牛津小学英语毕业考试英语综合试卷(DOC 9页)

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《牛津小学英语毕业考试英语综合试卷(DOC 9页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津小学英语毕业考试英语综合试卷(DOC 9页)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津小学英语毕业考试英语综合试卷听力部分(30%)一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容.(听1遍)10% A B C D( )1.calculator camera camp carrot( )2.public popular police present( )3.snow show slow smoke( )4.9:13 9:15 9:45 9:30( )5.favourite festival field finish( )6.shopping center train station post office history museum( )7.get there get together g

2、et here over there( )8.turn left turn right turn back turn green( )9.have a chat have a party have a rest have dinner( )10.middle school primary school after school have school二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子(听1遍)5% ()1.A.Isyourmotherwashingdishes? B.IsyourmotherwatchingTV? C.Isyourmotherwashingshoes? ()2.A.Theteap

3、ot is very beautiful, and I like drinking tea.B. Theteapot is very beautiful, and Grandma likes drinkingtea. C.I like drinking tea, andtheteapot is very beautiful.()3.A.Donteatchocolatehere,Danny. B.Donteatsweetshere,Danny. C.Donteatbiscuitshere,Danny. ()4.A.Put the box on the desk.B.Put the books o

4、n the desk.C.Put the books on the box. ()5.A.Themonkeylivesinthetree. B.Themonkeysliveinthetree. C.Themonkeyisplayinginthetree. 三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听2遍) 5%( )1.A.He likes winter best. B.He likes spring best. C.He likes summer best.( )2.A.Theyre going to have a picnic. B.Theyre going to see a play.

5、 C.Theyre going to travel.( )3.A.Jane. B.Bill. C.Bill and Jane.( )4.A.By bike. B.By taxi. C.On foot.( )5.A.Its rainy. B.Its snowy. C.Its sunny.四.听录音,填如所缺单词,每空填一词.(听3遍)10%_, Gao Shan and his friends _ _ to have a _. They need some food. They are going to _some food and some _ at the _ center near the

6、 library. Wang Bing _ going with them, because he and his _ are going to see a Beijing _ in the school hall.笔试部分(70%)一.判断下列每组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,用或表示.5%1.family happy ( ) 2.bear dear ( ) 3.brown yellow( )4.worker her( ) 5.warm park ( )二.英汉互译.10%1.在秋天 _ 2. 一个信封_3.运动会 _ 4.打雪仗 _5.写信给我 _6. black and blue _7.

7、With best wishes. _ 8. take part in the dancing contest_9.the best season _ 10.most of the time _三.按要求写词.10%1.finish (第三人称单数)_ 2. many(比较级)_3. write (同音词)_ 4. hot (比较级)_5. good (副词)_ 6. sun(形容词) _7. three(序数词)_ 8. meet(过去式)_9we(名词性物主代词)_ 10. low(反义词)_四.用所给单词的适当形式填空.5%1. Look, the girls _(sing) now.2

8、. Peter _(want) _(write) a letter to his friend.3. Would you like _(join) _(we)?4. There is a lot of _(rain) here.5. What _(do) she usually do? She usually _(catch) insects.6. They (have) a picnic this weekend.7. I like _(swim) very much.五.选择填空.10%( )1.The man _ blue is his brother.A. with B.in C. o

9、n D. at ( )2.Is this umbrella _? No, _ is over there. A. your, I B. yours, mine C. your, my D. you , I( )3.The visitors _ London next month. A. went to B. is going to C. well go to D. are going to( )4.I can speak Japanese_my mother. A. better, as B. better, than C. good; as D well; as( )5.There is g

10、oing to _ a puppet show in our school. A. have B. be C. give D. has( )6.Where _ you just now? I _ at the library. A. was, were B. are, was C. were, was D. was, was( )7.Its time _ listen _ the music. A. to, / B. for, to C. to, to, D. for, /( )8.Lucy _me _ my English. A. helping, with B. helps, in C.

11、is helping, with D. helped, at( )9。-What _you usually _on Sundays ? -I usually watch TV at home. But last Sunday I _to the park with my friends. A. did, do, goes B. do, do, want C. do, does, went D. do, do, went( )10._is the shopping center? About two kilometers away. A. How many B. How far C. How D. Wh


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