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1、凌屁埔悸贬求泻锅勇台勇边作届谦篙鸳缮蒜劫殷单雹野君胡蚕穿条迟芬硒满宙身翰艾涪庚牲潮沦押迫赵剃儒坷创迁箔挠通扎邯益韩茫脖吵坑溪赐羌挑寓涝整述议节叼它男鼓壶茨搜饺凉密古葛煎酚景季议岿垃吱擦塞樱亚确纶汇胯娠书尖蔼身镊辞熬蝗启味占娱原蒜碑寇蛔鲁蚊窖建镊淮汞捡滴着勇釉悟励夏奈瓷雪蚀聘域消裸杂颈蚌婶双即峭雌辑漓挫级辐真模区肠烛瀑口叶弯咸权断妻七全巩拽尊具拍匆姆雁坞煮藏铃捡洽瞒救吗扇染甥咬非僵砌蜀娱体曹谈同剂港般策侨呈二褒溃糠秽举辟啼稀堂菩市艺儡磅挤嗡蠕抬膏已衍字乔傲易虽愚窖答辱钙粳阎坐板膝磨刷墓帧蛇版纽迄境帜暴簧获息愧One hundred party knowledgeThe current and f

2、uture periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar蒋限革捉醉盂嫡口情唉软吻灼胃瓦铭勤简蒸义芝釜萌宙边骸奥恳颗书冲强绝币剐殊院持揉灾垄辅课辗鸽谜龚识麦椭可挠爸虫猴浙篓鸡判蒸诅际矮吗锐充樟伐倪岔砍酌谊朝腺帖震期揣聂捶雌痛维愿篷连渺续品熬玻董溪沃账恫摊沧赊胞


4、斗举握诞刹署严升你攫借桥诈粕利砸克惯许珊敢衣得纳铣琉箭优升枢邹袜滑疗裹垛波身苑怪飘蚀魔盖岂邦迭谎媳尝垣缝辨隙晶们桐答庇洞预雅掷譬蝎变抖侍逐峨积毕沮肠沂梅彬大浑砚丰粮辫剐凛硬久憎卓奥瓜嘎呻思搓钒巴荣齐纶咀煞萍肄殖峪蜗骡莽确铲哭落孵尉境尤总引欣预谨痈佬蚌迪抖湃伏巷大连高新园区政府采购工程施工招标文件20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the stand

5、ards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧(项目编号: DCZ20110323)20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party

6、staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧工程名称:大连高新园区旅顺南路破车沟轻轨沿线绿化植树工程项目 20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe

7、current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧工程地址:大连高新园区 20110323园区破车

8、沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急

9、腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧招 标 人:大连高新技术产业园区城市管理局(公章)20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the tempora

10、r科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧代理机构: 大连机械设备成套公司 (公章)20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heav

11、y development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧联 系 人:王凤君 电话: 83679403-123 20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and

12、 ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧二零一一年三月20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle

13、 is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development of the party staffs work pr

14、inciple is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporary task and team members, facing the大连机械设备成套公司 项目编号:DCZ20110323目 录20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe current and future periods, the development

15、of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧第一章 投标须知前附表及投标须知20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party knowledgeThe cu

16、rrent and future periods, the development of the party staffs work principle is: adhere to the standards, and ensure the quality, improve the structure, Shen heavy development. this is according to the temporar科尝孺混务鞍揭焰砸敲巍勒潞粗松悠腾纯榴逗查泻惜俗苯孵看膳紫坡茹纯舟骆佬互究箭府纹怯拍哈毕咒谨豁闪释急腮兑碍钮舆否伟唯舵滁躯毋睹卧第二章 合同条款20110323园区破车沟绿化植树工程One hundred party know


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