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1、新Pep小学英语三六年级三会和四会的词语名词:文具ruler(尺) pencil (铅笔) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蜡笔) bag (书包) pen(钢笔)pencil box( 铅笔盒) book (书) 身体部位face( 脸) ear (耳朵) eye (眼睛) nose(鼻子) mouth (嘴) arm (胳膊) hand(手) head(头) body (身体) leg (腿)foot (脚) 动物duck (鸭子) pig (猪) cat (猫) bear (熊) dog (狗) elephant (大象)monkey (猴子) bird (鸟) tiger(老虎)p

2、anda (大熊猫)zoo(动物园) der horse(马) cow(奶牛) sheep(绵羊) hen(母鸡) mouse (老鼠) rabbit( 兔子) ant(蚂蚁) mule(骡子)cheetah(猎豹)食物、饮料、蔬菜、水果bread (面包) juice (果汁) egg(蛋)milk (牛奶) water (水) cake (蛋糕) fish(鱼) rice(米饭) beef(牛肉) chicken(鸡肉) noodle(s)(面条(复数)) soup(汤)vegetable(蔬菜)tomato (西红柿) potato (土豆)green beans (青豆) carrot

3、(胡萝卜) sandwich(三明治) salad(蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉) hamburger (汉堡包)ice cream(冰激凌) tea (茶) onion 洋葱 pear (梨) apple(苹果) orange (橙子) banana (香蕉) watermelon(西瓜) strawberry (草莓) grape (葡萄) 餐具chopsticks(筷子) bowl(碗) fork(叉子) knife(刀)spoon(勺子)plate盘子地点及方位school (学校) zoo(动物园) library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinem

4、a(电影院) bookstore(书店) right (右) left(左) straight(笔直地) 房间及室内物品ball (球) lamp (台灯) kite (风筝) toy(玩具)box(盒、箱)TV(电视)bedroom卧室 living room客厅、起居室 study书房 kitchen厨房 bed床 bathroom (卫生间) phone电话 table桌子 sofa 长沙发 fridge 冰箱 home家 room房间 服装Shoes(鞋子)glasses(眼镜)cap(帽子) clothes(衣服) pants长裤dress(连衣裙) skirt(裙子) coat(外

5、衣、大衣)sweater (毛衣)socks (短袜) shorts(短裤) jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) gloves(分手指的手套)scarf(围巾、披巾) sunglasses(太阳镜)helmet(头盔)hat(带檐的帽子) 学校及教室物品chair(椅子) desk(书桌)map (地图)classroom(教室) window(窗户) blackboard(写字板) light(电灯) picture(图画) door (门) teachers desk(讲台) computer(计算机) fan(扇子,电扇) wall(墙) floor(地板) first floo

6、r(一楼)seconds floor(二楼) teachers office(教师办公室) library(图书馆) playground (操场) computer room(计算机房) art room(美术教室) music room(音乐教室) schoolbag(书包)maths book(数学书)English book(英语书) Chinese book(语文书) story-book(故事书) notebook(笔记本) key(钥匙)dictionary(词典) comic book(儿童的连环画册) word book(单词书)postcard(明信片) dining ha

7、ll(饭厅) grass(草坪)gym(体育馆)科目science(科学)computer(计算机) English class (英语课) music class(音乐课) PE (体育课) lesson(课)人物brother(兄、弟) father (父亲、爸爸) dad (爸爸、爹爹)(口语)man(男人) woman(女人) sister (姐、妹) mother(母亲;妈妈) grandmother (外)祖母 grandma (口语)(外)祖母 grandfather(外)祖父 grandpa(口语(外)祖父 parents 父母 cousin(同辈表亲或堂亲) uncle(叔父

8、,舅父、伯父、姑父、姨夫) aunt(姑母,婶,姨母) baby brother(婴儿小弟弟) family(家庭) friend(朋友) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) mum 妈妈(口语)美式英语:mom grandparent(祖父、祖母、外祖父、外祖母) sir(对男子的礼貌称呼)先生 Ms(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士 Mrs(夫人)职业worker(工人) postman(邮递员) businessman(商人)police officer(警察) fisherman(渔民) scientist(科学家) pilot(飞行员) coach(教练) student (学

9、生) pupil学生(尤指小学生) teacher(教师) doctor(医生) cook(厨师) driver (司机) farmer(农民) nurse(护士) head teacher(校长) reporter(记者) secretary(秘书) football palyer(足球运动员)job(工作) 交通工具、出行on foot(步行) by(乘) bus (公共汽车) plane (飞机) taxi (出租车) ship(大船) subway 地铁 train(火车) bike(自行车、脚踏车)car (小汽车) sled(雪橇)ferry(轮渡) traffic lights(

10、交通信号灯)walk(行走) 星期Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三)Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期日)weekend(周末) day(一天、一日)季节spring(春天) summer(夏天) autumn(秋天) fall(秋天)winter(冬天) season季节)月份January(一月)February(月) March(三月) April(四月)May(五月)June(六月)July(七月) Augest(八月)September(九月)October(十月) Novem

11、ber(十一月) December(十二月) birthday(生日) date(日期)自然forest(森林) river(河、江)lake(湖泊) mountain(高山、山岳)hill(山丘、小山) tree(树、树木、乔木) bridge(桥) building(建筑物、房子、楼房) village(村庄、村镇) house(房子) grass(草)flower(花)countryside(乡村) street(大街、街道) sea(大海)plant(植物,种植) moon(月亮)jasmine(茉莉)mud(泥)动词及短语clean(打扫) help(帮助) find(找到) hel

12、p yourself(为(自己)取用) get up(起床) go to school(去上学) go home(回家)go to bed(上床睡觉) come(快、加油) hurry up(快点) be careful(小心) fly(放风筝等) eat(吃) pack(收拾行李)factory(工厂) washwashed my clothes(洗我的衣服) watchwatchedTV(看电视) dohomework(做作业)readbooks(读书)play football(踢足球) sing English songs(唱英文歌曲) play the pipa(弹琵琶) dodoi

13、ng kung fu(练武术) draw cartoons(画漫画) play basketball(打篮球) play pingpong(打乒乓球) speak English(说英语) water bottle(水瓶) go boating(去划船) move(搬家)eat breakfast(吃早饭) eatdinner(吃晚饭) eateating lunch(吃午饭) play sports(进行体育运动) dodoing morning exercises(做早操) cleancleaned my room(打扫我的房间) go for a walk(散步) go shopping

14、(购物;去买东西) take a dancing class(上舞蹈课) gowent swimming(去游泳) go on a picnic(去野餐) pick apples(摘苹果) make a snowman(堆雪人) a few(一些) sports meet(运动会) look for(寻找)climbclimbing(攀登、攀爬) eateating(吃) playplaying(玩耍) jumpjumping(跳) drinkdrinking(喝水) sleepsleeping(睡觉) havehaving class(上课) readreading a book(看书) l

15、istenlistening to music(听音乐) keep to the right(靠右) keep your desk clean(保持你的课桌干净) talk quietly(小声说话) take turns(按顺序来) have a look(看一看)turn(转弯) pay attention to(注意) take a trip(去旅行) seesaw a film(看电影) dancedancing(跳舞) readreading stories(读故事) cooks Chinese food(烹饪中国菜) studystudies Chinese(学习中文) dodoes word puzzles(做字谜) go



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