专题18 读后续写:无灵主语升级(原卷版)-2022年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx

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专题18 读后续写:无灵主语升级(原卷版)-2022年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx_第1页
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《专题18 读后续写:无灵主语升级(原卷版)-2022年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题18 读后续写:无灵主语升级(原卷版)-2022年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题18读后续写:无灵主语升级(原卷版)一、无灵主语 inanimate subject无灵主语句,是指用无生命的事物做主语,用人或社会团体的行为或动作做谓语,因此这类句子常带有拟人化的修辞色彩。例如:Rome witnessed many great historic events.(在罗马发生过许多重大历史事件)它的主语Rome罗马,是无生命的事物,但谓语witness目击,是人的动作。这种“无 灵主语+有灵谓语”的句式,就是无灵主语句。它的亮点在哪?先举个栗子:普通句:She had a good idea.无灵主语句: A good idea came across her mind.

2、同样是表达“她有了个好主意”,比起普通句式中的常见句子,无灵主语句中这种“想法跑到脑中”的拟人化表达,肉眼可见更高级!1二、无灵主语的分类无灵主语的分类01情感状态类名词02主语(身体部位/音容笑)+有灵动词+其它03 时间地点景物类名词+ witness/spread across/fill三、无灵主语句式与练习 句式 1: (a burst/wave/feeling of+)表示情感状态的名词+有灵动词+sb1、表示“某人感到.”或“一阵/一种.向某人袭来”2、常用于该句式的有灵动词(短语)有:有灵动词(短语)中文意思有灵动词(短语)有灵动词(短语)seize/take hold ofsb

3、“抓住”“控制住”swallow sb“吞噬,淹没”defeat sb“击垮”tear. into pieces“把撕碎”sweep over sb“袭来”choke ones words“噎住”(说不出话)3、例句A sense of despair defeated me, and I fell sobbing on the doorstep.简爱 绝望击垮了我,我倒在门阶上哭泣。(1) Mary felt a wave of anger sweep over her.秘密花园玛丽感到一阵愤怒。“情感状态的抽象名词+谓语动词”的描写还有: Fear gripped the village.

4、(整个村庄笼罩在恐怖之中) Courage deserted him.(他失去了勇气) Anger choked my words.(我气的说不出话) A wave of nervousness washed over him.(阵紧张的情绪涌上他的心头) A chill of horror suddenly swept over him.(他突然感到不寒而栗) Excitement seized him.(他好兴奋)练习一:请把下列表示情感的形容词改成名词,做作主语anxious焦虑的n.guilty内疚的n.panic惊慌的n.worried担忧的n.despaired绝望的n.angry

5、生气的n.hopeless绝望的n.depressed沮丧的n.horrible恐惧的n.stressful有压力的n.happy高兴的n.sad伤心的n.练习二:请把下面的句子和相应的有灵动词(谓语)匹配。()1、 阵恐慌向她袭来。A wave of panicher.A.choked()2、我抱着礼物,兴奋得什么话也说不出来。I held the present, and excitementmy words.B.seized()3、她的焦虑把她撕成了碎片。(她焦虑不安)C.swept overAnxietyher into pieces.()4、那些日子里,一种沮丧攫住了我。A depr

6、essionme those days.D.tore|句式2:主语(身体部位/音容笑)+有灵动词+其它1、这类名词有:face/eye/heart/fingers/tears/smile/voice2、有灵动词有:one* face brighten/light up(露出喜色),tears well up(涌出),spread across(浮 现)3、例句:(1)My fingers shook with anger, so that I could not go on sewing.简爱(2)I was relieved when a bright, sweet voice interr

7、upted us.简爱“身体部位/音容类名词+谓语动词”的描写还有: Smile crumpled his face.(他笑得一脸皱纹) Her face brightened when I gave her the present.(我给她礼物时,她的脸上焕发出了光彩) His words sent me a quiver through my body.(他的话让我全身不寒而栗) Laughter lingered around the room.(笑声在房间里萦绕) Tears welled up in Annis eyes.(泪水从安妮的眼中涌出)这些句子简直完胜xx is cryin

8、g/ laughing/ smiling!快把它们记下来,用在续写里 头去夺分!练习:根据汉语和提示用无灵主语或有灵动词填空,并背诵。1、他一看到熟悉的字迹,便热泪盈眶。The moment he saw the familiar handwriting,(主语)(有灵动i司)in his eyes.2、当老人多年后回到家乡时,激动得热泪盈眶。(激动的泪水)When the old man returned to his hometown after so many years, tears of(主语)(有灵动i司)in his eyes.3、他注视着那个不寻常地沉默的男孩,一脸惊讶。He

9、stared at the unusually silent boy and a look of surprisehis face.4、我给她礼物时,她的脸上露出了喜色。(主语)(有灵主语)when I gave her the present.句式 3: 表时间和地点的名词+ (有灵动词)witness/fill/spread through 等等“时间/地点/场景类名词+谓语动词”的描写有: A hush fell upon the classroom.(教室一片寂静)Beijing has witnessed great changes in recent years.(北京见证了 最近

10、儿年的的 巨大变化) Dusk found the child crying in the street.(黄昏时,孩子在街上哭)That chilly afternoon witnessed him trudging in the snow.(那个寒冷的下午,他 在雪地里跋涉) Night has fallen over the country.(夜幕已经笼罩着乡间)上面这些描写,都是将时间和地点拟人化,从它们的视角“看到”事件发生,不用 there be也不用it is xx,完美展现你续写的高水准!例句与仿写:例句 1:上海发生了许多重大的历史事件。Shanghai witnessed

11、many great historical events. 仿写:下一刻见证了他们做早餐的努力,最终他们做到了。例句2: (2021年全国I卷)早餐的香味弥漫在厨房的空气中。The smell of breakfast filled the air in the kitchen.仿写:每个人都欣喜若狂,院子里洋溢着喜悦。翻译巩固:1.突然之间,双胞胎的脸亮了起来,他们的头坚定地点着。2.他站在门边,脸上露出喜色。3.一见到他的老朋友,一种幸福的感觉席卷了他o (sweep over)4.(2022年苏州八校联考)当她看到草莓的时候,她的眼睛闪烁着喜悦和甜蜜。(twinkle)5.(2022年苏

12、州八校联考)当她看到草莓的时候,幸福的泪水从她脸颊留下。6. (2022年苏州八校联考)当她看到草莓的时候,一种幸福和快乐的感觉席卷了她。7. 当她打开盒子时,她的手激动得发抖。8. (2021年全国I卷)妈妈试图掩饰自己的情绪,但是那闪闪发光的眼泪却出卖了她。(sthfail sb)比赛前,她突然失去了信心。(sth fail sb)9. 她想坚持,但是鼓不起勇气。(sth fail sb)我一打开盒子,就惊讶地睁大了眼睛。10. 简脸色苍白,一阵恐惧袭上心头。(seize/take hold of/ sweep over) 13 .她绝望得心都要被撕碎了。,模拟演练01读后续写阅读下面短文

13、,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his backyard in the snow. Bobby didnt wear boots; or rather, he didnt own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they had a poor job of keeping out the cold.Bobby hand been in his backyard for about an hour already. Tr

14、y as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mothers Christmas gift. This is useless, even if I do have an idea, I dont have money for a gift.”Wiping tears from his eyes, Bobby started walking down to the street where the shops were. It wasnt easy being six without a father, particularly

15、 when he needed a man to talk to.Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when his eyes caught the gimmer(微光)of the setting suns ray reflecting on something on the roadside. He reached down and discovered a shinny dime(十分钱硬币).Never before had anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his newly-found treasure,


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