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1、自我介绍(give a self-introduction)I am glad to answer the telephone interview. my name is gold. im a high school students from the city of wenzhou in the always says that one cant grow as a true man unless he has a wide range of the outside world. i think it is absolutely right, i know, if you want to s

2、ucceed, you should try to contact more successful. the success of the ethnic cfl project provides, so im here to interview you, i tried to attend you! thank you!我很高兴接这个电话采访。我姓金。我是高中的学生来自温州,在这总是说一个人不能成长为一个真正的人,除非他有一个广阔的有关外部世界的。我认为这是绝对正确的,我知道,如果你想成功,你应该联系多的成功的人。成功的族群cfl项目提供了,所以我现在在这里,同面试你,我尽力去参加你的!谢谢!

3、2、为什么申请这个项目?(中国未来领导精英CFL项目/China Future Leadership Project (CFL)CFL is a dynamic and international project in which future leaders engage the widest international horizon. The reason why I apply for this project is very simple. Your objective is to nurture the future leaders of tomorrow and I want t

4、o be a leader in the future. cfl是一个动态和国际项目,在未来的领导人进行最广泛的国际视野。这就是为什么我申请这一项目是很简单。你的目标是培育未来的领袖,明天我想成为领袖future。一个更好的面对未来。a. To better face the future challenges of the business worldb. What I do not normally get from universities and business schools.c. Through the projectBroaden the international horiz

5、on, establish a bridge between me and internationally renowned professors, interface with multinational conglomerates, and establish a relationship with oversees counterparts. 。1到更好的面对未来挑战的商界2我通常是不能从大学。三是通过该项目扩大国际上,建立一座桥我与国际知名的教授,与跨国公司联合大企业,建立关系。监督3、In your experience and education, what is your und

6、erstanding of leadership in 21st century? 在你的经验和学历,你的领导在二十一世纪?Leadership is the lifting of peoples vision to a higher sight, the raising of their performance to a higher standard, the building of their personality beyond its normal limitations. 彼得德鲁克 (Peter F. Drucker) Leadership is an event. 领导的人民是

7、一个更高,提高经济效益较高水平的不正常的限制。4、你对未来人生的规划?Your future life of the plan? Study-study-work (experience)-study (economics) or establish my own advertising company-to be a leader study-study-work(经验)-study(经济学)或者建立自己的广告company-to成为领导者5、告诉我你的优点/优势(tell me your strength)Energetic, confident, decisive/ always kno

8、w what is really important for him活力、自信,具有决定性的/总是知道什么是真正重要的是他6. How do you think the relationship between your major and this project? 你怎么想的关系,这个项目吗?你主修 I liked the project,7. Have you ever thought about going study abroad? 你有没有想过要出国念书吗? I of course i want to study abroad, i prefer foreign education

9、, i think i am in the past few years of study abroad我当然我想过要出国念书,我喜欢外国的教育,我想我在过几年出国念书8、你对中美关系如何看待?You to the sino-british relationship aboutSino-british relations with the two exchanges have become more closely and friendly中英关系会随着两国的交流变得更加密切和友好1、简短个人介绍2、个人未来计划(人生规划)3、你觉得中国与美国的教育有何区别/发表2分钟的演讲,Please t

10、ell me something unreflected at yourC.V./about yourself/your experience/your activities.谈谈你简历中没有提及的一些事情/谈谈你自己/你的经历/你参与的活动。An example of team work.举出一个你参与团体合作的例子。 Why do you choose this position?你为什么选择这个职位。 Why should we hireyou?为什么我们应该雇用你? 开放式讨论如In formation Technology(信息技术)或者the role of university

11、in society(大学的社会角色)等,主要考查求职者的思维方式。 自由提问。求职者可以事先准备一些问题去询问面试官。听不清时怎么办 如果有话语没有听清楚,求职者不必紧张,可以镇定地请求再说一遍。可以用到的句子: pardon?请再说一遍 Would you please simplify the question?您能把这个问题说得简单些吗? Would you please say iti nother words?您能用别的话来表达您的意思吗? Would you please speak a little bit louder?I can not hear you clearly.您

12、说话声音能大一点好吗?我听不清楚。 highly-motivated strong ambition and determination to succeed career ambition ambitious ability and desire to advance rapidly aggressiveness上进心强大的野心和决心取得成功的事业目标雄心勃勃,想要急速上涨进取心回答完毕了I think thats all.q:what is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)a:helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。

13、)a:adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)a:cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)q: how would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)a: (pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。)they say mr. chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and frie

14、nds. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力、负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。)a:they say mr. chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)如何应对突袭电话面试 当你正在球场或者公交车上突然接到了面试电话,此时没有任何准备,建议你首先试探看看是否可以给你个准备时间稍后再进行电话面试。可以用到的句子: May I call you back half an hour l ater?May I have your phone number and r

15、ecall you? 如果可以赢得时间,你应该马上赶回去,摊开资料写出一个提纲,从容应答。如果对方不同意推迟时间,你应该马上找个安静的地方坐下来开始回答。(如果你曾经花时间去寻找一份工作,你可能有过一到两次的电话面试的经历。如果你没有,那么你很有可能会尝试到这种更加有效率的方式,因为越来越多的公司开始通过电话筛选的方式来遴选候选人。虽然面试对那些经理人来说是一件很琐碎的事情,不过知道怎么去应对一次电话面试是至关重要的,因为这可能是寻找工作过程中的决定因素。当你希望你的经验与技术能够为你带来一次面对面的面试机会时,有必要确信你在电话中的无礼或者准备不充分不会阻碍你面试机会的出现。电话面试的技巧虽

16、然下面这些电话面试的技巧看上去很简单,但是这有助于使你头脑清醒并提醒你在电话面试中什么是该做的什么是不该做的,以便你不会因为忘记了其中一个要点而丧失了一个很棒的机会。 技巧 1 : 环境确保你的面试是环境安静的,这样你就不会被弄得心绪不宁或被打断,而且还要保证电话是通的。很明显,你不应该打算在工作的时候接受一次电话面试。如果面试必须在中午进行,那么你应该让自己尽量少的离开办公室。如果在家里闲着,要确定你的家人是理解你的,让你占用电话并且在你面试的时候不会被打搅。把宠物都放到门外面去,并且关上你办公室的门。如果你能避免别人在电话呼叫中的等待,最好就这么做。还有记住不要关掉你的移动电话。 技巧 2 : 工具在手边放一支钢笔和一张纸。


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