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1、Unit 1 Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster学习目标与要求: 1.能正确使用与ever, never, just, yet, already等词连用的现在完成时。 2.学会读和写分数。3.通过阅读了解中国人口众多以及因此带来的社会问题和困难,警戒我们要重视人口问题。4.训练学生的阅读能力。第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step 1 Free talk1.Watch the video about the “The one-child policy”.2.Talk about

2、the “The one-child policy”.Step2 Read P13-1a and underline the following phrases.(在课本上划出下列内容)1) one fifth五分之一 2) living space居住面积 3)at the same time同时 4)the whole nation整个国家 5)a serious problem一个严峻的问题 6)so far到目前为止 7)has taken many measures to control the population采取措施控制人口(采取措施做某事_) 8) 因而著名is known

3、 for=_ 作为.而出名_= _;9)have a long way to go有很长的路要走 Step3语言点梳理。(自主学习:要求独立、安静完成)3.1 About one fifth of the people in the world live in China. 世界上大约五分之一的人口生活在中国。 【归纳 】五分之一 写法是“_”, 分数做定语,与所修饰的名词之间加了一个_, of后的people是集体名词,所以live用的是_ (单数复数)。【链接】1) 1/7 one seventh 2) 2/5 two fifths 3) 3/4 _ 4) 8/9 _5) 1/ 4 one

4、 fourth / a quarter 6) 1 / 2 one second / a ( one ) half从上面有关分数的英语表达方式中可看出,英文分数表达法:分子用_(基数词序数词),分母用_(基数词序数词),(也可以记为子基母序)先读_(分子分母)后读_(分子分母)。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词要变_(单数复数) ,直接在词尾加-s。【拓展】 1) Three fifths of the students have passed the exams. 3/5 的学生已经通过了考试。2)One half of the bread has gone bad because of bad

5、weather. 由于糟糕的天气,一半的面包坏了。由上面两句可看出: 分数后面可接可数名词,也可接_,谓语动词的单复数和_保持一致。 【反馈训练】3.1.1 ( ) Do you know _ of the students in our class hate math? (2020中考题)A. two three B. two third C. two thirds D. second three3.1.2 ( ) _ of the area _covered by trees. A. Two-third; is B. Two thirds; is C. Two-third; are D.

6、Two thirds; are 3.2 So far, our government has taken many measures to control the population. 到目前为止,我们政府已经采取了很多措施 来控制人口的增长。【归纳 】“采取措施做某事”意为_“到目前为止”意为_ ,上面整句话的时态是_.【链接】We have learnt over 2000 words so far. 到目前为止,我们已经学了2000多个单词了。从这可得知,so far常与_ (填时态)连用。3.3 It has worked well in controlling Chinas pop

7、ulation. 它在控制中国人口方面取得了显著的成效。 【归纳】 “_” 意为“在做某事方面很有成效” 【链接】1)You have to work at them. 你得在它们那方面下工夫。2)I have worked out that math problems. 我已经算出那道数学题。3)Dont worry, Im working on it . 别担心,我正在处理这件事。归纳:1)“在.方面下工夫”意为_ 2)“算出”意为_3)“处理”意为_【反馈训练】3.3.1( ) Li Lei _ the math problems all by herself.A. works out

8、B. works C. works in D. works on 第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记内容一:熟读本节课的单词及短语。 内容二:小组成员核对模块一中的语言点梳理。 模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记任务一:Read 1a and match the main idea with each paragraph. Finish P13-1b.任务二:Read 1a again and complete the table.任务三:Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given word

9、s or phrases. 模块四:当堂训练(独立完成)( ) 1. The question is _ difficult than that one. So he still cant answer it.A. much too B. much more C. far less D. far too( ) 2. _ of the area _ covered by trees.A. Two-third; is B. Two thirds; is C. Two-third; are D. Two thirds; are( ) 3. The new policy has _ improving

10、 our environment.A. been good at B. done well in C. been weak in D. worked well in( ) 4. Doing eye exercises _ well in _ our eyesight. A. work; protecting B. works; protect C. works; protecting D. work; protect( ) 5. The worlds population has become one of _ in the world today. A. the greatest probl

11、em B. the greatest problems C. the greatest questions D. the greatest question( ) 6. She liked playing football when she was young . - _A. So he was. B. So was he. C. So did he. D. So he did.( ) 7. _ the population of Beijing? A. How much is B. Whats C. How many is D. What is the number( ) 8. The fa

12、rmers _ half of the oranges on the farm so far.A. picked B. have picked C. were picking D. pick( ) 9. The temperature in the day-time is higher than _ at night.A. it B. one C. that D. those( ) 10. Edison was known _ a great inventor.A. in B. as C. on D. for( ) 11.Do you know _ of the students in our class hate math?A. two three B. two third C. two thirds D. second three二、完成句子1. The worlds population is growing _ _ _ (越来越快).2. _ _ (至今), he has learnt about 1,000 English words.3. The boss hoped to solve the


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