2011高考英语总复习 高分必练(15)(含详细答案)

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1、2011高考总英语总复习高分必练完形填空(十五)(1)Peter Fern was crazy about mountains. Climbing was the 1 of his life. Church towers,seaside cliffs, rock faces, ice mountains,anything “If it is there” , he used to say, “then I want to climb it.” So the news of his marriage gave me a 2 . Id never known him to take much in

2、terest in 3 . Well,Peter Fern a married man! I couldnt 4 it. I 5 whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky 6 .She was French perhaps-from that place 7 he usually spent his holidays. Chamonix,wasnt it? From Chamonix hed climbed Mount Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and another one the d

3、ay after! That was it, then: She was French,from a mountaineering family. No 8 . No other explanation.A month later I met them 9 in town. Anna surprised mebecause she was English. She was a dancer in the 10. “I have 11 climbed more than sixty steps in my life,” she told me. “Peter has his 12 , and I

4、ve got mine. No 13 ”. “None at all,”Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your 14 ?” I askeD.Somewhere far 15 theatres and mountains,was it? “We had a weeks holiday,” Anna said, “I flew to New York to see Dirke Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful 16 !” Peter said, “I didnt want to 17 the good weath

5、er. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north 18 of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great 19 , the Eiger. Grand place for a honeymoon! Ill show you the 20 we took one day.”1.A.purposeB.love C.answerD.even2.A.joyB.thoughtC.lessonD.shock3.A.mountainsB.churchesC.facesD.girls4.A.acceptB.understandC.be

6、arD.tell5.A.believed B.knewC.wonderedD.realized6.A.jobsB.wordsC.adventuresD.deeds7.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.how8.A.oneB.reasonC.signD.doubt9.A.all B.twoC.bothD.double10.A.familyB.mountainC.theatreD.holiday11.A.everB.evenC.neverD.almost12.A.interestsB.lifeC.roomD.car13.A.wonder B.wayC.timeD.problems14.A

7、.daysB.honeymoonC.childhoodD.rest of life15.A.awayB.asC.byD.from16.A.showB.sightC.sceneD.game17.A.missB.escapeC.breakD.forget18.A.positionB.faceC.pointD.line19.A.programmeB.progressC.funD.invention20.A.photographsB.rolesC.sportsD.pains 答案解析:1.B本句意思是peter 热衷于爬山,爬山是他的爱好,喜好.love=hobby 故排除A、C、D。2.D上文说到他

8、好冒险好爬山,当作者听说他要结婚这事时使他感到非常吃惊。shock 时非常吃惊,震惊之意。3.D作者的意思是“从没想到对冒险感兴趣的人,对女孩会感兴趣,而且是爱艺术的跳舞的演员。”4.B根据上下文的语境,应是理解understand。但学生易选A.accept 意为接受。但本句所表达的意思是“我不能理解Peter 要结婚之事”。Peter 结婚与作者无任何关系。无所谓接受不接受。5.C此句是作者很想知道是不是他的妻子要设法阻止他的冒险生涯。6.C从上句可知.7.A本句是指猜想他妻子是法国人,他常常在法国度假。这里的where 引导定语从句指地点。8.D固定结构,意思为 “毫无疑问”。9.Cth

9、em both ,both 为代词作宾补。10.C前面是dancer ,只能选theatre,指在影剧院。11.C因为妻子是跳舞的,因此她说,从没有爬过六十多个台阶。12.A语意应是有他自己的兴趣。13.D根据语意,此句是在说尽管两人的爱好不同,但也没有令他们俩困惑的事。14.B作者在问他们俩在哪里度的蜜月。15.Dfar from 意为远离。16.Ashow 意为表演。17.Apeter 不想错过好天气.尽管是在度蜜月,但是两个人都各自做着各自爱好的事。18.B指Peter去了瑞士爬Eiger 这座山的北面。19.CGreat fun 指爬山这件事非常有乐趣。20.Ashow sB.sth.

10、意为向某人展示某物.这里肯定是照片。这里肯定是在向作者展示他们的照片。(2)The world always makes way for the dreamer.When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler 1 everyones spirits up to the ceiling, I 2 there feeling like I could do anything. When we g

11、ot to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to 3 people feel like that.” My father asked me 4 I meant. “I want to be a motivational (激励人的)speaker just like Mr. Zigler,” I replieD.A 5 was born. Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others. 6 a four-year relationship with Fo

12、rtune 100 Company 7 as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional sales manager, I left the company at the height of my 8 . Many people were 9 that I would leave after earning a six-figure income. And they asked 10 I would risk everything for a dream.I made my 11 to start my own company and leave my s

13、ecure(无忧虑的)position after 12 a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a 13 that changed my life. He asked us, “If a god would offer you three wishes, what would they be?” After giving us a 14 to write down the three wishes, he then asked us, “Why do you need a 15 ?” I wo

14、uld never forget the power I felt at that moment. I realized that 16 I had accomplished in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and didnt need a gods help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was 17 .Having made that decision, I was immediately 18 . One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job, and now we had no 19 . But I held fast to my dream. The wonder really began to happen. In a short time my husband found a better joB.And I was able to book several 20 engagements with new customers. I discovered the incredible power of dreams.1


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