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1、 下期中质量检测八年级英 语 试 卷 一、听力技能 (20分)第一节1. A. Take a train B. Ride a bike C. Take a bus2. A.Bananas B. Grapes C. Apples3. A. Hot dogs B. Beijing duck C. Hamburger4. A. Walking B. Running C. Dancing5. A. Wash hands B. Do homework C. Play basket 第二节6. What does the boy want to be in the future?A. Bus driver

2、 B. Teacher C. Singer 7. How is the weather in Beijing? A. Sunny B. Snowy C. Rainy8. How old was the man when he met Judy? A. Seven years old B. Thirteen years old C. Fourteen years old9. Who did Henry go to the countryside with? A. His friends B. His parents C. His brother10. Whats Lucy looking for

3、? A. Her bag B. Her hat C. Her egg第三节11. What is Peter going to do this weekend?A. Go to the movies B. Play football C. Watch TV at home12. What does Peter liking doing now?A. Playing football B. Playing tennis C. Playing table tennis13. Who did Mary go shopping with? A. Jack B. Laura C. Lucy14. Wha

4、t did Mary buy A. A pair of shoes and some fruit. B. Some fruits and some clothes C. A pair of shoes and some clothes.15. What is Marys favorite color? A. Red. B. Green C. Blue 第四节About LisaFromCanadaTime to come to ChinaOn 16._, 2006Lives with17. _Likes doing18._ and paintingFavorite subject19. _Ab

5、out Chinese peopleThinks they are 20. _二、知识使用第一节 单项选择题 (10分) ( ) 21. - Did you buy _ last month. No, I bought nothing. A. special anything B. anything special C something special ( ) 22. -_I went to the beach. . A. How did you go there? B. How was your vacation? C. Where did you go on vacation? ( )

6、23. do you go to school by bike? Twice a week. A. How soon B. How often C. How long ( ). 24. - What does she do on weekends? - She sometimes _. She likes walking around in the supermarkets. A. uses the Internet B. watches TV C. goes shopping( ). 25.- Do your parents often play soccer? -No, _. They a

7、re too busy. A. hardly ever B. sometimes C. usually ( )26. - Are you as _as your sister? A. friendly B. friendlier C. less friendly( ) 27. Our country is becoming _. A. stronger and stronger B. more and more strong C. strong and strong( ) 28. Lisa is than her sister. A. more smarter B. much smarter

8、C. more smart ( )29. He is different his brother, but he is similar his father. A. from, from B. to, to C. from, to ( ).30. -_ do you think _ soap operas? -I dont mind them. . A. What; like B. How, like C. What, of( ) 31. -Why do you often go to Movie Palace? -Because it has _ seats of all the cinem

9、as. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. more comfortable ( ) 32. - Which is the _ clothes store in town? - Dream Clothes. Its worse than Blue Moon. A. worst B. worse C. best ( )33. I hope to _whats going _ around the world. A. look for , on B. find out, on C. find out , in ( ) 34. Thanks me! A

10、. for telling B. to tell C. for tell ( ) 35. Bill is a(n) _ boy, so he has lots of friends. A. tall B. outgoing C. serious第二节 完形填空 (10分)Do you have a healthy lifestyle(生活方式)? I think I _36_. First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk food, _37_ I hardly ever eat it. I eat fruit and vegetable

11、s every day. Maybe they are not very delicious, but they are _38_ for health. Second, I take _39_ every day. It says if people run every day, they will have _40_ hearts than others. So I run _41_ thirty minutes every morning. Third, I have good living habits. I try to _42_ eight hours every day. Tha

12、t _43_ me to be energetic(精力充沛的) the next day. And I can study better and get better grades. What do you _44_ my lifestyle? Can you learn something _45_ it?.( )36. A. am B. like C. do( )37 A. but B. and C. so( )38. A. good B. bad C. late( )39. A. cleaning B. exerciseC. homework( )40. A. healthy B. healthier C. healthiest( )41. A. for B. at C. on( )42. A. spend B. sleep C. practice( )43. A. stops B. helps C. makes( )44. A.



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