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1、名胜古迹英文谚语导读:本文是关于名胜古迹英文谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎 点评和分享!1、江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world, and Suzhougardens are the best in the south.2、内地苏杭,关外巴塘。Su Hang in the Mainland, Batang outside Guanwai.3、桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。Guilin is the best place in the world and Yangshuo is thebest place in Gui

2、lin.4、江南佳丽地,金陵帝王州。Jialiedi in the south of the Yangtze River, King State ofJinling.5、峰前有路不可问、一直通到神仙洞。There is no way to ask in front of the peak until it reachesthe fairy cave.6、皮篷里面好景多、名山洞天响赞歌。There are many beautiful sceneries in the leather tent, andthe celebrity cave heaven sounds a hymn.7、峨嵋天下秀

3、,三峡天下雄。Emei is the best in the world and the Three Gorges is the best in the world.8、吐鲁番的葡萄哈密的瓜,库车的羊羔一枝花。The grape of Turpan, the melon of Hami, the lamb of Cheche, a flower.9、云外峰上春光明、杜鹃开后万树红。Yunwai Peak is bright in spring and ten thousand trees are red after the azalea blossoms.10、温泉水、身上擦、活血舒筋又解乏。

4、Hot spring water, body rubbing, blood circulation and muscle relaxation and fatigue.11、九龙瀑连潭、雨季玩。Jiulong Waterfall Liantan Tan, rainy season play.12、不到松谷庵、回家心不安。I feel uneasy when I go home to Songgu Temple.13、不到始信峰,不见黄山送。Not until Shixinfeng, not Huangshan.14、一天有四季,十里不同天。There are four seasons in a

5、 day, ten miles in different days.15、南天春意浓,北国正冰封。Spring is intense in the South and ice is frozen in the north.16、湖中有岛千岛湖,岛在有湖龙川岛。There are islands in the lake, Qiandao Lake and Longchuan Island.17、走路不看景、看景不走路。Walking does not look at the scenery, see the scenery does not walk.18、九寨归来不进沟,九寨归来不看水。Whe

6、n Jiuzhai returns, it does not enter the ditch, and when Jiuzhai returns, it does not look at the water.19、叠嶂峰上明月羞、翠光浮动万山秋。The bright moon is shy and the green light floats on the overlapping peaks.20、走千走万,不如淮河两岸。Its better to go all the way than to cross the Huaihe River.21、登上汤岭关、好景放眼看。Boarding the

7、 Tanglingguan Pass, we can have a good view.22、黄山芙蓉峰、秀色最集中。Huangshan Furong Peak, the most concentrated beauty.23、不到黄山西海大峡谷、难见黄山梦幻景。Its hard to see the dream of Huangshan before we reach the Hai Grand Canyon of Huangshan Mountain.24、明月松间照,清泉石上流。The moon shines between pines, and the clear spring sto

8、nes flow upward.25、八分半山一分田,半分水路和庄园。Eight and a half hills, one field, and half waterways and manors.26、九乡溶洞九十九,数完溶洞白了头。Ninety-nine karst caves in Jiuxiang were counted and the caves turned white.27、不上莲花顶、等于没看景。If you dont go to the top of the lotus, you dont see the scenery.28、雁门关外野人家,朝穿皮袄午穿纱。Yanmen

9、guan outdoor family, wearing leather jacket at noon yarn.29、七倍长江八倍巢,只抵洞庭半截腰。Seven times the Yangtze River eight times the nest, only half to the Dongting waist amputation.30、不上贡阳山、不见黄山边。Not Gongyang Mountain, not Huangshan.31、洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼。Dongting Tianshui, Yueyang Tianlou.32、洗个温泉澡、登山不疲劳。Take a hot s

10、pring bath and climb the mountain without fatigue.33、不到天都峰,白来一场空。No more than Tiandu Peak.34、翡翠谷中行、尽观彩池群。Feicui Valley Zhonghang, see the colourful pool group.35、黄山毛峰天下闻、气味醇香爱煞人。Huangshan Maofeng smells all over the world and smells mellow and fragrant.36、人家半凿山腰住,车马都在屋顶过。People live half-chiseled on

11、 the hillside, and horses and cars pass on the roof.37、秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。There is a line in the Qinling Mountains, where rice is eaten in the South and noodles in the north.38、九龙瀑连潭、雨季最好玩。Jiulong Waterfall Liantan Tan, the rainy season is the best.39、不上天都峰、游山一场空。You cant go to Tiandu Peak and visit th

12、e mountains.40、天无三日晴,地无三尺平。There are no three sunny days and no three feet flat ground.41、河跟山走,城住河流。Rivers follow mountains and cities live in rivers.42、不到新疆不知中国之大,不到伊犁不知新疆之美。Not until Xinjiang knows the size of China, not until Yili knows the beauty of Xinjiang.43、青城天下幽,剑阁天下险,三峡天下雄。Qingcheng is the

13、 worlds quiet, sword Pavilion is the worlds dangerous, and the Three Gorges is the worlds mighty.44、长江不拒细流,泰山不择土石。The Yangtze River does not refuse to flow, and Mount Tai does not choose earth and stone.45、不进西海门、难见怪石群。No strange rocks can be seen without entering Xihaimen.46、四川太阳云南风,贵州下雨如过冬。Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.47、西湖景致六座桥,一枝杨柳一枝桃。There are six bridges, one willow and one peach in the West Lake.


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