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1、PARTVACABULARY (20%)Part A Fill in each blank with a word or phrase chosen from below. Change the form where necessary.(2%*5=10%) imperfection meander embrace squander epoch emeritus coop up 1. Edgar Allan Poe announced that “we have at length arrived at that when our literature may and must stand i

2、n its own merits or fall through its own defects.”2. As she began to her heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive.3. From his marriage-day forth, Alecks grip had been upon the purse, and Sally had seldom known what it was to be privileged to a

3、 dollar on non-necessities.4. After in the stuffy little office all day, Sharon decided to walk home rather than take the crowded bus.5. If you aim at , there are some chances of your getting it; whereas if you aim at perfection, there is none.Part B Direction: choose the word or phrase that is clos

4、est in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence. (1%*10=10%)1. Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power compared with the traditional telephone.A. disadvantage B. disengagement C. misadventure D. misfortune 2. She is worrying about too many things

5、 these days. She really needs to commune with her friends to relieve her fear and worry.A. talk with B. cooperate with C. argue with D. cope with3. As fewer people live on South Island than on North Island, those who crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here.A. destine B.

6、 desire C. descend D. Deflate4. I enjoyed the camaraderie among the team, which brought mutual trust among the team members. To a certain extent, this was the key to our success.A. amusement B. trust C. convenience D. friendship5. We should transcend ourselves before overcoming the difficulties, whi

7、ch is my maxim throughout my life.A. conquer B. surpass C. squeeze D. tackle6. Coming from a theatrical family, I was destined for a career on the stage I was expected to be an actor.A. up to be B. doomed to be C. made up for D. derived from7. To her consternation, she realized that what she had sai

8、d was true, that a woman could not hide love.A. shock B. fascination C. estimation D. enjoyment8. The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from the beginning to the end.A. lively B. warm C. sacred D. lovely9. Though doctors should think of what patients need or want, sometimes they ne

9、ed to have some degree of emotional detachment. A. involvement B. disconnection C. attachment D. sensitivity10. In order to finish the task in time, he was out in the train all day and this brought on a bad cold. A. resulted in B. gave up C. brought up D. resulted fromPART READING COMPREHENSION (2%*

10、 10=20%)Part A Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions below by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%*5=10%)Half the worlds population will be speaking or learning English by 2015, researchers say. Two billion people are expected to start learning Eng

11、lish within a decade and three billion will speak it, says a British Council estimate.Other languages, such as French, risk becoming the casualties(伤亡) of this linguistic globalization. But the boom will be over by 2050 and the Englishlanguage teaching industry will have become a victim of its own s

12、uccess, says David Graddol, author of the report, The Future of English.Mr. Graddols research was based on a computer model developed to estimate demand for English language teaching around the world. The lecturer, who has worked in education and language studies at the Open University for the past

13、25 years, said the model charted likely student numbers through to 2050.It was compiled by looking at various estimates from the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) on education provision, demographic(人口统计的) projections, government education policies and internati

14、onal student mobility figures. The impact of educational innovations and other developments affecting the world population including the Chinese governments policy of one baby per family were also factored in.Based on its findings, Mr. Graddol has predicted that the world is about to be hit by a tidal wave of English. Many governments, especially in countries which have relatively recently gained independence, are introducing the teaching of English under a utilitarian banner.”But English predominates in the business world, and


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