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1、教育性小学英语语篇教学案例Asking the way一 案例背景 教学时间:2010年6月2日教学内容:上海版牛津教材5B Module2 Unit 1 Asking the way教学片断:句型“Excuse me , how can I get to_。Can you tell me the way to_? Let me show you the way. (Go straight)_ is on your left/right.”教学 (while-task)执教教师:宋欢婕 上海市松江区实验小学 教学对象:上海市上外附小五(3)班学生,借班上课。教材内容:上海版牛津教材的第2单元的

2、第一课的主题是Animals in the zoo,基于教材提供的这一主题,结合本课“Look and learn”“Look and read” ”Ask and Answer”,3个模块的内容,本节课重构了以“Asking the way”为话题而展开的以让学生一起和kitty一家从宾馆来到世博会,选择了何种路线去参观世博馆的教学内容。课例分析:松江区实验小学 章健二 案例片断:片断目标:语言知识与技能:学生能在具体的情境中运用“Excuse me , how can I get to_。Can you tell me the way to_? Let me show you the wa

3、y. (Go straight)_ is on your left/right.” 语言文化和技能:语言感受与表达中,鼓励学生争做世博小志愿者,能够大胆的为外国宾客指路,体验到作为世博会小小东道主的小主人翁精神,激发学生热爱世博,热爱上海的情感,更爱我们的美丽家乡。语段1:Hello! My name is Kitty. I come from England.My family and I are going to Shanghai for the Expo. We are going to stay in Park Hotel for 3 days。T: Her name is kitty

4、. She just arrived at the airport with her happy family.Do you know where they come from?Why do they come to shanghai?Where are they going to stay? Now please listen carefully and answer my questions.T: Look! It is on west Nanjing road.But how can they go to the Expo Park from Park Hotel?S1: I can g

5、o to the Expo Park by ferry.S2: I can go to the Expo Park on feet.S3: I can go to the Expo Park by.T: Yeah. There are many ways to the Expo Park.You can go to the Expo Park by bus, by underground, and by ferry. Kittys family is thinking about the three ways. But they have no idea which way to choose

6、. So they want to ask the volunteer.And how can she ask the way?S1: Can you tell me the way to the bus stop?T: Lets read it together.What else can we say when we are asking the way?S2: Where is the bus stoop?S3: How can I get to the bus stop?T: They are the same. Lets read them together.语段2:Mother:

7、Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop?Mary: Sure. Let me show you the way. Walk along West Nanjing Road. Cross Yellow River Road. Then go straight. The bus stop is on your right.Mother: Thank you so much.Mary: My pleasure. T: We know how to ask the way.But how can we show the way?How do

8、es Mary show the way?T: Can you read it? Have a try!语段3:Volunteer: Which pavilion are you interested in?Kitty: I am interested in China Pavilion. It looks like a red hat. How interesting!Volunteer: I am interested in it, too. Kitty: Then where is it?Volunteer: Its in Zone A.Kitty: Can you tell me th

9、e way to China Pavilion?Volunteer: Sure. Let me show you the way. Go straight. Turn right. Cross Shangnan Road. Walk along Guozhan Road. Its on your left. Have a good time there.Kitty: Thank you so much.Volunteer: My pleasure.T: Now can you show the way to China Pavilion?So please work in pairs and

10、show the way to China Pavilion.T:Before they going back to England, do you want to invite them to visit some place in Songjiang,our hometown?There are so many beautiful places in Songjiang, such as .Ss: Happy valley, Fangta ParkT: Do you want to invite them to Songjiang?Ss: Yes. / Sure. / Of course.

11、T: Great! I believe you can be a good guider for them.Lets welcome foreign friends with a smile!屏幕呈现画面与文字学生边听边思考教师提出的3个问题。教师转述问题,学生回答。屏幕上同时出现问题的答案,用红线在文本中划出。引出新授句型Excuse me , how can I get to_。Can you tell me the way to_?学生运用新句型操练,在对话中感知“问”和“答”的礼貌性和科学性。理解语段。屏幕中出现世博场馆的地图,教师提出问题,学生两人活动,操练。学生2人一组,反馈。教师

12、归纳总结。屏幕中出现松江美景。学生集体回答,感受家乡魅力。师生面带微笑,感受东道主的小主人翁的热情和自豪感。 “问路与指路” -生活小常识的教育性在英语语篇教学中的点滴渗透教材语言分析:五年级牛津教材提供的本单元关于my favourite things 话题的主要单词是left, right, up, down, along,主要句型是Excuse me,where is. .本案例基于教材提供的主题和语言,挖掘了有关Asking the way,“问路与指路”的教育性。让学生一起和从英国来的kitty一家从宾馆来到世博会,再到Kitty一家四口人分别所感兴趣的展馆这个过程,让学生感受“问路

13、与指路”,这个生活小常识的重要性,从而自然的流露争做世博小志愿者,大胆的为外国宾客指路的思想情感,将时代大背景下的世博会小小东道主的小主人翁精神与热爱上海,热爱我们的美丽家乡的感情有机融合,延伸了Asking the way 原本意义上的简单教学内容,这样的主题更适合五年级的学生。教学目标设定:依据课程要求,依据教学内容,依据学生原有的认知水平和生活经验,本案例教师设定的语言目标是:学生能在具体的情境中运用“Excuse me , how can I get to_。Can you tell me the way to_? Let me show you the way. (Go straig

14、ht)_ is on your left/right.”等句型。教育性目标是让学生那个通过世博会这个大背景,感受到世博会小小东道主的小主人翁精神,和热爱上海,更爱我们的美丽家乡-松江的积极情感。分析本课例片段,表面上,呈现给大家的是很多操练“问路与指路”的对话活动。实际上,通过再构的文本,3个语篇的设计,在语境、语段中理解“问路与指路”在生活中的实际意义。身处异国他乡的游客来参观世博园,问路是免不了的事情。教师隐性的将“在英语国家,人们对于外国人很乐于提供帮助,在一般情况下,你总能得到热情、满意的回答。”这种习惯告诉学生,同时也无痕的渗透了热爱家乡的自豪感,达到了本节课预设的教育性目标。教学情

15、景选择:本案例中的教师,对于这节课的设计灵感来源于一次志愿者活动。在2009年12月5日的志愿者日,她带着学生们去华亭老街宣传世博知识。学生们大胆主动教路人一些简单的世博英语,路人们都被可爱的小天使们所吸引着,学的不亦乐乎。所以,她在设计本节课时,不是一味单调的照着教材上提供的文本,而是巧妙的结合世博会这个大的背景,让学生们去作可爱的小小志愿者。这为“Asking the way”这节课,做了很好的情景铺垫。“问路与指路”不仅仅是英语口语上的简单交流,而是一种文化的传承,这样的设计,也向学生们传递了“中国人自古热情好客,“问路”是请求别人的帮助,必须注意礼貌,要恰当地使用礼貌用语,使人乐于为你指路。而“指路”,是帮助别人,必


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