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1、仁爱版初三上学期知识点归纳整理Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A1) 许多花草lots of flowers and grass那是一个有许多花草的美丽地方 。It s a beautiful place with lots of flowers and grass .2) 看见某人在干某事see s.b doing s.th你将会看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞。You will see bees and butterflies dancing .3) 消失了 , 没了 have(has) gone那些花草没了 。The flowers and grass have gone .4) 往那

2、小溪流里排放废水。 pour waste water into the stream句式:有某人正在(某地)干某事。There be + s.b + doing s.th (s.wh ) .瞧,有几座化工厂正往那小溪流里排放废水。Look , there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream .5) 采取一些有效措施来阻止它 do something useful to stop it 政府已经采取了一些有效措施来阻止它 。The government has done something usef

3、ul to stop it .6) 对某人或某物有害 be harmful to s.b / s.th光污染对鸟类有害 。Light pollution is harmful to birds .Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B1) 句式 :对某人来说做某事是。 。 。It s + adj. + for s.b to do s.th .我呼吸困难。It s difficult for me to breathe .2) 像这样be like this您像这样多长时间了?How long have you been like this ?3)而且,。再说,。 What s mor

4、e ,制造了太多的噪音make too much noise晚上睡得好sleep well at night再说,这工厂制造了太多的噪音并且我晚上也睡不好觉。What s more , the factory makestoo muchnoise and I can t sleep well at night .4) 心情不好,心情很差 be in a bad mood不能忍受某物或做某事can t stand s.th/doing s.th我心情总是很差,因为我不能忍受这里的环境了。I malways in a bad moodbecause I can t stand the enviro

5、nment here .5) 解决这个问题 solve this problem无论如何,我希望政府能快点解决这个问题 。Anyway , I hope the government will solve this problem soon .6) 引发太多的问题 cause too many problems污染引发太多的问题 。Pollution causes too many problems .7) 觉得甚至更糟糕feel even worse周夫人说她正觉得甚至更糟糕了。Mrs Zhou said that she was feeling even worse .8) 排放难闻的气体

6、produce terrible gas使得她的胸部受到伤害 make her chest hurt周夫人说化工厂排放难闻的气体, 而且这糟糕的气体使得她的胸部受到伤害。Mrs Zhou said that the chemical factory produced terrible gas and the bad air made her chest hurt .9) 采访的最后 at the end of the interview采访的最后,他们说了什么 ?What did they say at the end of the interview ?Unit 2 Topic 1 Sect

7、ion C1) 在当今世界in today s world对人们的健康有害 be harmful to people s health在当今世界, 几乎人人都知道空气污染对人们的健康有害。In today s world , almost everyone knows air pollution is harmful to people s health .2) 在噪音条件下工作和生活work and live in noisy conditions变聋go deaf在噪音条件下工作和生活的人易变聋。People who work and live in noisy conditions go

8、 deaf easily .3) 相当多的人/ 很多的人quite a few people丧失了听力 have hearing loss很多生活在机场附近的人也丧失了听力。Quite a few people living near the airports also have hearing loss .4)樨报道。It is reported that和。几乎一样 no better than 最近,椐报道美国的很多青少年的听力和 65 岁的老人几乎一样。Recently , it is reported that many teenagers in America can hear n

9、o better than 65-year-old people do .5) 使得某人觉得不舒服, 不愉快 make s.b feel uncomfortable and unpleasant引起某人干某事cause s.b to do s.th这种污染使得人们觉得不舒服,不愉快,甚至可能使他们生病或变聋。Such pollution makes people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant , and it can even cause them to become sick or deaf .6) 解决各种环境问题 solve all sorts of

10、 environmental problems 现在,许多国家正在努力解决各种环境问题 ,包括噪音污染。Nowadays , many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems , including noise pollution .Unit 2 Topic 1 Section D1) 在很多方面对我们的健康不利 be bad for our health in many ways他们在很多方面损害我们的健康。They are bad for our health in many ways .2) 引起

11、眼痛和呼吸问题 cause sore eyes and breathing problems它会引起眼痛和呼吸问题 。It can cause sore eyes and breathing problems .3) 随着人口方面的增长以及工业的发展with the increase in populationand the development of industry随着人口方面的增长以及工业的发展,到处都是垃圾。With the increase in population and the development of industry , litter is everywhere .4

12、) 把大量的垃圾填埋 put lots of litter into the land人们把大量的垃圾填埋。People put lots of litter into the land .5) 丧失听力 lose their hearing = have hearing loss长时间在有噪音的地方工作work in a noisy place for a long time比如,如果人们长时间在有噪音的地方工作,他们可能会丧失听力 。For example , people may lose their hearing if they work in a noisyplace for a

13、long time .1) 大量的噪音/ 过多的噪音too much noise引发高血压 cause high blood pressure同样 / 还/ 也as well大量的噪音也能引发高血压 。Too much noise can cause high blood pressure as well .7) 长时间在多变的强光下工作work in strong , changeable light fora long time长时间在多变的强光下工作可能引发某种疾病。Working in strong , changeable light for a long time may cause some kinds of illnesses .8) 随着污染的减少/ 假如减少污染with less pollution随着污染的减少, 我们的地球将变得更加郁郁葱葱, 我们的身体将更健康With less pollution , our planet will become greener and our health will be better .9成为绿色公民/ 成为环保者 be greener people让咱们成为环保者 。Let s be greener people .


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