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1、仁爱版英语七年级下册Uni8opic单元测试题笔试部分(90分).词汇。(5分)根据句意及首字母提示完毕单词。(分)1._ is the bigge d t ost mportant festival n the on Decemr 252.he bokarefor te a_ e chilen cant rthm.3.N_ he temperature f ur bdy is374She liesg_ bete tan apples.5eope eat rice dplng t r_ Qu ua.B)根据汉语提示完毕句子。(10分)1. amili _ (约会) orabig dnner i

2、nthe ping estivl.2Te ften we scry lotheso _ _ (敲打) teir neighors oors.3 Pople nmanyotriesive _ _ (互相) psets.4.Chris _ _ _(复活) tat da. ople tar _ _ (为准备) the eivla nh bfre.单选。(15分)()1._ Chstmas Ev, I hungy stcig by t fieplace. . At B. n C In( )2 Best whes o ou! _ A. Thtsal rig.BYor kind C. hank you.(

3、 )3. Th _oati very bautifl. A. coors B colr . lrul( )4. If it _ ai, theywll clmb te hill A. won B.oest C. ist().Whis Kangkang? is ill. He _ at om. A. cane Bmay be . must be(). Thankou _yorCstmas ard. to . fr C. at( )7. Cu yo ell _ outurhoo? A ything B. seing C. nothi( )8. at fnd i ws l hie outid _ s

4、he gotup inthe morng. A. eore . f C e()9 r teher _tisictre on the l ystray. . ug B. hang C when( )10. TheCieepeope ebs _ the Sprn Festivlnw. Ao prepae for. epig fC. to prpre( )1.ets _ tis estival. A celeae B celeratng . celbte()12ih fetvanwe ply trc? _. A.SpringFesivalB. a Da C. Apil Foos D( )3 I pl

5、n _ send car _ mens A. o; to B. o; with . o; rom( )14 Please _ mesomethig abu Hallowe. A. tell B. spek C.sa()1.Im ree _ tn oock. A.to Bi C. t补全对话。(有一项是多余的)(5分).Weare eting at n.But o you call it dinne?B.w d mericanad Caadians lie Thankgivng?C. Sowe eachhaean autumn etiva.D. I lke your Thankgvng dinn

6、rE. Im glad u n coe fr our Tanksgivindinr.In Amrica and anada, amilie gettogeterocelete he harvest: Go rg, ZaJun. 1B: hak r skng me.A:Because its a i eal We call it dinnr whn w hv a t fodto at.B: 3A: Thethnk itis vey iorant.Itike your Md-AutunFtival. nCi, failie gt togeher and watchbght, ron oon. 4B

7、:: s, an wea celebteit o fmily. Se thigsare the sa ihin,Amerca nd Caada.1._ 2_ ._4._._.句型转换。(1分).M. ren liesplayng rckson others.(同义句)Mr. Gree liks plang_ on others.2Chsas Day is ecember 25th.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is Christas?3.He comes ba. I tel ou once.(改成条件状语从句)I he _bck, _ _ yoat once.4. foudmany andiean

8、dosin. I got upi the ornig(用hen合并两个句子)_.Is tereay inteestng etival in yourhomet? (作肯定回答)_,_ _ .用所给词的合适形式填空。(5分)1Do youenoy _(pay) basketal?2Would you likeome _ (cany)?3.We should _(hoor) ourpantsd ehe._(ave) happy Chriss yetera.5The boy _ (sty) up until te said godb.完形填空。(10分) Ging Abroad fr Sightse

9、in o yu lke to go ardforsieein(观光)?It iiestingt vsi1 countrs,t there are some2hen w dnt w telnguage 3Itay edifficult ith te pep thee. ma5 howo u t 6 elepho. It isntes dcd 7 totip(给小费)waitr ora vers, an hen we need lp,we t kn how to 8hlp. fter wie, oweve, welan 9 t do a o say, nd warnt enjoy lifetecuntry,and henwe may 10 t leve( )1. A. oer . oher C anothr( )2. A. quetio . problem C troul()3. .ver go . wondefl C.ery well()4 A t talk B. tal C. spekin( )5. An to w B.otknow C. o not( )6 ml . b der()7A hw B. ma


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