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1、仁爱版英语精品资料名校真题训练:可数名词与不可数名词一、单项选择( )1. (淮安市启明外国语学校分班卷)They dont have to do _ today.A. much homework B. many homeworks C. many homework D. much homeworks( )2. (天津市第八中学招生卷)Are these _?No, they arent. They are_A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cowD. sheeps; cows( )3. (青岛智荣中学招生卷)Can you give me _?A

2、. a paper B. some pieces of papersC. some pieces of paper D. papers( )4. (绍兴市建功中学招生卷)There are two _ in the room.A. shelf B. shelfsC. shelfes D. shelves( )5. (烟台市双语实验学校分班卷)How wonderful! The _ is made of _.A. house; glass B. house; glassC. houses; glass D. houses; glasses( )6. (菏泽市晨曦中学分班卷)There are

3、_ trees in the park.A. two hundred B. two hundreds C. two hundreds of( )7. (青岛市超银中学招生卷)Tom and Jimmy are washing their_ .A. facesB. face C. hand( )8. (温州市实验中学招生卷)There are 30_ in our school.A. woman teachersB. women teachers C. women teachers( )9. (烟台市双语实验学校分班卷)The Chinese people enjoy happy_ now.A. lifeB. lifes C. a lifeD. lives二、写出下列单词的复数形式。(2013烟台市双语实验中学招生卷)1. child _ 2.girl _3. pear_ 4. orange_5. cent_ 5. sweet_7. photo_ 8. leaf_参考答案一、1-5 AACDA 6-9 AACA二、1. children 2. girls 3. pears 4. oranges 5. cents 6. sweets 7. photos 8. leaves最新精品英语资料


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