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1、2022年考博英语-南开大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists

2、and “human-relations” experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the tact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue-collar and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of

3、automated machines and bureaucratic management.The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find themselves out of a job; they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life. They live and die without ever having confronted the funda

4、mental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings.Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates. They are even more insecure in some respects. They are in a highly c

5、ompetitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more d matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the tight mixture of submissiveness and independence. From that moment on they are tested again and

6、 again by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along. etc. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than ones fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of

7、 unhappiness and illness.Am I suggesting that we should return to the preindustrial mode of production or to nineteenth-century “free enterprise” capitalism? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown. I suggest transforming our social system from

8、 a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialitiesthose of love and of reasonare the aims of all social arrangements. Production and consumption should serv

9、e only as means to this end, and should be prevented from ruling man.1.By “a well-oiled cog in the machinery” the author intends to render the idea that man is ( ).2.From die passage we can inter that real happiness of life belongs to those( ) .3.To solve the present social problems the author sugge

10、sts that we should( ) .4.The authors attitude towards industrialism might best be summarized as one of( ) .问题1选项A.a necessary part of the society though each individuals function is negligibleB.working in complete harmony with the rest of the societyC.an unimportant part in comparison with the rest

11、of the society, though functioning smoothlyD.a humble component of the society, especially when working smoothly问题2选项A.who are at the bottom of the societyB.who prove better than their fellow-competitorsC.who could keep far away from this competitive worldD.who are higher up in their social status问题

12、3选项A.resort to the production mode of our ancestorsB.offer higher wages to the workers and employeesC.enable man to fully develop his potentialitiesD.take the fundamental realities for granted问题4选项A.approvalB.dissatisfactionC.suspicionD.tolerance【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B【解析】1.信息推断题。根据第一段“.yet all thi

13、s oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless.”, 由此推断, 作者将人比喻成机械中运转良好的齿轮, 实则是想表明人们相对于社会中其他部分来说已经变得不那么重要了。选项C符合原文。2.信息推理题。根据第二段的内容可知, 作者认为这些人之所以焦虑是因为处于一个竞争激烈的社会之中, 只有远离了竞争激烈的社会, 才会有真正幸福的生活。所以选项C正确。3.事实细节题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者建议将官僚主义的工业转变为以人为本的工业主义,使人能充分发挥他的潜力。选项C符合原文。4.态度判断题。根据文章内容可知, 作者认为

14、现在的工业主义使人丧失了其在社会中应发挥的重要作用, 最后一段提到了作者建议将工业主义转变为一种以人为本的工业主义, 所以作者对待工业主义的态度是不满的。选项B正确。2. 单选题The manufacturer was forced to return the money to the consumers under ( ) of law.问题1选项A.guidelineB.definitionC.constraintD.identity【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。guideline“指导方针”;definition“定义, 解说”;constraint“约束, 强制”;identity“

15、身份, 特性, 一致”。句意:生产商迫于法律的约束不得不把钱退还给客户。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题Nobody knows what triggered the event, which ( ) a million cubic meters of water per second, obliterating the barrier between Britain and France.问题1选项A.relievedB.releasedC.restoredD.retained【答案】B【解析】形近词词义辨析。relieve“解除, 减轻”;release“释放, 发射”;restore“恢复, 修复”;retain“保持, 记住”。句意:谁也不知道是什么引发了这次事件, 它每秒释放一百万立方米的水, 冲毁了英法之间的屏障。选项B符合此处语境。4. 单选题A few decades ago, it was still possible to leave home and go somewhere else: the architecture was different, the landscape was different, th


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