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1、前进路小学英语四年级下册Unit 1 Our SchoolSection A Lets learn & Lets do编号 4101课型词汇课时第1课时主备人刘艳玲 审核人复备人 冯春芳本周行为训练重点对话交际班级小组姓名学习目标1.我会听说读playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen.2.我会做Lets do部分的动作并听懂句子的意思。3.我会说句型Where is the canteen? It is on the first floor.句型重、难点预测掌握有关日常活动的五个单词。教具准备:教师准备五张单词卡学习过程师生笔记

2、1、导学(2)Warm up(热身)Step1:Sing the “Work and play” song.老师通过和学生一起回顾句型:“Whats in the classroom? A board , two lights , many desks and chairs .”自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。介绍学习目标2、自学(8)跟录音、跟老师、跟同学学习playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen。(跟读录音、组长领读、对子练读、背诵单词)读句型Where is the ? It is on the first floor.

3、(老师领读、组长领读、自读、对读、组内互相提问)读Lets do部分(自读并圈出自己不会的内容、听录音读,老师边放录音边做动作,学生跟着做、组长带读并做动作、自读并做动作、对读并做动作、组内检查)3、互学(25)选择一项进行展示(用where提问、或做Lets do的动作)。准备任务、小组展示、班内大展4、评学:(5)一、 翻译:1.操场 2.花园 3.教师办公室 4.图书室 5.食堂 二、单词图片连线( )1. canteenA.( )2. teachers officeB.( )3. classroomC.( )4. libraryD.( )5. gardenE.三、短语搭配(10分)(

4、)1.Go to the teachers office. A.Water the flowers.( )2. Go to the canteen. B. Eat some noodles.( )3. Go to the library. C.Play football.( )4. Go to the playground. D.Read a story-book.( )5. Go to the garden. E.Hand in the homework.前进路 小学英语四年级下册Unit 2 Our SchoolSection A Lets talk编号 4102课型对话教学课时第2课时主

5、备人刘艳玲 审核人复备人 冯春芳本周行为训练重点对话交际班级小组姓名学习目标A. 我要会背写和运用“How many students are there in your class?”和“This is our playground.”句型B. 我能明白本篇课文的大意,通读课文。重、难点预测运用“How many students are there in your class?”和“This is our playground.”句型教具准备:教师准备头饰和图片时间预设导学2分钟,自学8分钟,互学25分钟,评学5分钟学习过程师生笔记1、导学(2)Warm up(热身)教师播放本课时A部分L

6、ets do 的录音带,学生听音做动作。2、自学(8)1.单词教师慢慢出示canteen 等词的图卡,让学生读出该单词并说意思。组长出示卡片,组内竞赛读出单词。班级比赛,每组一人。2.句型教师领读“How many students are there in your class?”全班进行one by one练习。教师领读“This is our playground.”全班进行one by one练习。组内检查This is our playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen.3、互学(25)1. 课文学习Lets talk部

7、分的内容.(一人领读、一人翻译。)学生模仿Lets talk部分表演对话。例如:1、Welcome to our school! How many students are there in your class? 2、Do you have a library? Do you have lunch at school?2. 展示变换内容,分角色进行对话。组组比赛,看谁最先背诵课文4、评学:(5)一、情景交际。选择正确的答案。( ) 1、朋友想知道你们班有多少同学时,他该怎么问?A. How many students are there in your class?B. How many s

8、tudent are there in your class? C. How much students are there in your class?二、翻译1. This is the teachers office.2. Do you have a library?3. The canteen is on the first floor.三、上下文搭配( )1.Where is the gym? A.Oh. Itbeautiful.( )2.Is this the playground? B.Yes, I do.( )3.Do you have a library? C.Its on

9、the first floor.( )4.How many desks are there in your classroom? D.No, it isnt.( )5.Look! This is our garden. E.There are forty-four.前进路 小学英语四年级下册Unit 1 Our SchoolSection A Read and write & Lets chant编号 4103课型读写教学课时第3课时主备人刘艳玲 审核人复备人 冯春芳本周行为训练重点环锁链式学习班级小组姓名学习目标A 我会听说读写computer,board,fan,lightB 我会用one

10、 to ten 来描述教室里的物品。重、难点预测听说读写computer,board,fan,light数学110教具准备:图片、录音机时间预设导学2分钟,自学8分钟,互学25分钟,评学5分钟学习过程师生笔记1、导学(2)(1)学生跟录音演唱C部分的歌曲“Our school”。(2)请一组学生表演A部分Lets talk 的对话,复习所学的新句型2、自学(8)教师在四线格中示范书写四会掌握单词和句子,并讲解书写规范。学生自己在四线格中书写computer,board,fan,light。教师教读四个单词,学生跟读。小组内对学,组长听写。错了的单词要改正。教师播放B部分Lets chant的歌

11、谣,引导学生将学校场馆library , art room , canteen , gym 和动词read , draw , eat , play 对应起来认读。读课文(录音、组长带读、自读、对读)在四线格中书写句子This is my computer.和That is your computer.(互相听写、组长听写、错误的写法要改正,不明白的问老师)3、互学(25)小组比拼,编对话,描述班中物品。并用个数回答。全班比拼,在黑板上听写单词和句子。4、评学:(5)一,听音,写出你所听到的单词。1_ 2_ 3_ 4 _ 5_二,把单词补充完整_ _ter 2.b_ _rd 3.f_n 4.li

12、_ _t三听音,写出你听到的句子1.This is my computer。2.This is the board。3.That is your fan。4.That is the light。前进路 小学英语四年级下册Unit 1 Our SchoolRead and write & Lets chant编号 4104课型词汇课时第4课时主备人刘艳玲 审核人复备人 冯春芳本周行为训练重点对话交际班级小组姓名学习目标A 我会听说、认读gym ,TV room, art room ,computer room ,washroom ,music room。B 我会运用It is on the se

13、cond floor.和Is this the TV room? No! It is the washroom. /Yes句型。我能用掌握的单词和句型来描述我的学校。重、难点预测听说、认读gym ,TV room, art room ,computer room ,washroom ,music room教具准备:图片、录音机时间预设导学2分钟,自学8分钟,互学25分钟,评学5分钟学习过程师生笔记1、导学(2)教师说一个句子,如:I can see many flowers in it . Where is it ? 让学生判断是什么单词,然后做出正确的回答。介绍学习目标2、自学(8)(1)学生表演A部分Lets do的“听听做做”活动,表演之后教师提问:Where do we water the flowers ? 学生问答:In the garden . 教师再问:Where do we read story-book


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