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1、2019年秋期高中三年级期末质量评估英语试卷参考答案听力 1-5 ABCBA 6-10 BCACA 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 CBCAB阅读理解 (共20小题,满分40分)A篇 21-23 ABD (略)B篇 24-27 CABDC篇 28-31 CDCC28. C词义猜测题。根据第三段中的 It seems that activities that increase heat shock proteins may help to improve blood sugar control and offer an alternative to exercise可知,提升热休克蛋白水平的

2、活动似乎可以帮助改善血糖控制,并提供一种锻炼的替代方案。由此推知,这是一种合理的解释。故选C项。29. D细节理解题。根据第四段第二句 The participants were either assigned to an hour-long session of cycling or an hour-long session in a 40 bath和第五段第一句中的 The scientists discovered that both groups were better able to control their blood sugar levels in the 24 hours f

3、ollowing the activities可知,参与者在活动中分别被分配了一个小时的任务,任务结束后的24小时内,科学家们对他们的情况进行了跟踪监测。故选D项。30. C推理判断题。根据第七段中的 For starters, the experiment only monitored men和only included 14 volunteers, which was an extremely small sample size。可知,这项研究有很多不足之处,实验仅跟踪监测了男性的情况,未涉及女性,且实验样本量很小。由此可知,该研究应增加女对象的研究。故选C项31. C解推理判断题。根据文

4、章最后一段That being said, the study does offer some more promising insights(见解) into the healing effects of hot water.可知作者认为,尽管这项研究有不足之处,但它确实为热水的治疗效果提供了一些更有前景的见解。故选C项。D篇32-35 CABB32. C 由文中Paper, plastic, glass, metal and textiles(纺织品) are counted as recyclable waste.可知old coats是可回收利用的废品。34. B 根据“We shou

5、ld do this from a pigs angle,”可知网民是用一种调侃的口气来说的。35. B 从全文内容可知,本篇文章主要讲了上海开始实行垃圾分类。七选五 36-40 CEDBF完形填空 (共20小题,满分30分)41-45 BCADC 46-50 ABBCD 51-55 ADBBC 56-60 AACDD导读:文章介绍了以Blumberg为负责人的科学家探索研究出供聋哑人交流的手势语,以架起聋哑人与正常人之间的沟通桥梁。41.B 考查动词词义辨析adapt使适应;adopt采用,符合语境,文章最后一句同一词再现。adjust调整;announce宣布。42.C 考查名词词义辨析,

6、根据第一句话可知How does a principal investigator make communication among deaf and hearing colleagues easier?可知。43.A 考查熟词生义。station派驻;把某人安置到某地;符合语境。can将装入密封; cup使成杯形; cap覆盖。44.D cover足以支付,符合语境。45.C 根据下文。46.A carry out完成;执行,符合语境。carry on继续进行。make out辨别;理解。make up构成;弥补;化妆47.B 考查固定搭配。seek寻求,符合语境;A,C需加to; D带领,

7、不合逻辑。48.B 考查惯用法及上下文。in general通常 符合语境。in word口头上。49.C presentations 破折号为提示。50. D other 其他的。依据下面一段可知Lundberg的身份。51.A because 解释Lundberg不需要an interpreter的原因。52.D speak 说,后面chat platforms为信息词。53.B 54.B suggested 建议,考查虚拟语气。55.C 考查名词性从句关联词用法辨析。 what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。56. A not all 由后文可知,应用部分否定。57.A indepen

8、dently独立地,依据上文没有统一的标准,以及colleagues working in the same lab develop their own signs for the terms they frequently use可知.58.C who 考查定语从句引导词。Technician为信息词。59.D 考查上下文。it指代前面的a sign。60.D universal通用的。语法填空(共10小题,满分15分)61. into 62. were taken 63. which 64. broken 65. confidence 66. to preserve 67. the 68.

9、 have spared 69. seventh 70. remaining短文改错 (共10小题,满分10分)Im delighted to know you showed a great interest in Chinese table manners. Now I showwould like to share you how to behave properly when we are invited to dinner.share后加with you To begin with, the host will reserve a special seat for the guest,

10、 that is highly honored who on such a occasion and is expected to be the first to taste the food served. Beside, chopsticks an Besidesand spoons are usually used when you are eating in China. Third, you are not supposed to make a noise while drink soup. Last but not least, remember to thank the host

11、 for the delicious drinkingfood he has been offered, which will surely make him happily. been删去 happyI hope my advices will be of help to you advice书面表达 (满分25分)Dear Zhangshuai,Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me days ago. Ive been thinking about the question you asked me. In my opin

12、ion, you should come back after you finish your studies abroad. For one reason, what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. In fact, I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to employ people like you. For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as they aregetting old. Therefore, I think its a good idea for you to return. So what are you waiting for?Best wishes Yours,Li Hua- 14 -


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