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1、O-18-R1 PASSAGE PLAN航 次 计 划 M.V. ZHEN HUA 21 上海振华船运有限公司Shanghai Zhenhua Shipping Co.LtdCHECKLIST FOR MAKING PASSZGE PLAN(To be used by 2nd Officer when compiling Passage Plan)APPRAISAL评估01 口 All available charts for passage arranged.计划航线的所有必备海图已安排好。02 口 Requisition for chartspublications has been se

2、nt, including charts of approach ports for bunkering and ports of refuge enroute.供应有关的海图(包括驶向加油港和或避风港等的海图)的申请已经发出。03 口 Passage charts checked all corrected to date.计划航线的有关海图己查阅过,并且已改编正到最新。04 口 Sailing directions and supplements and corrections to sailing directions checked.航区有关的航路指南,补篇已查阅,并已改正到最新。05

3、 口 Light list all corrected to date and onboard for areas of voyage.船上已有航区有关的航标表并进行了最新改正。06 口 ALRS a11 on board and corrected to date.英版无线电信号表在船,并进行了最新改正。07 口 Tide tables checked.航区有关的潮汐表己查阅过。08 口 Tida1 stream at1ases and co-tidal charts checked.航区有关的潮流图及同潮流图己查阅过。09 口 Routing charts checked.航路图己查阅过。

4、10 口 IMO routing schemes available and checked.有lMO航路图并己查阅过。11 口 Temporary and Preliminary notices checked.临时通告和预告己查阅过。12 口 Climatic data for the passage checked.航区有关的气象资料己查阅过。13 口 Port circulars file checked.港口通告文件已查阅过。14 口 Current for route checked.航路上的水流资料已查阅过。15 口 Draught calculated for the vari

5、ous stages of the passage.在航路各阶段上船舶的吃水已计算过。16 口 Ocean Passage of the World, checked for the passage.世界大洋航路中的有关航线己查阅过。17 口 Sailing Directions checked for the passage.有关计划航线的航路指南己查阅过。18 口 Navigation marks and lights checked.航标和灯标已核对过。19 口 Radar conspicuous points and coast lines checked.雷达显著目标和岸线己查阅过。

6、20 口 Availabi1ity of electronic navigational aids checked.有效电子航标己核对过。21 口 Navigational warnings on Navtex as wel1 as long range NAVREA warning checked.沿岸无线电航行警告和大区无线电航行警告己查阅过。22 口 Weather reports taken, fax charts and weather routing done.气象报告己收到,气象分析图和气象航路已做好。PLANNING计划01 口 Largest scale charts bei

7、ng used. Charts corrected up to NM, No. 19/2008 .已使用最大比例尺的航用海图,海图已改正至 19/2008 期02 口 Courses drawn on charts, and double checked for accuracy, Old course to be erased.航向线已划在海图上,并复查无误,所有旧的航向线已擦掉。03 口 Courses to be marked on charts in 360 dgr. Notation, and checked against actual course.航向线以360度全方位法标示,

8、并反复核对实际航向。04 口 Distances between waypoints marked.航路点间的距离已标示。05 口 Waypoint co-ordinates marked.航路点的坐标已标示。06 口 Waypoints entered into all electronic navigation equipment.航路点己输入所有相关的电航仪器。07 口 Distance to go marked at each waypoint.自每个航路点所需航行的距离已注明。08 口 Hazards, no-go and dangerous areas to be marked o

9、n charts.危险物、不可航和危险区域已标示在海图上。09 口 Cross track error margins to be indicated, as applicable, on charts.合适的横越航道偏离界限已标示在海图上。10 口 Bearing and distance from alteration points marked.自转向点的方位和距离已标示。11 口 Radar conspicuous objects, coastline radar objectsshapes, indicated on charts.雷达显著目标、海岸线雷达物标形状都己标示在海图上。1

10、2 口 Raisingdipping distances for lights indicated on charts.灯塔初显初没距离已标示在海图上。13 口 Danger c1earing bearings and distances indicated on charts.方位及距离避险己标示在海图上。14 口 Paral1el indexing distances to be indicated on charts.平行线避险距离已标示在海图上。15 口 Safe and practica1 speeds for each stage of passage to be decided.

11、航路各阶段上的安全和实际的航速已经确定。16 口 Areas where restricted visibility may be expected, and additional lookout may be required, is to be indicated on charts.航路中那些可能视线受限制而需增派了头的区域已标示在海图上。17 口 Areas where traffic may be heavy to be indicated.航路中那些通航密集的区域已说明。18 口 Minimum underkee1 clearance for each stage to be de

12、cided.航路各航段的船底最小富余水深已经确定。19 口 Best positions fixing methods for each area to be decided and indicated.航路各区域上的最好定位方法已确定,并标明。20 口 Contingency planning against emergencies to be made and included in the plan, with recommended actions to be decided and included(e.g. emergency anchorage, abort manoeuvre,

13、 etc.)意外事故的应急计划已经制定,并包括在航次计划中,同时包括紧急情况下所采取的行动(例如:紧急抛锚,操作夫误等。)21 口 Position fixing frequency to be decided for the various stages of the passage, and detailed in the plan。航路各阶段的定位频率已决定,并详细写入航次计划中。22 口 Strength of navigational watch to be decided for the various stages of the passage, and detailed in

14、the plan.航路中各不同航段的航行值班人数已确定,并详细写入航次计划中。23 口 Tides written on charts a1ong with areas where strong currents may be encountered.航路上那些可能遇到强流的区域的潮汐情况已写在海图上。24 口 Ships prevent pollution to be carried out according to MARPOL 73/78 convention.船舶防污染按照MARPOL73/78公约执行VOYAGE No. : 082102 Date: 2008-06-01 2nd O

15、fficer : 孙同辉 Date: Master : Date: NOTES: (1) The reference book is Bridge Team Management by NAUTICAL INSTITUTE.参考有关书籍,航海协会出版的驾驶台班组管理。(2) It is masters responsibility to ensure that a proper Passage Plan has been made and that all officers have read it.船长应负责保证合适的航次计划的制定,以及所有的驾驶员必须阅读过。(3) Passage through enclosed waters and port approaches must be discussed betwee


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