不计入词数)。3、参照词汇: rigi wor 或 book n the orignal (原著)Film orbok, hchd y fer? Some



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