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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Have you ever been to a museum课题Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum? Section A 1a 2d课型新授课教学目标语言知识目标:1. 通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句型,激发调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型:amusement park, space museum, water park, neither Have you ever been to a museum?Yes, I have /No, I havent How about

2、/what about? How are we going to get there? We can take the subway/情感态度价值观目标:通过询问别人曾经去过哪些有趣的地方,引导学生学会与别人分享快乐,发现身边美好事物。重点1、掌握本课时的重点单词和短语的用法。2、 掌握现在完成时的用法。难点1. 能熟练运用单词和短语在情境中交流。2. 能用现在完成时表达自己的观点教学用具录音机,多媒体教学环节说 明二次备课复习The important words what we learned新课导入 Check the homework.课 程 讲 授Step 1 T: Hello, b

3、oys and girls! Its time for class! How was your homework? Lets check it.Ss: OK!Let students do oral revision in the process of checking homework.T: Show pictures on the PPT, and let students say whats this to recall the words we have learnedPresent new words 1.T: show some pictures like the Terracot

4、ta Army, the Great Wall, the Birds Nest, the Palace Museum Let some Ss answer your questions using the words : Have you visited the Palace Museum? Have you been to the Great Wall? .Ask Students to read and try to remember these words. Then, finish 1a. Answers: CADBDo pair work and make the conversat

5、ion.1. T: Let Ss learn to use these new words and make conversations with their partner.2. Let some pairs show their conversations.For example:S1: Have you visited the Palace Museum?S2:No, I havent. Have you been to.?S1:Yes,.Work on 1b 1. T : Tell Ss to listen and check the questions you hear T: The

6、 teacher plays the recording for the Ss to listen and check. 2. Check the answer after listening.Answers: 1,3,5Work on 1c1. T: Now, please look at the chart in 1c. Tell Ss to listen again and write down the words .Name: _Country: _How long in China _Places visited: _Food: _Ss: Ss listen to the tape

7、carefully and fill in the charts.2. The teacher plays the recording again and check the answers with the class.Talk (1d)1. Take 1d as the example, and let Ss say what places you have been to.For example:I have been to the Birds Nest, I went there last year by plane.2. T: Let Ss show their practice t

8、o the class. Group work1. T: Divide Ss into several groups.2. Let Ss choose one students to be surveyor from their groups.3. The surveyor needs to make a survey about what places they have been to .4. Choose several surveyors to show their survey results to the class.T: The teacher pays more attenti

9、on to the grammar mistakes.小结I. have _(be) to the park for three times.2. Have you ever _(argue) with your friend?3. Tom _(go) to the aquarium four times last year.4. I have never _(see) this kind of fruit before.5. Linda often _ (study) with her classmates after class.6. We _ (visit) the space muse

10、um tomorrow.7. Lets _ (sing) a song for our parents.8. We planned to go out, but ended up _ (watch) TV at home. 作业布置Make a survey about where your friends and parents have been to, and write them down to make some paragraphs.板书设计 Have you visited the Palace Museum?S2:No, I havent. Have you been to.?S1:Yes,.


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