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1、九年级英语上册Module12学导案 Module 12 Save our worldUnit1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.姓名_ 班级 _学习目标: 词汇:factory, pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, crop, kill, oil, less, hopeless 句型:1.is causing 正造成2. is a danger to 对是个危险3. Its no use doing 做某事没有用处4.Nice work 好主意!5. It is better

2、to 干比较好. 语 法:构词法:合成法,派生法,转化法。中考链接:1.be worried about 2.so many cars 3.so much oil 4.as well5. use sth. to do sth./for sth. 6. save energy 7. such as.一课前小测 请用who, that或which填空。1. The cat _ was lost has been found. 2. Miss Green is a nurse _ works in the city hospital.3. The most beautiful place _ I h

3、ave visited is Kunming.4. The woman _ is talking to our English teacher is Mrs Blank.5. Children like houses _ are painted in different colour.6. This is the best film _ I have ever seen. 7. The house in_ we live is very small.8. My father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons _ they remembe

4、red in the country. 二 课前预习: 汉译英:1.担心; 2.如此多的汽车 3.如此多的石油 4.也 5.用.来做 6.节约能源 7.不得不 8.做某事是没用的9.开始做某事 10.在贫穷地区11.例如 12.更少浪费三新课教学 Language points 1.Its no use talking about things we cant do. Its no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处e.g. Its no use complaining. 抱怨没有用处。Listen, George, its no use living in the past. 听着

5、, 乔治, 活在过去是没有用的。2. Such as .? such as 这个短语常用来表示举例说明,举几个例子。for example 只举一个为例。 e.g. There are lots of things you could do. 有很多你们能做的事。 Such as ? 比如说 3. That means less waste. less adj. 较小的; 较少的 n. 较少数; 较少量 less 是 little 的比较级, 指物体的体积或分量相对于别的物体少。修饰不可数名词。修饰可数名词用few,fewer. 反义more是many,much的比较级。e.g. The fi

6、rm has less money and fewer staff than last year. 公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。 4. Though pollution is heavy now, I dont think its hopeless. hopeless adj. 无望的 e.g. The doctor said the old mans condition was hopeless. 医生说这位老人的病是没有希望的了。5. and it is harmful to our environment.Harmful 是形容词,表示有害的,其反义词harmless(无害的),其名词

7、和动词形式都是harm. Be harmful to=do harm to=be bad for,对有害的。e.g. Watching TV too much is harmful to your eyes. 6构词法1). 合成法将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。合成法是一种比较灵活的构词方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。例如:afternoon, sportsman, blackboard, sportsperson, newspaper, airplane, classmate, grandfather 等就是通过合成构词法构成的名词;k

8、ind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合成形容词;however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing, overlook 等也都是通过合成法构成的单词。2). 派生法通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。要通过派生法理解和记忆单词, 我们需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀及派生规律。如:in,im用在形容词前表否定意义。re用在动词前表“重新,再”。dis表示意义相反。-ous(n.adj.)表示“具有性质的” less (n.adj.)表示“没有”able(n./v._adj.)表示“可以的”

9、-ful (n./v._adj.)表示“充满的”。3).转化法。常见的转化有:(1) 动词转化为名词 Lets talk about it more. 咱们再谈谈这件事吧。 I think wed better finish the talk now. 我想我们最好现在结束谈话。(2) 名词转化为动词 She gave me a cup of water. 她给了我一杯水。 You should water the flowers twice a day. 你应该每天给这些花浇两次水。 (3) 形容词转化为名词 She was wearing a black dress. 她穿着一条黑色的裙子

10、。 The girl in black looks very beautiful. 那个穿黑衣服的女孩看上去很漂亮。四课堂检测 (一). 请用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. There are many _ (factory) in our town .2. If the rivers are _ (pollute),fish will die .3. We should eat _ (little) meat to keep healthy.4. Its a _(浪费) of time to play computer games. 5. The doctor said Kate had

11、 a serious illness. Kates mother felt _(无望的).(二).请根据汉语句子完成下列英语句子。1.讨论我们不能做的事情是没有用的_ talking about things we cant do. 2. 那就意味着更少浪费。That means _ waste.3. 虽然现在污染很严重,但我认为那也不是没有希望的。Though pollution is heavy now, _ its hopeless.4.抱怨没有用处。Its no use _(complain)5. 路上有如此多的汽车。There are _on the roads.中考链接:单项选择1

12、. 1. All these bags are made of glass _ , not on a machine.A. by hand B. in hands C. on hand D. from hands2. The flowers _ every day, or they will die. A. must water B. can be watered C. should water D. must be watered3. They are _ advertisements everywhere.A. putting up B. putting on C. setting up

13、D. working out4. Do you think it is_ to throw away glass, metal and paper?A. important B. necessary C. wasteful D. impolite5. It allows no touching and you cant take any photos,_.A. too B. either C. as well D. also6. Cans, glass bottles and newspapers can be taken to _ and _.A. recycled centers; reuse B. recycled centers; reusingC. recycling centers; reused D. recycling centers; used7. -I think we should save the


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